Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

2960 8tt PD model with external ps. Or 2960 8tc

We all know that Xanthie. Itā€™s more in relation with Peder own history in this thread. He just asked to not mention that term. Itā€™s like a phobic term for him, without being critical against him.

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Arnā€™t we getting a little off topic here!!! Not one mention of ethernet! Ha Haā€¦

Both the Linn DSM and the Devialet Expert Pro can use an Ethernet connection as a data source via UPnP, and if reports are accurate neither of these are significantly affected by the noise generated in switches and carried in through Ethernet cables.

All true - but Peder sees himself as the Keeper of the Thread, and in charge of vocabulary for some reason. We are Not Allowed to use this word, for some obscure reason of his own. And he is very sensitive to criticism.


Yes hes is on something of a ā€˜tremblerā€™ switch ā€¦ its a great thread and has been and is fun to readā€¦keep going.

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:red_circle: Yes,.because I am OP for this thread.!!

And given the history of the thread,.with conflicts,so I think as OP,and also some others here,.that it is best to avoid certain formulations.
This discussion we finished for at least 2500 posts ago,.after this it has been calm in the thread on this.
Except from one member.

Shall this be so difficult to comprehend,.can we now return to the subject please.

:small_orange_diamond:My only answer to you about this is,.that I repeat an earlier answer,see belowā€¦

But Beachcomber,.you havenā€™t started that many threads,just three.
But if you do,.I promise to respect your wishes as OP for the thread.
This is completely natural.

:black_small_square:As I said,.Back To Topicā€¦please.!!!


I didnā€™t know that it was a competition for number of threads started. But on those I started, and on any I start in the future, I donā€™t feel that I have any need or right to control the thread. Like any thread, they go the way the contributors take it, and thatā€™s fine.


100% ā€¦ ā€¦ its a forum.


:small_blue_diamond:Beachcomber,ā€¦According to Richard,.some consideration should be taken to OP,that started the thread.
I donā€™t remember his exact wording.

And this also knows Mike-B,.because we have discussed it in the past,so I am surprised by his comment above.

And in a thread that has managed to survive in over 5600 posts,.do you think it happens without any kind of ā€œsteeringā€ :wink:.

Here you see for yourself,.the clear example of what is happening,if you do not show respect for certain simple ā€œrulesā€.
We have devoted energy to writing a lot of posts about this,.instead of about the threadā€™s subject. And this just because one person continued not to show respect.

:small_orange_diamond:Now this should definitely be finished-discussed,againā€¦Back To Topic,.please.!!


Peder, just to relax, you should perhaps not come in Paris with a rent car and opened windows. You will hear the term Ā« boutique Ā« shouted very often in the street.


@Peder, Maybe you need to politely make your request again about the word ā€œboutiqueā€ explaining the reasoning, because in the recent past it has been not just the one person who used this common word that offends you, and maybe some of them werenā€™t following this thread 2500 posts ago and may therefore have missed the original explanation and request to subsititute an alternative expression. (And I have to say I canā€™t remember myself what your requested alternative was.).

Alternatively (and many might say better), just accept the English Language usage of the adopted word ā€œboutiqueā€™.

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You make a habit of responding off-topic in this fashion and ending your post with an instruction to go back on post. But if you must have the last word, so be it.


:small_blue_diamond:But Frenchrooster please,.you know,like me and many others here.
With what message,.and the purpose of which it was used.
NigelB has confirmed that above,.as well as Nick.Lees,who was the first to react to this.

So again,.can we stop this now.
Show respect to the thread and return to the topic of the thread,.thank you.!!

ā€¢Innocent_Bystanderā€¦please give up nowā€¦


:small_orange_diamond:As OP,.I take that freedom,yes.!!


This thread is like an autopoietic system: it endlessly generates itself, growing like a gigantic and noisy marshmallow. Or like a Brazilian telenovela :joy: :joy: :joy:

An interesting social experiment/mirror :wink:


Maybe all has been said now. Apart the new Chord switch to be tested by Peder group and maybe another Ether Regen feedbacks. Perhaps a new owner of the Melco S100 switch will post something too.
Not sure the 6000 posts will be reached.

Totally and utterly agree 100%
This is a Forum.
A forum is where people are permitted to speak as they see fit.


You ask me to give up, when all I am doing is trying to help by i) pointing out it is such a common word used in this sort of context that people may use it without thinking, ii) pointing out that some people now on the thread and using your banned word may not have been around at the time of your original decree so it is worth considering letting them know what itā€™s all about and that it might help to explain, and iii) suggesting an alternative approach consider.

A more polite response would have been to say that on consideration you feel it is better just to repeat your request not to use that word, and simply reiterate the same when anyone does. But OK if that is how you wish it, it makes no difference to me, but donā€™t be surprised if the word keeps popping up from time to time.


Interesting fact: always wanting the last word inevitably perpetuates exchanges if two or more people are of that nature, or if the attempted last word is trying to close a discussion or argument with a contrary view.