Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

So you are the third to prefer cascade of 2 Ciscos. Maybe it acts as some turbo :grin::joy:


I think the idea is to get as noise free signal as possible to the system. Using a second dedicated switch gives that further degree of isolation from all the other traffic on the local net.


Yes , I knowā€¦just some humorā€¦

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:small_blue_diamond:What Naim,.and especially Linn,BELIEVE,.is completely uninteresting to me/us.
I/We,.only trust our own ears and minds :wink:.

:small_orange_diamond:The difference was not small,.in our listening-test of dual Ciscoā€™s and cables two days ago.

It is a concrete result,.not what anyone BELIEVE.

Ps: I forgot,.BJC Cat6a was also in the test,placed between Cisco1 and Cisco 2.
But it was quite uninteresting in this bunch of cables,.so we picked it off quite promptly.

Therefore,.I forgot about it.

ā€¢But,.the sound quality from dual Ciscoā€™s touched my musical soul,itā€™s probably the best way to describe it.
All of a sudden I was thinking,.YES,.this is how it should play :+1:t2:.


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It probably does but if you want to do it right use fibre.

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Hi guys ā€¦ I want to ask a question and get advice on how to do it: having an Apple Airport Extreme router it would be more appropriate to connect it to the Telecom Italia modem router or to Swicht Cisco 2960? Who has an Airport Extreme how did it connect? * Please reply ā€¦ Thank you.:pray:

My connection:

Modem>Airport Extreme>Cisco2960>1) NAS 2) SuperUniti

My connection wifi is : modem> ethernet cable> airport.
Then there is the connection of the Cisco swich via ethernet cable on the modem.
The Unit and the WD NAS are connected to Cisco.

All depends if the modem or the Airport is handing out the ISPā€™s. In my setup the modem doesnā€™t, so I go modem> AP>2960.

Here in sort of lies the problem you basically admit you live in your own private bubble yet tell us all with no humility everything you hear is the truth.


Ok folks the Cisco is gorn. Absolutely no need for it whatsoever.


Ok. Cisco gorn - direct to router. The full Blue Jeans - WOW!
Vodka gorn.

Feet are tapping, trousers are nearly flapping.

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I only have one cable from the modem. Your modem has 2 cables? Iā€™m not an expert but it seems like this should work.

I had to read that twice. What utter twaddle. You donā€™t own any Naim gear but you presume to know or, worse, dictate whatā€™s best for us that do.

And again, what Linn DSM are you using? I have asked but you seem unwilling to answer.


You are joking ?

Yes, the Telecom Italia modem has 4 RJ 45 gigabite ports ā€¦

:small_blue_diamond:@garyi,ā€¦If you had followed the thread,.you had seen and understood Linnā€™s relationship with switches and cables.

Then you had not tried to misinterpret my post as you do,.but I suspect it is deliberate from you to create a discussion.
All the posts from you have been attempted to provoke.
But,.as I have also written about earlier,and as Swedenā€™s largest and most merited Linn-dealer also does.
Namely trying to get Linn to understand,.and take responsibility for cables,internal-cables etc,etc.

Donā€™t interpret what I have written,.just to try to be sarcastic and start a discussion.
And then,.Iā€™m not surprised that some of the ā€œtech-specā€-gang follow you.
We in our group,.and on the forums in Sweden,we listen and test.
We donā€™t just sit and think,.and discuss.

And the result is what we are presenting here,.as also many others do.
If you Garyi,.have a problem with that,well then you will have to keep that problem for yourself. Againā€¦Simply as that.

As well,.who I am and what knowledge,experience I have,.is overall described in my profile.
You Garyi,.have for some reason your profile hiddenā€¦Why.?

ā€¢But Garyi,.Iā€™m not going to answer you any moreā€¦
I have far earlier in the thread,moreover several times,posed a few questions to youā€¦that you have avoided,not wanted to answer to.
Although,.I have repeat these questions a few times,but you refuse to answer,.you just been silent.

When you answering these questions,.we can continue to discussā€¦Simply as that.
Iā€™ve even copied my entire post below,.so that you shouldnā€™t take things out of context.

Darkebear seems,.in any case,to understand the post.
But,.heā€™s also a person who tests,instead of believing.

:black_small_square:And regarding Naim,.I commented on Hmackā€™s post below thatā€¦
ā€œthey (Naim) do not believe that choice of digital cables and switches matters a great deal.ā€

There have I,.our group,Darkebearā€¦and according to Frenchrooster 15 (so far),.who writes on this forum a completely different view. We think that switches and cables are important.

:small_orange_diamond:So again Garyi,.AND also TiberioMagadinoā€¦If you have a problem with that.
Well,.then you will have to keep that problem for yourself.
Againā€¦Simply as that.

:small_blue_diamond:TiberioMagadino wrote thisā€¦
ā€œwhat somebody else purports to hear should be of no interest.ā€

:red_circle: So,.@Darkebear,now you get to stop writing your interesting listening-presentations.
Because according to TiberioMagadino,.they are ā€œof no interestā€ :roll_eyes::grin:.
But,.if we are not going to share listening-impression,.then it is well just to put down the forum.

The other in TiberioMagadinoā€™s post,.I comment no more than sayā€¦Incredibly stupid.
Dave called it,ā€¦ā€œWhat utter twaddleā€.


:small_blue_diamond:@Dave,ā€¦You have asked many,many times. :wink:.


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Ok, that makes sense. You can experiment with different connections I think. If your modem is loud you might have better luck connecting the cisco to the airport. But if the airport is louder than your modem then direct is better. Someone may even suggest you get another cisco. But I wonā€™t. :smiley:

The vendors all tout the superiority of silver yet itā€™s not that much better than copper. Only a small increase in cable diameter is required. But for analogue connections the tonal balance of silver is skewed toward the upper end and I have never found silver times as well.

There seems to be a belief in some circles that the rarer and more expensive the materials, the better they will sound. In my experience that is certainly not invariably the case.