Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Out of interest, why do you have another 2960 at the ND555 end rather than just connecting the cable straight to the ND555 ?

Wanting to buy another Cisco Catalyst 2960 would it be wise to take Gigabite? I currently use the Gigabite one, I also have one Poe 10/100 but I donā€™t really like to hear the little mosquito hum in the silence of my house ā€¦ So gigabite or not gigabite?

Do ethernet cables require run in time? It seems like my BJC cables are improving upon their initial sound which was already very good.

:small_blue_diamond:@ElMarko,ā€¦Yes,.see BertBirdā€™s Journey by Testing AQ Diamond.

And also my posts,.the latter about the difference between AQ 0,75m and 1,5m.


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But best only do (enable port fast) on a link to your streamer or any other device you may switch off.
Port protection is there to protect your home networks from a loop which would grind things to a halt and kill your network. Not so critical on a home network, but remember these devices are not designed for home domestic use.

I have activated Portfast on all my connection to host equipmentā€¦ and labelled the port clearly and internally named it in the config.

And whilst you are it if configuring, you might as well set up an IGMP querierā€¦ almost certainly will improve responsiveness to the Naim app discovery and Apple discovery applications, network printers etc.

And do the switch cable tests I posted earlier, just to ensure your streamer cable is not forcing the switch to work outside spec and with reduced reliability/efficiency. You are unlikely to notice or hear a SQ degradation unless very extreme or long cable, but could interfere with discovery or automation

What do you find, so far, are the differences between the AQ Diamond different lengths?
I do not use Diamond but would consider at some point a home demo against my 1.5 Vodka.
But I only need 0.75m and in fact 0.5m would reach so the 1.5m Vodka id more than enough presently.

Previous testing (with Cinnamon) showed that somewhere around 1.5m was right and 3m was starting to lose clarity and shorter lengths possibly not as full in bass or as ā€˜easyā€™ sounding. Probably around 1m would be best but you only get it in 0.75m and 1.5m.



See further up the thread. It was felt there were some sonic benefits and to be honest I thought for Ā£30 for the second one I would give it a go.

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You should not have any noise from the PoE switch power supply, as essentially they are beefed up versions of the regular PSUs. Mine are totally silent. It suggests the power supply needs replacing or is faulty.
For audio I am a believer of fast Ethernet (100mbps) as certainly thatā€™s what Naim use currentlyā€¦ and only two of the copper pairs are active and enabled.
Although a gigabit switch should negotiate down you may well find a slightly higher noise floor on the additional two serial pairsā€¦ but we are talking minute differences if at all detectable.


Thank you for your availability, my Cisco 2960 catalyst Poe purchased used and in good condition on eBay Germany only if you place your ear on the box you hear the slight buzz ā€¦ I canā€™t make it now ā€¦ Itā€™s been some time and I would have put the shipping costs of an item paid around ā‚¬ 120, I think I keep it as it is and in a noisier environment!

I have all 8 ports in Port Fast but there are only 5 used ports; WAP, ND5XS, QNAP, RasPi and LG TV. This 2960 is connected to my BT Smarthub via Cat6A.
All my computer kit is connected to a second switch (Dell Poweredge) also straight to my BT Smarthub.
I took your IGMP querier advice a while back and enjoy fast, flawless discovery :blush:

Oh and my HiFi is all on Designa Catsnake cables which were the best out of a bunch of budget cables.

I need 5m so there no way Iā€™m paying a grand for a streamer cable. :open_mouth::laughing:

Iā€™ve not performed the cable check test. Yet.

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Ok, at that ā€˜cupped to the earā€™ level there might be slight buzzes as there are inductors involved in SMPS that can exhibit mechanical vibrationā€¦ the same as in linear powersuppliesā€¦ but usually a few cms away the noise shouldnā€™t be noticeable.

Glad itā€™s all working :grinning:

The Blue Jeans have arrived - all five of them. Iā€™m particularly impressed with the over the top packagingā€¦


Unfortunately the cable wouldnā€™t fit through the hole in the wall with the Vodka in situ, so Iā€™ve had to swap one for the other. Letā€™s see how it pans out over the next few days.


Impressive speed of delivery considering they may had to pass customs clearance. The Royal Mail is quite patchy imo, sometimes good, other times very slow. Hope you like them.

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They come with FedEx international priority and are delivered in a FedEx van. Leave Seattle Monday evening UK time, arrive in Emsworth at 8AM on Wednesday. Quite extraordinary.

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Mine was ordered & shipped Mon, arrived UK Wed, tracking said in ā€œa carrier facilityā€, it was delivered Monday. Not sure what customs want with $14 worth of goods, thats below the de minimis value for UK, I guess a log jam

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The Blue Jeans website states that all taxes and shipping are paid upfront, so that there is nothing to pay on arrival.

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They look a mite more flexible than my BJC 6a.


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The BJC Cat-6 surprised me in that they are not as flexible as my MeiCords
Looking at Belden data sheets for a similar Cat-6 as is the BJC, I see the minimum bend radius is 2.5 inches, thats a 5 inch (127mm) diameter circle
ā€¦ compared to the same Belden spec Cat-6A which is 3 inch radius - 6 inch (152mm) diameter
ā€¦ compared to MeiCord minimum 40mm radius (80mm diameter)

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