Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Sorry it’s £80 compared to £8 I think that’s quite fancy enough to prove something . 10x cost and it’s the same . Someone is laughing all the way to the bank.

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10x the price of the Atom is an ND555 so if I paid that price for a streamer I would expect it to be significantly better than the Atom not the same.

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I’d also expect a Naim streamer to work properly without spending the same again on a switch and cable.


:small_blue_diamond:@frenchrooster,…Exactly,.but now maybe I’m making someone sad.

But Audioquest ethernet/streaming cables below the Vodka level,.we don’t experience so special. We have a guy here who has top-spec Naim with active six-pack-135 and DBL…
Everything Recapp.

He quickly switched from Cinnamon to Vodka,.and later Diamond.

:small_orange_diamond:But try them out,.but be very careful so that all the cables have exactly the same conditions…

Advice when testing cables

• Correct direction of the cable.
• Use the same socket in your switch for each change of cable.
• Pull out,.and insert the cable into the socket 6 times at each switch of cable,this to remove any oxides…Note,at every change,even when you switch back to the previous cable.
• Do this above both in the switch-end,.and in the streamer-end.
• Allow each cable to sit for at least 4 days before start listening critically.
• Have exactly the same cabledressing on each cable.
• Don’t let the cable touch anything on the road between streamer and switch.
• No interconnect,.powercables near your ethernet/streaming cable.
• All cables in the test should be equal in length.
• No heavy bends on the cable.

:red_circle: And be sure to have all the appliances and lights etc,.that can interfere,turned off.

Check this every time,.so that it is exactly the same conditions in the house at each test.
This,.most people forget to think about.

This above is some advice for a fair test.
Good luck…


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I think the Cinnamons are great cables. I still have two in my set up and don’t experience any of the negatives with them, certainly better than my patch leads I was using to start with. It’s just that the Vodka takes things even further… I am feeling rather sceptical about changing my router and NAS ones though. I like the balance I have right now and don’t want to change anything just yet.


There is a lot of wisdom in that statement - you can open a can of worms playing with cables and it is good to declare a win from time to time and forget it all and get back to music.

The trouble is the temptation to eventually see is there is ‘better’ - usually there is ‘different’ very easy and often ‘better and worse’ which then shows you there is more to be had but not all at once - and that is frustrating.

…so when reaching an enjoyable sound - enjoy! :slightly_smiling_face:



Peder IS Peter Belt and I claim £5


:small_blue_diamond:@garyi,…This is basic knowledge among the most knowledgeable in Sweden,.when testing cables.
“Attention To Detail”…If you want to use that expression😉.
What do you think is weird.?


Are you sure you want Gary to answer that question?!


Thanks DB. I must admit I have been very tempted to blow another £339 on another Vodka this weekend but in the end i decided to buy a few beers instead. Yes I too think balance & enjoyment is key and to be a little greedy can work against itself. Not only that my Vodka cable is still improving even a month later. No need to rush, just enjoy the music as is, as you quite rightly say.


If this thread ever runs its course, I might start a new thread about why ethernet, sorry streaming cables, and now switches, are so divisive.

You never know, we might get closer to a resolution.


:small_blue_diamond:@ChrisSU,…Absolutely no problem,.I’m just surprised that he,and maybe also you,.doesn’t seem to know about these things.

This is basic test knowledge,.when testing in a home environment.
These advice I gave,.I and a friend who is a Professor of Acoustics use when we test together.

• The earlier Linn/Naim-distributor in Sweden together with Ivor Tiefenbrun (Linn),.used the same advice as above…I was with them at one point when we testing cables.

So what is it really you think is weird,.or do not understand.??


Back in the day when I sold audio we had switchers that let us level match components and speakers. It was pretty common knowledge that ones aural memory is quite short. I can 100% guarantee that if one is trying to compare things days apart that the results will be shaky at best. Mood, temperature, all sorts of things will affect the outcome. But hey I could be wrong🙉

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… we’re all waiting !!!

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I’m not the one saying I can. :smiley:

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Hey - like your wild bike blog!
I have done a few similar trips by motorcycle…

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Try the Shunyata Venom ethernet. From a post I saw, it is as good as the AQ Diamond, and is less expensive than the Vodka.

I can tell you from experience, A Nordost Blue heaven is much better than an AQ Forest. The Shunyata Alpha ethernet is noticeably better than the Nordost.



I do not understand what you are trying to imply,.neither I nor anyone else has questioned any of them…Or.!!

But it’s only positive,.then maybe they can complement the list of advice that I, Ivor and the swedish distributor used in the home environment test.

TiberioMagadino,.You should probably be careful with assessments,.of who are the most knowledgeable on the forum.
We are perhaps 20-25 who write,.some more in the “Music Room”.
Thousands are passive members.
As well,.many who read the forum without being members.
Many of them can be very,very knowledgeable.

• For example:
He who did the tests with Cisco-feet,.which you dismissed as bizarre.
He is,.like me,well-known all over hifi-Sweden for our knowledge of music-systems,installation and optimization.

As well,.he is personally familiar with Ivor and Gilad Tiefenbrun,.and have listened to music and tested products with Ivor.
He also knows many in Linn’s management team.
He is a member of the forum,.but has just written a few posts.
So if he comes up with a result,.I can assure you that it is far,far from Bizarre.

He is part of our “group”,.and he and I share experience and knowledge when needed.

If I could use my own language on the forum, with nuances,slang and explanations.
Well,.then I could write a whole book here about advice, tips, optimizations, various installation tips etc,etc.

So,.do not make the mistake,and believe that I do not know what I am talking about.
It’s difficult to explain what you hear or experience when you test,.in your own language…even worse in English.

And when you try to get all the detailed descriptions in the post,.sometimes it is perceived wrong.

:small_orange_diamond:But if they,.that you refer to,and also others are a bit more knowledgeable.
Why do they not give concrete advice on,installation,.optimization etc etc.

Just look in the “System Pics”-thread,.and you understand that many,many need concrete tips to optimize their system.
It is well therefore this forum exists,.to help each other to better soundquality.

When I write concrete advice,.Yes,then I becomes often ridiculously and ironically treated.
• And it is always from Englishmen,.never of any other nationalities.
Perhaps some of you should take and think about that.

Many of my Swedish forum-friends read here without being members,.this is because I write on this forum.
They have also reacted sharply to the hospitality from some.
As a contrast,.when I write on Swedish forums,.or my own forum,well then people are incredibly grateful for the help I give them.

And now,.the only thing I did was take off my own time,to write down some advice for those who want to test different ethernet/streaming cables against each other.

And immediately I get jumped on.
Imagine if you instead of being so negative to others,.would take the initiative yourselves,and write down a list of tips for your forum-friends.

But as usual,.it’s always easier to come afterwards and complain about others initiative,than to take your own initiative.

I understand that more and more outside of the UK stop writing here,at least from Sweden,.and instead choose other forums for Naim,and I’m not surprised.
For even though,.it should be an international forum,it seems to be a small group that itches each other’s backs.

Supplement to cable-testing.

I wrote this below…
• Allow each cable to sit for at least 4 days before start listening critically.

It is to give all ehternet/streaming cables the same conditions.
Some of these cables may sound really bad at first,.but after 4-5 days most of the them should have “settle in”.
For example: Look at…
• Darkebears Vodka-test,…or…
• BertBird’s Diamond-test.

:small_orange_diamond:But of course,.you should also listen directly when you switch between the cables.

I was a little too quick to write last night :wink:.



Interest how many Switch users in particular have removed their switch and evaluated, in the past I tried a few times, confirmed to me it is a very subtle improvement.

I found moving to the Innuos server which isolates itself as does the Melco, it makes the switch thing pretty redundant.

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I have found that unplugging and then re-plugging back in with different cables does nothing. You have to stop the track you’re initially listening to and then re-start that same track or process all over again after one has made a change to benefit any differences. It’s not a case of just unplugging and swapping things around while the music is playing. Even then it takes time…It’s like a congested traffic jam that slowly but surely starts to sort it self out. That’s my analogy on it anyway. Either that or i’m going nuts :rofl: