Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

How about 200 used 2960’s instead of one Chord Music ethernet cable!

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:small_blue_diamond:As OP,.I don’t know if it is the so-called special English humour,.but we Swedes understand in any case not,some later posts above.
I mention no names.

We perceive them as sardonic and ironic.
So we would appreciate,.if we stick to the topic of the thread,and discuss from listening-impression and experience,.and ask interested questions.Thanks.


In the UK it’s easy and free to change Broadband provider (as long as your contract allows it without penalty).

And the new provider will send you a different router before the switchover date.

So if you picked one that provides a good quality router (e.g. Orange?) you’d get a better built (hopefully less electrically noisy) router.

IIRC from my telco days (98-07) I seem to recall that domestic BB is a privatised market also in France…?

if so, you are not tied to your ‘crappy router’…

And you might get a good deal for switching too if you ask them nicely!

No - just a smart TV and Computer in lounge I tend to turn-off when listening to the HiFi seriously. The TV has a (to me now) known effect when on of slightly dulling the bass but it is not a large effect - and possibly the 2960 reduced that a bit anyway.

No it was just a response to people considering spending a lot of money on a perfect Ethernet cable to consider what may be also energizing these cables and changing the system architecture with a lot less expensive components.

But then you get the usual comments about using hundreds of switches if two sound better than one and the problem people have in trying anything for themselves without the approval of an authority figure to tell them it is ok.
It is just a box with a cable you plug-in - a child could do it and it still bemuses me why people get so frantic over something they do not want to believe - don’t try it.



I think what a lot of audiophiles haven’t figured out yet, coming from a traditional turntable or cd player set up, is that streaming isn’t necessarily a point A to B process like those. And that just as one would consider what arm and stylus to use on their expensive turntable, to really get great sound from streaming one needs to consider what switch(es), optical convertors, cables, power for those etc etc. Of course one can also just plug and play, but probably isn’t getting the best their gear can sound if not tweaking what comes before it.


:small_blue_diamond:@Darkebear,…I have,.as the OP,just above written about this particular.

So hopefully we will not have such childishness any more.
That category is available on all forums,.it’s like @NigelB write,nothing to bother about…


I upgraded to two Paul Pang OCXO dual switches from a single Cisco 2960G-8TC-L and the result I get is extremely low noise floor :grinning:


I think a Cisco switch six-pack would be the appropriate nod to history here. Bonus points for pronouncing it correctly after a couple of drinks.

My system has a ~ 10m cable run from router to the lone 2960 switch, but… I just noticed there’s a completely unused wall outlet sitting at the halfway point…

Might hit the auction site for a second Cisco. Seems worth a cheapish punt based on recent comments here.

Same here. There is a need for multiple switches in networks, it’s nothing out of the ordinary. I have three for my entire network.

Nothing wrong with a little humor. You need to lighten up a bit - it’s only stuff (freaking cables and switches), not life and death issues. And thicken the skin a bit as there will always be non-believers about anything out there and wanting to challenge. Just ignore it and like you said report your observations without trying to be such a moral authority over it all.


:small_blue_diamond:@charlesphoto,…Hi,.I was not referring to you,.but to others.

I,.@Darkebear and others have reacted.
Since this is not an English forum,.but an international forum.
We should not take it for granted,.that everyone should understand any English humour.
But I have as the OP conveyed the message,.now we return to the topic of the thread :smiley:.


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It’s not possible or perhaps with geek abilities…

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When did you decided to use 2 Paul pang switches. Since the recent posts or before these?
You wrote about lower noise floor. But how is the sound improved ? The prat isn’t diminished a bit?

I have an extra cisco 2960 that I’m not using but I don’t see the point in inserting another switch in such a close proximity of my current 2960.

I have a Muso in the other room that I have meshed in via Airport Express (extended network) that occasionally buffers when in Multi room mode. I considered adding the cisco to the mesh in hopes of ameliorating the buffering but I wasn’t sure if this would work. Can anyone comment on this?

People trying stuff and liking, disliking or no-difference is interesting for me to read. I’m not that bothered by obtaining any authoritative conclusive results but just the trend of what may be more important and not so important.

In general, once I realized in my system it was not just plug Ethernet into ND555 and all sorted no difference - then it was finding firstly what worked better, prioritizing this on how much better and then how much it all cost and was it worth the outlay.

I’m personally OK with not fully-understanding the ‘how-why’ before trying something first and I like to gather results in parallel with pondering what is happening. Pondering is for me a more powerful way ahead as it is mainly done in subconscious with access to creativity and not limited by pure intellectual reasoning - although I like to promote it to that level later as that allows for speculative experiment along some lines of thought. I find this more fun than arguing about stuff.

With the Ethernet cables I am hearing kinds of ‘tuning’ effects and ‘linearity’ effects around what is being tuned. What seemed missing was the Elephant in the room of ‘what is driving the cables?
It seems that active devices pumping a high frequency signal of a few volts into a cable and then mediating this may at least merit some relevance to consideration.

But there is a tendency to only look at what the device is meant to be as designed - rather than what it actually is irrespective of the design intent. If I design a load of ‘boxes’ and put a series of resonant circuits inside them and provide power and shield around these so that the EM radiation generated withing is trapped and can only exit in certain places, or has an easier path in places - then find what you place on those exit paths influences how things seem to behave, then I’m not really surprised.

Naming such things as ‘Switch’, ‘Streamer’ or ‘Database’ does not mean they somehow tamely and obediently go against laws of physics and conform to my new expectations that I have named them as such so they will behave themselves. If something can it always does I find.

So ‘Ethernet Switch and Cable Mania’ is interesting if people take a step-back and just let the information posted inform them. Nobody has to believe what they don’t want - it is nothing to do with belief but just information and experiment. :slightly_smiling_face:



Well, if you have it already, why not try it when you get a chance? Advancements in Hifi and other areas have generally been by designers who see beyond ‘the point.’ It could be nothing, or you could kick yourself for not having done it a long time ago. Hypothesizing on internet forums is one thing, actually trying something is another.

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Let the people eat ‘crappy routers’ says Orange…
You need an ISP revolution en France!

The Ethernet and tv and phone are provided by a same commercial router, like Orange, SFR…
It’s not the same in UK ? The name is box SFR or box Bouygues…in France. I think it’s the same for most people, not ?


No. In the UK each ISP will source its own router, either by designing one from scratch and getting it produced by a manufacturer (e.g. BT Home Hub), or by buying one off the shelf with some software and/or hardware tweaks.
I’m not up to date on the specifics, but next time I switch ISP this will be my top criterion and I’ll research it thoroughly at that time.

Have you tried Livebox 5 from Orange? Just came out replacing number 4. We have not changed yet.

I am not sure I will call the Orange routers “crappy” . We have never had problems with Orange and their internet nor Mobil network.