Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

100% Dorian, its all anecdotal, different systems, different ears/brains & different music mean it cannot be anything else but.
Some greater percentage of agreement on something is indicative, but thats as good as it can get.


No consensus is often the case. It doesn’t mean you should not try.
Some prefer 282 vs 252, Ndac vs Nds, chord Hugo vs Nd555, streamer/ volume control into an amp vs with a preamp…
All is anecdotal.

From most of the examples you have provided there are obvious differences in the perceived sound however this is not generally transferable to switches and exotic cables because some people claim to not hear any difference.


Only 1 member heard no difference.
On audiophile style forum , whatsbestforum and audiosharks forum, hundred of members heard differences, with very very different systems, from few k to 200k and more.
A minority preferred the sotm, and the Melco. But no one , on hundred and hundred posts, claimed that his cheap tp link or Netgear sounded the same as these audiophile switches.

Some people believe the world is flat: people are impressionable. Following the crowd comes to mind. Have fun on your journey.


Following the crowd is more stay only with Naim, Linn, BW, or Proac for me.
Don’t tell me that you still use Naca 5?

Please view my profile.

Your profile is very academic. There are hundred of same profiles here in the forum. All Naim with Proac, BW, or Naim speakers, with Naim cables. You have a chimney too ?
Sorry to say.

Can you explain what that means please, because I don’t understand? You asked if he uses NACA5, and his profile answers your question!


He is throlling a lot…saying that I am probably following blindly the crowd.
I responded that his system has nothing original, a copy and paste of a lot of same profiles here , all Naim, from source to cables to amps, with BW, Proac, PMC or Naim speakers.
The crowd use also Naca 5…

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Here is my original post:

“Some people believe the world is flat: people are impressionable. Following the crowd comes to mind. Have fun on your journey.”

You may have construed that it was directed at you, but my comment was a generalisation.


This is why the world is so dangerous, there are quite a few good people, blindly follow some faith, some doctrine, some religion, some cult, hearing some voice from something, someone and then end up performing some indescribable acts.

But it is a good thing that some here just follow some so-called audiophile faiths, which is only harmful to them only.


This brings to mind the philosophy of Aldous Huxley: with so much information in the world, the ability to discern the truth is shrouded with disinformation.


Quote of the day !!!


I think this is probably a mis-guided statement, FR. This crowd use NACA 5 because it is purposeful designed to optimize the Naim NAP, so if you own a Naim NAP, it would naturally be your first choice on the list, the other Naim speaker cable is too prohibitively expensive, out of reach to 99.9 % of the Naim users.


Aldous Huxley is one of my favorite philosoph. I read x times his book “ the doors of perception and heaven and hell”, when student.
Not a person to stay only in a binary system of thinking.

Duality is prevalent: the world is a system entrenched in opposition.

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:small_blue_diamond:Instead of trying to be rude,.ironize against a person between the lines,and other nonsense.

Instead,.tell us about your own experience in this area.
It’s getting more interesting,.and you’re raising your own credibility.

• @frenchrooster is a person who tests,acquires experience,buys cables and tests and reports the results here.
He doesn’t just sit and talk like a lot of people here,.he does something active all the time.

And the most important thing,.Frenchrooster tries not to “pat others on the head”,with long technical expositions,.that have only one purpose.
Trying to show their own superiority :roll_eyes:.



I quite like FR actually, and most importantly he does all the legworks voluntarily for us !!! Someday we can (hopefully) benefit from his discoveries. :slight_smile:


You are not in the duality, just throlling. Without even not having tested. Is it a proof of an open mind?
Aldous Huxley went to see chamans in Mexique, and tested the Peyolt cactus. He was not following the crowd.