Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

I would post a note of caution on the two switches thing. First my NAS is plugged into the same switch as the streamer, so in terms of the network path for the audio data I’m not cascading two switches. Second the improvement I heard was marginal (and so may have been only temporary for whatever reason) and indeed may be nothing more than a small change rather than a definitive improvement.

As even results in my system may well not be reproducible in other peoples system.
(One a scientist always a scientist - so hence all the caveats!)

:small_blue_diamond:@Xanthe, @Darkebear.

In order to easily get a picture of your perceived improvement with two switches.

From 1 to 10

On a scale of 1 to 10,.where 1 is very little perceived improvement.
And 10 is very great improvement.

:small_orange_diamond:Where would you place your experience on this scale.??


:small_blue_diamond:@TiberioMagadino,.I know :wink::grin:.!

For me/us it is Completely Uninteresting,.when the product is fully developed.
Then it is only the ears,.and the other senses,that determine how the product works in the music-system and the room.

:black_small_square:However,.this scale of 1 to 10 is widely used in health care.
Often as a pain-scale,.in order to easily get an idea how much pain,for example,.a cancer-patient has.

We use it often as a good tool,.when our group is doing listening-tests.
Then you get quickly in place,.a view,what each person thinks after each music section,during a listening-test.


Just a slight thread drift … I once had to fill in a hospital form that included the 1-10 number scale on how I assessed my own pain. This was a very obscure question for me & I asked the nurse what level of pain amounts to 10, the answer was that 10 is the same as childbirth.
OK … I just took a guess & hoped the surgeon is better trained than whoever designed the questionnaire & the nurses observation skills


:small_blue_diamond:@Mike-B,…Oops :grin:,.yes,.we men hardly have any experience of that.
We stand just beside and look stupid.

But the pain-scale was very helpful,.when my now passed away girlfriend had cancer.
When we were at home,.I asked her several times a day about this.
Then I knew exactly how she was feeling.


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:small_blue_diamond:A Quick Report,.my Cableoholic-friend has plugged in two Cisco 2960 in his music-system.

He called and said it was,.quote…
“A big difference to the better”.

I,.and the others will go there at 16.00,so this was just a quick-reported listening-impression from my friend by phone.

:small_orange_diamond:Ps: So,.sorry @frenchrooster,it doesn’t look so promising out for your part.


Yes, an odd way of expressing it as less than 50% of people can use that as a reference point.

I’m also a member of a TN (trigeminal neuralgia) support group and there are a number there who’ve experienced both…
They generally rate TN as 12 or 13 on the 10 = childbirth scale.

I had the distinct impression it was a Safety Elf form passed down from back office & the level of actual relevance = <1 on the 1-10 scale
F.T.F.F (fill the form first) (other translations are probably correct) … real measurement with ECG & MRI depts are waiting

I’ve suffered TN on and off for three years now, and I’d rate the pain as varying between “someone’s pouring molten lead down my forehead and across the eye socket” and “stop stabbing me in the temple with that furshlugginer dagger!”

Apologies to Mr Blue Jean for the subjective nature of the measurement.

When I was asked about the pain level on a 1 to 10 scale it was qualified with “where 10 is the worst pain you have ever had”. I didn’t want to admit to 10 so said 8 instead :smiley:

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Peder, i guess your friend is not using a Melco as music server.

I thought that the Melco also act as a switch. If so with one Cisco as @frenchrooster and myself has couldn’t that with the Melco be sen as two “high quality” switches?

If not. Where do you think I should put a second Cisco switch?

My setup is ND555, Melco, Cisco, a 20 meter Supra Ethernet to a Netgear Nighthawk router on the first floor. That one is also providing wired Ethernet to the 2nd floor (Netgear switch for tv etc) and to the 3rd floor (MuSo). The Netgear “in” is through another 20 m Supra Ethernet connected to the router provided by our internet supplier which is in the entrance.

I prefer my more flexible scale, in which 0 is ‘never read the Ethernet and Cables Mania thread’ and 2238 is ‘read all of the posts in the Ethernet and Cables Mania thread.’ :hot_face:


I was told 10 is worst pain you can possibly imagine. Never been there, fortunately, but if I was in A&E waiting to be seen, or trying to get higher up a waiting list, I’d be inclined to exaggerate

Too fine a scale - trying to tell the difference between, say, 1000 and 1001 is like comparing the sound of Ethernet cables…

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I think you just get more pain relief rather than jump the queue. I got pushed down the list and I’d arrived in a helicopter :slight_smile:

I was asked to rate the pain on 1 to 10 with 10 as the worst pain I could imagine. I figured being flayed alive must be a touch uncomfortable, so I decided that in comparison my pain was maybe 5 or 6. But it was a 9 or 10 compared with the worst pain I’ve ever had. But either way, it is a stupid measurement. What if you had lead a sheltered life and the worst pain you had ever face was an oopsie on you little finger?

:small_blue_diamond:On the way to Cableoholic…:stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:.

@anon35279323,.I’ll answer later.


Enjoy :face_with_monocle::musical_score:
Where in Sweden lives your friend?

:small_blue_diamond:@anon35279323,…Short answer while we drink coffee :grin:,.he lives in Luleå.
And I in Boden,.distance 37-38km.
Now back to the music.

:small_orange_diamond:Ps: But Gunnar,.I think Darkebear has a similar Melco that you have,and ND555.
And it was he who released this “bomb” about double switches.


When I had acute appendicitis 7 years ago, I would say that’s the worst pain I have ever felt and classed as 10 for me. Crippling it was. My constant back pain is about a 6 normally upping to 8 when it’s really bad.