Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

So you can buy separately the router of your choice and the provider like Orange provides only Ethernet, tv, phone, but no material ?

Itā€™s crappy if you connect your streamer and nas directly to it.

No, the ISP will AFAIK just have 1 router.
But some ISPs routers will be better than others in terms of build quality and the amount of electrical noise they produce and send flying into your ethernet cable towards your beloved Cisco and NDS.

What I did in Sweden I put a Netgear router directly after the local internet provider as their router did not handle more than 4 users at the same time. And all our mobile, iPads etc were connected to the Netgear.

Have not tried and can not as they are to far away. But the Orange router handle more users than the Swedish opƩrateur we had.

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We can buy our own modems and routers in the states. Itā€™s common for the ISP to provide modems though and in recent years theyā€™ve been providing modems with built in routers but they appear to be low quality for the most part.

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I connect my hifi to the Cisco, which is connected to the commercial router. But I donā€™t think I can change the router.

I really wouldnā€™t get too hung up about it FR.

Hung about ? = consider another router ? I think you are right, all routers are relatively crap. Itā€™s the reason why we connect dedicated switches to it.

I have an Asus modem (that supplies a single ISP) with coax in and one RJ45 out which then goes to an Airport Extreme which supplies the ISPā€™s to all devices as wells WiFi of course, which then feeds into the main Cisco 2960. The modem is powered by a rail of an HDPLEX linear power supply (only because it was there and available), and the Airport is on a different circuit from everything else. Just updated the cable to and from the Airport with BJC Cat6 and the coax to the modem with BJC Belkin. No idea if all of this really makes any difference in sound quality, or if so by how much, but my local files on the SSD in the Roon NUC now sound almost exactly the same as Qobuz, and that wasnā€™t always the case.

I donā€™t know how to do it. Ask one day but the response was that itā€™s not so easy to do. And I am not convinced that it will change positively the sound, or just very marginally.
I use the Cisco 2960 dedicated switch for my Melco and Nds.

My only concern for a next future will be a better switch vs the Cisco or another Cisco.
For the router, I was just responding to Jimdog. But thanks for that info.

What benefits can be expected from separate subnets for music and other things?

Are separate subnets difficult or fraught with problems to set up?

Thanks in advance,

:small_blue_diamond:Excellent post,.with this fitting conclusion.


Some ISP routers you can put into modem mode and miss out all itā€™s routing abilities so all it does is feed the internet directly into you own choice of router. This for me is of more benefit and allows better control of my network as I can then choose best possible router for my needs.

My router has only three ports one in and two out , one of which can only be used for another vlan. Then I have switch connected to this that feeds two more switches and everything else on my network.

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So, how many Cisco switches are required, Iā€™ve lost count. And which cable is now the go to one?

:small_blue_diamond:@CrystalGipsy,ā€¦I have done as you describe above.


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The world is your Oyster


:small_blue_diamond:@Mike_S,ā€¦How can you have done that :thinking:.?

Itā€™s just @Darkebear and I,.who have reported results with dual Ciscoā€™s.

And @BigIsaac,.have reported the result with two Paul Pang OCXO dual switches.

@Xanthe and @frenchrooster,.have reported results with one Cisco 2960 and one Netgear.

ā€¢ I have only reported the end-result,.details come when I get the inspiration to write it down.


I was been cheeky. But Iā€™m glad that I didnā€™t buy one.

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I also have two switches before the Atom, Unifi switch then 2 X 2960 one in each room, but I canā€™t say I did it for better sq nor did I notice it change when I did but I was never listening for it. Its purely practicality of running a lot of network gear in my house.