Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

A little suggestion, try separating the hifi-LAN from the house/appartment-LAN.
You don’t want to have your kids streaming passing your hifi-network! Or…god forbid, anyone by mistake delete the music on the NAS.
In my house, on one person has access to the hifi-LAN (ethernet and wifi). Me.

And the more you tweak the hifi-LAN the easier it is to hear all digital tweaks.
Just as in the analogue world with hifi-racks and speaker placements.

Rock On!

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Well perhaps, however I think reading these forum pages… they are completely decoupled by most.
Most don’t know I suspect how their home network work or even what to look for to check its working optimally, and if something is not right they tend to blame the software unless it is catastrophically wrong… funny quite different from my professional world.
However most can hear the effects of noise shaping from the connection of various leads and equipment to their audio equipment.


Hi Peder,

HP also make some very high quality / high reliability professional level network components; it’s entirely possible that one of these is just as capable and just as precise as the Cisco Catalyst series switches. Without hearing both in the same system, I wouldn’t make any comment about Tiberio’s choice of switch.


Thanks for the reply, yes i am happy with the cIsco switch. I was just curious as i had not heard or thought about HP switches.

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That’s been recommended on here for a good few years as ‘best practice’ and is what many do. We are not as green as you seem to think!!

Well, as someone who has found these little tweeks worthwhile since they all add up, I will also say that I found all the audiophile company ethernet cables disappointing - accentuating some aspects at the expense of others and in every case causing some loss of textural detail and tonal fidelity in classical instruments. The only exception, and it’s not really a hi-end audiophile cable, was the Supra Cat8, which in my system sounds quite similar to the BJC Cat6 albeit for a higher price.

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For a sanity check (ahem) I had a revisit to my previous “Best Buy” cable which was a Cat6 from one of the decent suppliers on eBay. It sounds pretty good but compared to the Designacable CatSnake it lacks refinement and coherence - impressive at the first listen. These findings are the same as when I first got the CatSnake and did this comparision so I’m pleased about that.

So for me it’s back to the CatSnake. :smiley:

It might be nice if Naim included a length of Ethernet cable as part of the accessories pack for each streamer that they sold; one which they thought was perfectly adequate to do the job; be it a Blue Jeans,Belden or whatever.


You mean the Etherline?

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I installed a Cisco 2960 to replace my Netgear - result; no difference.

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:small_blue_diamond:@anon4489532,…No,.you seem to have control and I appreciate your advice/posts,but many here I am extremely surprised over.

As also I believe @Music_Lover are.
As most recently with Garyi’s post,.where he writes that he does not hear the difference in the direction of Naca5…

And this post is liked by these people…
Mike-B, Simon in Suffolk, GrahamS, CrystalGipsy, GraemeH, Guinnless, Hollow, Mickdale, Roog, James_N.

Which then also means,.that they hear no difference in the direction on the Naca5.

• We have never been through it in Sweden,.even beginners hear a difference in direction…when they have been involved in various tests,or music-system installations.

But the positive thing about getting to know this is,.that then I/we,and others know how to value their advice and tips.

:small_orange_diamond:AND,.Naim Still Testing the Direction of Naca5,.when a new batch of Naca5 deliveries to Salisbury.
They do this for ALL the cabling that Naim receive,.either to check that it’s correctly marked,or when not marked,.to establish the Best Sounding Direction.

It costs money for Naim to have staff doing this work.
Naim wouldn’t do this if it’s irrelevant or nonsense.!
And,.it’s very easy to hear the difference if you have a good installation of your music-system.

Therefore,.my surprise is great,that this group above does not hear this difference in the Naca5-direction.
But every one who read this,.may draw its own conclusions.
But thanks Garyi,.for that you were so honest and brave that told this.

•But,.as I said…surprised.


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Etherline is a brand name of Lapp Kabel (a German cmpy) for their ethernet based products, it looks to be limited to ethernet cable & network switch

Once again you need to calm down, you are making assumptions that are only what you imagine, that everyone is disagreeing with you (again).
I can’t say why the others ‘liked’ Garyi’s post, but I liked it because of the underlying message, nothing to do with NACA5.

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Sorry! I was being facetious. Interesting to know, though…

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:small_blue_diamond:Ok,.good that you explained,I thought it was a bit odd that you wouldn’t hear the difference on the Naca5-direction.


This is extrapolation at best, your assumptions lack rigor. But you seem to infer that the named are wrong anyway, it seems to me that there is no point in sharing an opinion with you.

Peder, you must understand that your sweden group doesn’t represent the absolute truth in audio set up or appreciation of the sound of a component.
For example the Cisco: a lot here enjoy it, but some not. Some may prefer other presentation, more leaner like the netgear or else.
There is no one truth in audio.

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:small_blue_diamond:@Roog,…I just note what you liked,.the post’s first and most important message was,that Garyi didn’t hear the difference on the Naca5-direction and thinks it’s nonsense.

This is what you liked,.how else to interpret it… It stands there clearly and clear.
Do you have a different opinion than Garyi’s about please account it.


I’m now feel rather intrigued to hear what a AQ Diamond would bring to the table. All this talk of upmarket boutique Ethernet cables is rather making my mouth water. I feel sure my rather superb ND5 XS 2 would let me here a difference compared withVodka.

Indeed, but it may not be better!