Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

The long brown one is 6a, the others are 6. They are all pretty inflexible.

I look forward to hearing how you find the 6a compares to the 6. I have only tried the latter.

Iā€™m afraid thatā€™s not a comparison Iā€™m going to make. The long Cat 6a will be used to connect the AirPort Extreme to the Virgin hub, which is used in modem mode. I thought the shielding might come in useful here, as itā€™s sort of network infrastructure rather than the hifi stuff, if that makes sense.


It does make sense. In fact itā€™s why I never tried it. And until recently none of the screened cables I tried had a satisfying balance for me. Then I tried the Supra Cat8, which really isnā€™t too bad at all and doesnā€™t have the artefacts I had associated with screened cables. Sooooo, I suppose I canā€™t really connect sound and sense :slight_smile:

That said, I am of course gutted! Like a fishā€¦

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Taken out of context, statements like that could be misinterpreted!


Iā€™ve had 1.5 metres of BJC Cat6 playing music since it arrived at 11 this morning. Iā€™ll continue to run it in overnight before serious comparison with my current Chord Indigo SA streaming cable and the Chord Music demo cable that arrived late this afternoon.

I shall follow that by wheeling in my beloved wife and blind testing the poor soul.




Ah! so thatā€™s why the AQ cables cost more than BJC or CCS!



:small_blue_diamond:@Nick.Lees,ā€¦It is well these in the picture that you have,.it costs about Ā£1432:- in Sweden.

Itā€™ll be exciting to hear the results,.what you think about these cables in your music-system.

:black_small_square:Correct me now if Iā€™m wrong :sunglasses:,.I think it was @Simon-in-Suffolk who said this on the old forum.
That we shall wait about 15 minutes,.before listen to each change of cable.

It had something to do with reclocking,.and that that can give possibly better soundquality.
I have listened immediately after the change of an ethernet/streaming-cable,.and always heard the differences.
But after 15-20 minutes it has sounded better,.so is there any truth in this with waiting about 15 minutes due to some reclockingā€¦Or have I misunderstood it.?

/Peder :slightly_smiling_face:

I have no idea Peder. What I will be doing is extended listening with reversion to check if initial, knee-jerk, reactions are bogus.

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Some of us still prefer Naca5 to Superlumina :blush:


perhaps, but you canā€™t say anymore that the naca 5 is the only cable to be connected.

NDS white paper says that when system is settled reclocking is done every 10-15 minutes. You can actually notice 1sec stop when it is done. At least AQ cables clocking changes, so better wait. It happens in real life a bit faster.

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Possibly but I can only think that would have been about generally listeningā€¦ certainly cant think of anything specific to do with patch leads.

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It might be with the SPDIF leads, there is no such concept with Ethernet, as the data is completely and literally asynchronous and the speed of delivery is independent from any derived sampled rates from the embedded media. The only thing that is clocked is each independent frame at the rate of the network link speed (ie 100mbps), with a variable time dependent on many things between frames.
Frames contain packets.
Packets form window segments
Re Constructed window segments contain a chunk of ā€˜fileā€™ data.
The rebuilt ā€˜fileā€™ contains media data.
The media data is loaded into memory.
The streamer clock then starts to read the streamer memory at a given rate. It is this clock that becomes relevant and creates a sample streamā€¦up until this point it is completely asynchronous and up until the rebuilt ā€˜file dataā€™ is not even necessarily chronologically sequenced.

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Itā€™s called ironyā€¦

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:small_blue_diamond:@Peter1480,ā€¦the Peder Patent Damping Solution in placeā€¦:grin::joy::grin:.

I think it should be calledā€¦
:small_orange_diamond:PetPed Damping Solution.
Because you got the idea,.to put the Cisco on the wall :wink:.
Pet,.from your name,and Ped from my name.

:black_small_square:But joking aside,.I think as Xanthe,that these on your images will not work optimally.

This is because they are,.as you write,adapted for speakers with a much higher weight from above.
I think those on this image below will be best,ā€¦

They resemble those that Naim uses between their filter-box and the speaker-cabinet.
In addition,.they are soft as Naimā€™s rubber-rings, and you should not screw them down too tightly,.so that you compress the rubber.

:small_orange_diamond:If anyone has a picture of Naimā€™s original rubber-ring,.please feel free to add it here.

And then I think we should take the testing in several steps.
ā€¢ Step 1: Rubber-ring between Cisco/bracket and no rubber-ring between bracket/wall.

ā€¢ Step 2: No rubber-ring between Cisco/bracket and rubber-ring between bracket/wall.

ā€¢ Step 3: Rubber-ring both between Cisco/ bracket and between bracket/wall.

And then listen and evaluate which of Step 1, Step 2 or Step 3 who may sound best.

Ps: By the way,.did your wife think you were insane,.or did she hear any difference with your first solution.?


Just thought of a couple of snappy names for the PetPad contraption:

The Isolating Noise Suppressor And Neutralising Enabler


The Dedicated Ultimate Mounting Bush.

What do you think chaps?


why not create a new topic : pets, pads, and systems pics?

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All are nicely applicable Nigel, I could think of more but they might upset some folk.
A short course in basic engineering principles would help.

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