Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

You forgot to light the fuse! :rofl:


Err, no it doesn’t, the isolation between the network traffic is just as effective with one (functioning) network switch as it is with five!.

So why Michael hears a concrete improvement ? A psychological effect ? :nerd_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Not what he said, and not what I said.

He said that 2 cisco gave him better results in sound quality vs one. Michael thinks that 2 Cisco isolate better the noise that one.
But as you are concerned by my post, it was a question. So I didn’t said you said that…just asked if you think that.

He was saying that two switches gave better isolation of network traffic and that simply isn’t the case.

So I try a second time my question Xanthe : if the reason of the improvement of the sound is not better noise isolation, what can be the reason for you?

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100%, but I also like threads that get involved in trying something different, some interesting science based experimentation & with respectful exchanges of opinion.
This thread has gone obsessive, no logic, bordering insane, loony toon’s, it can no longer be taken seriously. It used to be mildly ‘amusing’ providing it was not taken seriously. It’s now past it’s sell by date, time to shut it down.

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In the post to which I answered MichaelF didn’t actually say that he gets a concrete improvement…

for the cisco switches (2960 CG) is it better to use the G or 10 port for the connection to the router? I assumed it doesn’t make a diff.

I understood it as an improvement…

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You must be right. He prefers two Cisco for aesthetical results :rofl::joy:

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And tomorrow the cd5i will smoke again the nd5xs2…? You are Mr Up and Down. :star_struck::rofl:

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:small_blue_diamond:TiberioMagadino,…You must end up with these ridiculous claims.
HOW can you know it.?

Some such qualities he has definitely not proven in this thread,.rather the other way around.

• Obey then your own advice,.and don’t hold on to spamming the entire forum about your Blue Jeans Cable :grin::joy::grin:.

:red_circle: And I prefer to read about the advice from Darkebear.
There is no one here,.or any dealer that I met on,.who has such an eye on all the details like Darkebear.

:small_blue_diamond:You and I stand so far apart in system-installation knowledge,.which two people can do.
This I have understood from many of your comments.
But also from your response to my figure 75-80%

Had you had any deeper knowledge in installation-work,.then you had drawn some conclusions when I mentioned that figure.

High Fidelity in Stockholm,.is counted by Linn as the best pure Linn-store in the world.
The two owners,I have known since 1983 and 1989.
Karl,.one of the owners,counts by Linn among the best,.if not the best on music-system installation.

When he arrives at Linn in Scotland,.they always will,that he check the installation on their system in their listening-room.
Karl is my friend,.and mentor.

I have also installed music-systems professionally,.and nonprofit since 1988 around Sweden.
Is still being hired by Linn and Naim people to install systems.
Draw conclusions of that.
Case closed.


I agree. It’s gotten far too pedantic on both sides of the cable coin. They’re only freakin’ cables that carry music. I’m glad to have been enlightened with Blue Jeans Cables which I never really considered as ‘audiophile’ grade cables, and the Cisco switches of course, and I’ll continue experimenting with multiple switches, fiber optic bridges etc. because I can, it’s a relatively cheap and fun exercise (well except for the Sonore FMC’s but they actually really work), I enjoy tinkering, and nothing to get hot and bothered under the collar about. There’s no ‘last word’ in this game, and none of it means s*%t in the big picture of life.


•This below,.was for 300 posts ago.

:small_blue_diamond:@Mike-B,…Then I think you should be a little creative,.and open such a thread.

Instead of taking you freedoms,.and insult us as writing in this thread.
No Swedish person,.would go into a thread and write such a post.
:black_small_square:Absolutely unbelievable.!

You are as usual absolutely incredible,.this thread has…
• 107 users.
• Over 10 700 views.
• Over 2400 posts.

We are waiting for many exciting presentations,.from those who are testing…
• Different cables.
• Shall try different switches.
• Different powercables impact on different switches.
• How to optimize its switch,.given the positioning,feet etc,etc.
• External Powersupply to your switch etc.

• As well as @Darkebear,.that released the bomb about dual Cisco’s for better soundquality.
• Also,.@Peter1480 PetPed solution.
• What torque-settings sounds best.?

Yes much,much is left.

This thread focuses on “soft values”,.we listen and use our minds when we evaluate,.not so much “tech-spec”.
When we plug in a cable,.the only thing that is interesting…

Sounds it Better or Worse.
As Simply As That…Just Listen.

We don’t need a Technical Ph.D. to determine if a cable is better.


Stephen I’ve bought a AQ cinnamon reading your post months ago, then an AQ vodka due to your glowing review, also a Cisco switch, now you’re saying they’re obsolete?? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Should’ve skipped straight to the end!!!


Peder I am simply calling you out. Some if not most of your replies on this thread seem utterly bizarre to me. You claim some fantastic and frankly fanciful things, yet you pop at me for questioning.

You cannot on the one had say ‘I don’t care what other companies/people think’ and on the other ‘this rubber foot made my 50 quid router ‘sound’ better’, without people like myself questioning, and yes frankly being rather cynical.

You can accept that or not, but you won’t bully me away!

Through the years I have done my own experiments. I am fortunate to have used many good speaker cables (I have mogwai? now) and many great analogue cables. I cannot say I remember their names and in all cases I cannot say for certain I heard any difference, I never missed them when they were gone.

I have great respect for naim, and I pray they dont go down this nonsense network route, because it is nonsense to my mind. I have said it before and I shall say it again, if you are so concerned with your music replay, presumably you removed your fridge and freezer from your home, think of all the power pollution!


Michael, nice thinking, but no sense as far as from data goes, as by definition a network switch separates out and decouples unicast data. It can’t be bettered by adding another switch… just simply on or off.

However having multiple network components may help where this is noise or earth loops in patch lead shields, and a separate switch could be acting as a ground break. Additionally if for some reason you have a source of a large amount of common mode analogue rf noise, a separate switch, could act as a analogue noise filter… a bit like a ferrite choke clamped around the ethernet lead.

However there are some notable SQ downsides with using multiple switches depending on setup.
If your network is busy then ensure you have your NAS/media server connected to your streamer switch.
If you don’t and connect to a different switch and you have other reasonably high traffic flows from your streamer switch, but you want the same network inter frame timing performance (important for peak SQ especially on legacy streamers)… then you will need to programme your Catalyst switches for Multi Layer Switch QoS and set your NAS to streamer flow and DSCP settings to a non elastic flow policy map, with a high queue priority. Such configuration is involved, and beyond the scope of this forum. But have all the guides for those that want to do… and yes I used to do with my NDX, and it made a subtle and worthwhile difference. Then my UPnP media server connected to a different switch to my streamer.

But in hindsight I could have achieved the same benefit by using just a larger single switch in a small equipment cabinet, but having more cable runs.

:small_blue_diamond:Garyi,…Same here,.as I said in my earlier post…goodbye.!!
BUT,.first some concluding words.

Music_Lover who tested and come up with the results of these rubber feet.
He is one of Sweden’s best on installation,.and very well known and respected.
He is personally acquainted with Ivor and Gilad (Linn),.and have forwarded many of his discoveries to them.

  1. I think most people here have more respect for Darkebear discoveries,who discovered this,.than your nonsense.

  2. All that I have said in this thread is general installation-knowledge in Sweden,.strange that you,and some in England lack this basic knowledge.
    Much of this,.is also stated together with Linn representatives.

And,.that you seem to lack the knowledge,and experience of fridge and freezer’s impact on a music-system says most of it.
This ALL knows in Sweden,.therefore they put them on a separate phase when installing their dedicated mains.

Had you been in Sweden,.so had I,@Music_Lover,.or anyone could have demonstrate this to you.
You and I have a significant difference in knowledge,.and with your attitude throughout the thread,so I now conclude this dialogue.
