Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

I totally 100% agree with you. My Audioquest Ethernet cables have transformed over time from when I first installed them. In the case of my Vodka cable, it just keeps on giving more and more as the days pass. I keep on making the mistake of thinking this must be it, it’s come on song. Err… Nope!


But perhaps Gary doesn’t think that speaker cable needs to go back in the same directionality as it had last time it was in use.

After all if it’s just a wire that leccy flows down what difference does it make?

The leccy carrrying the signal will get to the target anyway, so you didn’t need to write on the cable in the first place or mess around taking note of directionality.

Have you mistaken it for an actual bottle of vodka?


Hahaha. yeah right.

They always burn in nicely as you utilize them, I find.


The clarity, detail and resolution is nothing short of outstanding!


Mind you, this is being a little bit unfair to Naim really as my system is just being exposed by the help of this cable. That’s what I was really meant to say…and I think it’s stunning.


Thanks for clearing that one up … its amazing it has that much effect!!!


i will buy a BJC cat 6a to compare with the audioquest diamond, as i said before, because one member ( HH) find them more natural vs the vodka.
However i wonder what is really more natural. Because, following the advice of Dark Bear, i tested an inexpensive cat5e cable: i found it natural, neutral, without exaggerating nothing. But vs the diamond, all was more linear, 2 dimensional. Less bass, less dynamics, less nuances and colors, less open soundstage.
But i will share, after a long run in.


Interesting, how have you proven this rather than the effect being due to the changed sound signature of the system slowly changing the way you perceive the sound?

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I don’t believe that digital cables sound any different in themselves.

Digital cables don’t have any sound characteristics of their own, they can however affect the audio equipment to which they are connected, and this effect is different with each specific pairing of audio equipment and cable when used in a specific electrical noise environment.


“When the data hits the buffers…”! :rofl:

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I reckon HH will regret it.

Not quite. I’m using Cat 6, not 6a, and my conclusion was not that explicit. Lots of perhapses and maybes.

I still don’t understand why people believe that just because a particular Ethernet cable gives a specific result in one system, it’s give anything like the same result in any other system. :confounded:


[quote=“hungryhalibut, post:984, topic:4385”]
aps. The AQ was maybe giving a slightly impressive hifi sheen, with the BJ seeming to get out of the way a bit more. Some music perhaps seems more real than before. I imagine things will improve and settle further over the coming days. In the meantime, the sun is out, a butterfly has just flown past the window, so it’s time for a spot of


I quoted here your post. Thanks before for your very kind and direct response. Always a pleasure with you.
You wrote effectively « more real » , not natural. My findings on the cat5e was personal, i didn’t said you thought the same…

I seem to have settled - at present - using one so-called HiFi Ethernet between the Melco and ND555 and then the rest very ‘low-end’ Cat 5 (not even Cat 5e) for the rest. I’m getting great results I’m enjoying right now.

I’m sure there are other permutations and combinations that will suit individual different systems is my point.
There is an opinion of ‘best’ that should IMO be put into the context of where and how it is used.

I like the AQ Vodka but I hear it is not ‘perfect’ in that some other cables I’ve tried do some things better - but also a lot of things worse. I like the timing clarity on the AQ Vodka, but in my system that is only achieved when it is free-hanging in the last small jump between my Melco and ND555. When on the floor I did not like the effect as it goes far too bass-heavy for me and loses musical cohesion - but my floor is suspended and another install with solid floor may go fine.

The other big change has been the Cisco 2960 I acquired about a week ago which has clarified the presentation and made the bass less over-full and bloated by comparison with the 2940 I had used up until then - this suits the AQ Vodka well.

I will, over time, experiment with other cables and items but you must not lose sight of where you are going and that you may find your own system context steers you to a solution that is different and works for you and what you want to achieve. I’ve a fairly good idea what I want and like to have done - I’m presently getting that a lot better than a few weeks ago, so I’m pretty pleased, given the outlay cost was minute compared to what I spent on the Naim HiFi.

Also there are other things that you may miss in getting drawn-in to focus on one thing - for example I found unplugging a de-humidifier that I occasionally use in summer and not needed now was a very large impact for positive.
It was in ‘standby’ for years and I had not appreciated it may be putting noise into the mains - my HiFi is on its own circuit but I do find other things in the house can have effects and some are fine. Anyway a few tests showed it worth being un-plugged as upper-bass and lower-voice band clarity really opened-out - all a bit of a surprise. I then removed the item from my listening room and it was better again, so it stays out of the room now - the effect of a large plastic enclosed box being removed, removed muddle from low-level bass sound.
A lot of discussions on room-treatments but not so much on things in-room that can spoil system performance - I just found one that I was blind too in the usual way of not wanting it to have an effect meant it did not - but it still did!

…a long ramble reply - keeping with the ‘Mania’ part of this thread. :laughing:
Keep a perspective on all things that comprise your HiFi system and tune them to suit you and your room is my advice.



Absolutely correct, I do not believe that the direction of speaker cable makes any difference what so ever. I believe that a hifi company at some point did it, said it, and the ever faithful believed it.

I have also seen no compeling evidence that anyone can tell the difference beyond them stating that they can tell, or that ‘even their wife heard it’


I moved from 3 x 1m AQ Cinnamon to 3 x 1m BJC 6a and remain very pleased with the results. I’ve plenty of space behind my set-up so the large radius bend is not an issue.


yes i know, i have read before. But the vodka, and specially the diamond, is in another league. But if someone prefers the BJC vs the vodka, it begins to interest me.
I will very soon test them.

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