Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Had an Audioquest Vodka arrive today, after I got Cisco Switch thought I’d try it. So have an Audioquest cinammon going to the switch from the router, then the vodka from switch to NDX2. I don’t know if I’m going mental but everything seems to sound worse than my £10 cat 7 cable. Vocals raspy, almost sounds like everything’s very slightly distorted. Is it a matter of waiting for it to settle? Wishing I hadn’t entered this Ethernet chaos :rofl: seems no one really knows if they improve/make worse or have zero effect at all. No offence. Maybe that’s why it’s a never ending discussion :slight_smile: should I give it a few more days to settle or just send them back? Might just punt for the blue jeans cables everyone seems to rave about. Or stick with the cat 7 I already had…

My ISP will supply a router (they charge for delivery) but I have never taken them up on it - I use my own (currently a TP-Link Archer, previously a Billion of some sort). Another router that has been supplied to me by an ISP has been SageMCom of some sort, but never used it.

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Personally if t sounds bad on day one its not going to improve much and for the price should be an instant upgrade. Some say they burn in I did not notice this with the WireWorld and still don’t as I slipped it back in as Futureshop insisted I give it more time. A week in still the same.

Tune Dem if it’s sounds better it is, same goes the other way, if sounds bad it is.

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We used these cables…

:small_blue_diamond:I can start a little bit carefully,.with telling about our listening-test.

We used and tested these cables between Cisco1 and Cisco 2.
Top and then down…

• TaraLabs 1,5m cost €470:-.
• Oyaide 1m cost €141:-.
• AQ Diamond 0,75m,is actually 0.92 cost €706:-.
• AQ Vodka 1,5m,is actually 1,67m cost €358:-.
• Entreq 1m cost €282:-.

There was a difference in soundquality between all these five cables,.between Cisco1 and Cisco 2.
:small_orange_diamond:The winner in this music-system was…

  1. AQ Diamond,.then…
  2. AQ Vodka.
  3. TaraLabs.
  4. Entreq.
  5. Oyaide.

We also tested the direction of all cables.
All had an arrow that marked the direction of the cable,.except Oyaide.
But we still tested the direction of all cables.

All eight,.who participated in this listening-test,heard a difference in the direction on these cables.

Continuation follows…


I found the Cinnamon to be awful in my simple system. I much prefer the BJC cat 6 or cat 6a.


Hi Chris, our streamers use reliable transport control protocol for the media transfer. (TCP)
The inter frame timing improvement happens at a lower level , and can be improved in some scenarios by using aggregated Ethernet such as etherchannel, where there are multiple concurrent data flows between switches.

I have the vodka too. The first hours the sound is bright and aggressive. You will have to run it at minimum 50 hours to see how it can sound. After really 100 hours it is ok.
Try to run in for tv or pc, and connect it at minimum after 50 hours.
@Darkebear could also testify relatively the same.


Just realised installing it I’d knocked a my powerline cables and speaker cables so they were touching, maybe that had something to do with it. Also changed the ports, sounds a little better. Will give it some time to settle down and go from there. Thanks. :+1:t3:

I wish Naim would just supply a list of the best equipment to use for your system to get the best results, would make life so much easier :grin:


Naim will never do that, apart if he produces one day its own Ethernet cables or switches. Not only Naim but no other company would have an interest to do that. It would depreciate the image of their components.

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I personally don’t criticise your findings and the positive results of two Cisco switches.
However I find it a bit weird and I don’t like too many boxes too.
But I will probably test this Cisco cascade unfortunately…

Do you have a switch as well? Does that mean you have two vodkas?

:small_blue_diamond:@Mon,…I can also confirm this,.I have three AQ Vodka.
Two 0,75m and one 1,5m.

And as Frenchrooster says,.connecting it to your TV is a good idea.
But I would probably give it at least 150-200 hours,.it goes fast if you have it to your TV.


Just as well I didn’t take your advice to buy one :thinking::joy:

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I have the Cisco and two audioquest 0,75 m and one vodka.
Router > vodka > cisco > diamond > melco > diamond > nds/ 555dr
Go for Cisco, you should not regret. Only problem with Cisco : A very hard used refurbished one can sound a bit edgy…
Mine is new . I sold my refurbished one.
But if you are lucky, you can find refurbished in good condition.

But you take my advice to buy two :smiley::grin:

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:small_blue_diamond:@Peter1480,.How has your experiment with a PetPed-solution for your Cisco gone.

Have you something interesting to report.?


I have just installed a nice little linear psu to my WD nas drive … holly moly yet more detail…unbelievable… I also have 2 switches in chain. Cisco 3750… and Aqvox SE … as mentioned before excellent results .
Sound quality very analogue in a good way…

How long have you got to decide?
Usually around 2 weeks.
Was it run in before being sent, or brand new and unused?
You should hang on for as long as possible.
Some Ethernet cables sound very messy on first use.
Hang on in there.
But as you can afford that cable I’d order a BJC right now to compare it with…


Mine took a run-in of a few days to get past worst spike of harshness on day 2-3, then just got better and better after a few weeks.

Tip with the Vodka cable is to try to let it hang off-floor between the boxes it connects freely - if you can. I found mine would go very bass-heavy if it was touching floor or a bit blunted and aggressive if touching other cables. So fussier than I’d like, but better than anything else I’ve tried yet - if you want vocal information and insight into a performance it is good I find.

But they go through a run-in harsh patch day 2-3 so get past that - if by a week it is not doing anything for you then probably it may not be to your taste.


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Keep it running night and day if possible too.

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