Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

@Mike-B FYI , AQ Vodka and Diamond have directional arrows on the plugs. Not sure about the models below.

Oh Gramaeh, itā€™s not what i wanted to say. Itā€™s just that i have one vodka and 2 diamonds in my system. So the test concerns BJC vs vodka for me. I hope you understand now.

So has anyone on this thread or forum carefully tested streaming via wifi vs streaming via ethernet cables?

Yes thats what I had in mind with my previous post, according to a www test report the screen is not connected at one end, it didnā€™t say which end. The install instructions Iā€™ve seen are ambiguous in that they say the arrow should point to the source, in hifi speak the source is the source component, streamer, CP TT etc. but it seems AQ might mean point towards the the source of the data stream, or is it in the same ā€˜directionā€™ (???) of the data stream

:small_blue_diamond:@garyi,ā€¦Just so that I do not misunderstand and think you are joking,.this is because some of you do not use emojis.
And your English humor can be a bit special.

ā€¢ You do not hear any difference between the Naca5,.regardless of the direction in which it sits in the system.?

Is it right perceived.?


Understood. Good luck with the test.



Given the quality of your system, you should allow yourself to test the AQ Diamond and the Chord Musicā€¦

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That would be pretty unusual.
Most cables arrows Iā€™ve seen (e.g. on my Chord Epic speaker cables factory terminated with so called Ohmic plugs) point away from the source and in the direction of travel of the musical signals - it seems highly intuitive to point downstream rather than upstream to me.

Yes. I found no difference in my system, people will disagree of course as they did when I posted what and how I did it on the old forum.

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Thanks CG.
Now you mention it seems to ring a bell.
So when my wife takes the kids away for a weekend next month I will try to remember to test that in my system too.
It would be funny to find it sounded the same or better! and I could chuck those cables in a cupboard.
So if you use wifi the signals go direct from your router to the streamer, thus getting rid of the Cisco?
I find it hard to imagine that thatā€™s going to sound better (losing the Cisco and having a wifi receiver operating in my streamer/dac/preamp), but itā€™s worth a try.

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Will you listen to the Music again ? or buy the Diamond and Anzus switch ? or you donā€™t know yet?

You wonā€™t know unless you try.

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AudioQuest explain in their factory videos why all of their cables are directional. They even show and demonstrate this phenomenon to any suspecting visitors at their testing rooms. Especially ā€˜solid coreā€ cables.

Just a wild guess, but perhaps Garyā€™s non-belief in the possibility of audible effects of changing cable directionality is a priori:

i.e. relating to or denoting reasoning or knowledge which proceeds from theoretical deduction rather than from observation or experience.

perhaps with not enough resolving system the differences are not audibleā€¦
On my system itā€™s minimal. Very minimal.

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So FR, did you actually try reversing your speaker cables to test for directionality?

i was referring to ethernet cables. not speakers. You were talking about speakers cables?

Hi Peder.

Firstly I ditched Naca5 a long time a go, a total pain in the arse to use. Secondly no I do not hear a difference, infact I had one the wrong way round for years. Once I discovered it I put it the right way round and totally as expected I heard no difference, of course I didnā€™t, its nonsense to believe it would.

And in the end Peder, this is what it comes down to. Without any real world, honest, testing, all we have to go on is belief, like the world being created in 7 days. You Believe you hear a difference after vigorously pushing cable ends in and out of plug holes 10 times, and waiting four days. I believe it makes no difference, or put another way a glass of wine makes 100 times more difference.

Finally, and I must be honest here, after a week of work I just want to sit down, stick on some music and chill, the thought of checking which way the text runs on an ethernet cable to maximise my enjoyment simply does not compute.

I must confess to being totally baffled but equally fascinated by this thread, I am sure Naim must be delighted to be hosting it.


Well, Gary was talking about speaker cables I think, but yes the thread is mainly about LAN cables.

@Mike-B , Yesā€¦ arrow points in the direction of signal flow.