Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Indeed - My NAS is the Melco which is directly connected to ND555 without any switch in-between!

So what I’m reporting previous is up-stream toward the internet side of the house network where I have a 2960 feeding the above Melco via one port (the Melco then feeds the ND555 via its own ‘quiet’ port).
The other 2960 port connects to the 2940 switch that in turn connects to the House Router/ADSL-internet device.
So I’m more thinking it allows any HiFi generated Ethernet signals and associated noise to normalize themselves before they then connect onward to the outer-world of my house and then the Internet.

So it may - may - just be that the extra stages of balanced Ethernet cables reduces circulating noise - as well as any specific switch qualities of sifting-out unwanted traffic and regeneration of quieter edges and possibly rejecting inbound noise and regenerating a quieter signal to the HiFi.


:small_blue_diamond:To both @Xanthe and @Darkebear,.are you shy :wink:.
Both of you,.have not responded where you place your experience of dual switches on the 1 to 10 scale.


I think that @Darkebear use his 2940 as I use my Netgear Nighthawk. To distribute wired Ethernet to the rest of the house.

Could make sense that it’s an advantage to have a dedicated switch just before the NAS.

Difference between PB and myself is that I also need WiFi so therefore a router.

So the question remain. Will the sound change if I put in a new Cisco switch between the Cisco switch :wink: and the Netgear router?

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I connected a netgear switch now between my router and the Cisco switch ( which connects to the Melco). The Melco is connected also to the nds.
I will test and report very soon.

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Are we crazy or just close to be :woozy_face::nerd_face:?

…on a scale of 1 to 10. Where 1 is crazy…


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I don’t like rating something that can’t be rated - that is why! :bear:

A worthwhile improvement I like and will keep - rather than arbitrarily removing it to align with something I don’t have to align to. I use what works - then wonder why later when it is a free upgrade.

More than a fancy mains lead Poweline upgrade lets say.



I compared the netgear g105 connected to the router with generic cat 6 cable ( netgear between the router and Cisco) vs only Cisco connected to the router. I prefer the later: a bit more natural, open, better balanced, airier , and better separated instruments.
Perhaps a second Cisco with audioquest vodka or diamond would give a different results. I don’t know.
What I know is that I feel it tiring to compare different set up indefinitely.
I will next will have to try the BJ cat 6a.
This never ends …

My main switch, to which my NDX is connected, is a Cisco WS-C2960CG-8TC-L v03, My NAS (a Synology) connects to a Cisco WS-C2960PD-8TT-L, which replaced a little Netgear four-port switch. This connects via Cat6 to the other Cisco.

Despite trying a variety of cables (including the fabled BJC) between the NAS and Cisco, there was no audible difference between the Netgear and Cisco.

A good short video by Paul McGowan of PS Audio on the endless cable debate.
He talks about speaker cables and interconnects, but his arguments generally also cover ethernet cables.

The pain of reading some of the posts in this thread is about 11 on the ‘Spinal Tap’ volume scale.

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Well, putting that Netgear before a Cisco isn’t a wise idea - the cheap switch could be producing MORE noise than the router, which the Cisco then has to deal with both; I would think cascading two or more high quality switches would have more of an impact. But get a pair of opticalModules and decent power supplies and then we can talk about multiple reclockings truly sounding better (or an etherRegen). The opticalModules are a much bigger jump than Netgear 105 to Cisco 2960 (been there, done that).

It’s difficult to be noiser vs my crap router…Maybe there are other issues with cascading different quality switches and Ethernet cables…

I liked reading the about page on their website. I’ve never owned any of their equipment.

A few weeks ago I bought a second Cisco WS-C2960G-8TC-L to put to use in the room where my TV is (I paid 35 euro). So today I thought why not try it in my main system?
I have two of the same type 2960. The first one I bought is placed close to the ND555 with a NUC/Roon connected to the same switch. I was not able to hear any difference between a Chord Indigo and C-stream a little while ago, so I moved on the Indigo.
The second Cisco is now placed close to my router (on the floor). There is a 10 meter cat7 cable in between the switches and a 1,5 meter cat5e between router and switch. I use the same type of unbranded cat5e between the NUC and the first switch.
I use some “fancy” power cables I got with some Naim gear on both switches. Shunyata I think.

I am afraid I have to say I am able to hear a difference. A positive difference. It was easy to detect.

I would also not like to rate the effect. But I have two power supplies on the ND555, so I am fine with having two switches. I would like to add that I am a cable sceptic/agnostic but I hear what I hear I guess. I am not a switch sceptic, that is for sure! I might have to get a third Cisco now…

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Apologize, Oyaide cables. They look fancy and both names sound Japanese to me.

some years ago you would read here … I tried one powerline between …and I liked it and then two of them but the third one on …revelation …until I shifted the NAPSC on the floor and …
I have the seek feeling you re all working from the same script sorry

If you have a crap router, why not switch broadband supplier to one that hands out good routers?

:small_blue_diamond:At home after a very interesting test-afternoon/evening.
Dual-Cisco’s, Powercable, Interconnect.

@Darkebear,…All I can say about dual Cisco’s is…Wow :stuck_out_tongue:.
Report is coming.

:small_orange_diamond:Pictured below,.just teasing :grin:


Not possible to change it. It’s the commercial router for my tv, phone and Ethernet.