Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Other than most don’t know how to set up routable subnets and separated WLANs or have the equipment to support it which is what you would need to achieve this unless one is going complete separation with multiple internet broadband accesses

Obviously switches are being deployed almost universally so unicast data is isolated to the streamer - so your kids streaming on your hifi network will make no impact. The real consideration however is size of network with respect to ARP messages , broadcast and promiscuous multicast traffic . This traffic will necessarily pass to your streamer for processing - the bigger the network in terms of active hosts the more you will get and the more processing noise may be induced in the streamer - though the new streamers mitigate to some effect

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Peder, be careful here. Just because someone “likes” a post doesn’t necessarily mean anything more than that they like the post - maybe for any number of reasons. I could just as easily have liked such a post - it could be that I like that a member is human enough to make a mistake such as getting the cables the wrong way around, and then brave enough to admit it here on the forum. After all, who can honestly say they haven’t done similar at some point in their life? To like such a post doesn’t necessarily mean that you think that it doesn’t matter whether cables are the right or wrong way around - in fact the “like” probably relates to something very different and more personal.


You do have a superb ND5XS2. Just looked at the price of the AQ diamond and i’m presuming you’d be after a 1.5m length… that’s £1159. That’s an awful lot of music you could buy instead. Then you’ve got to buy batteries every few months for that patented dielectric bias system… Don’t take the Red pill…


Oh I wouldn’t purchase one James but just to try it and hear it against the lesser Vodka. I would rather buy a Flatcap XS that for kinda money. I think I’ll stick with the blue pill. Thanks.

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Or cut the Cisco out completely, buy some BJC cables and connect direct to the router instead. Have you tried this?

The Cisco works well Stephen. Not worth messing with and very effective



Peder how long has naca5 been available at naim, 20 years? (I genuinely am not sure)

Is it the same guy determining the direction, and always has been? If not how do they train it onto the next person, after all, if it makes a difference to some but not others then all it comes down to is a belief it sounds different. If the guy that usually determines direction is on holiday, what then, does someone get a bum deal when they get their shiny new naca5 with the arrows the wrong way round?

Sweden sounds an amazing place with all of those audiophiles being taught how to do things Right!™


Garyi, AFAIK it was done by Roy (and would guess that Gary Crocker also lent an ear too) It only needed to be done for a new batch ( I don’t know how many thousands of meters that would entail, but many 100m reels of the stuff would come from a batch run). Roy would cut some lengths and make up cables to listen to ensure the marked direction agreed with what he heard. I do recall about 15 years back on one particular new batch it was found to be different. Turned out someone or something had changed and it was indeed wrong so the whole batch had to be scrapped. There was a shortish period of NACA5 unavailability from some dealers who had run low or run out while a new batch was run from the cable maker.

These days I don’t know if Roy still does it or if Gary Crocker now does it - I’d have to find out from the factory.


I also have a HP switch with HDPLEX power supply. Prefering HP compared to the recommended Cisco. Main reasons are: it is more clear and open sound compared a bit curtain type Cisco. Everything depends from overall setup but at least my other system is not limiting, vice versa. Also have been using AQ cables since the sales start of NDS.


Thank you Richard.
You hit the nail on the head.
I have not turned round my NACA5 to see if I can hear a difference. Not the reason I liked Gary’s post.
I have however purchased a different cable to try and was pleasantly surprised. Thanks to all that have had an input.

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Ok, here goes ! I have an Audioquest vodka from my router to my Melco and then a Melco cable (free with my N100 special offer) to my ND5xs2. No switch, I don’t need one. Sounds great.
There was an instant improvement fitting the vodka (straight into my star when I had it). Next sound improvement was installing the Melco (talking streaming sound, Tidal and internet radio).
FYI no longer have the troublesome star, just ND5Xs2 and a Naitxs3.

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Hey Fenderman that really sounds like a cracking system you have there!:sunglasses:

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Hmmm, perhaps if I removed the family from the ‘listening room’ the sound would get better - or at least there would be sound more of the time!

I’ve been reading this thread for a while getting more confused with each post.

I do however have a few questions that I was hoping the wise men and women here could help clear up for me.
One, when I stream local music from my Unitiserver via one of my 3 streamers to the others does it send data or is it in analog format.
The second, and a more serious question is when I listen (instead of streaming through the house) I use my Unitiserver as source directly to my NAP272 using the S/PDIF connection via a Naim DC1 cable. It’s this the best way to listen?

Sorry if they seem a little dumb and naive but it’s so hard to work out the wheat from the chaff. Thanks. :grin:

Your UnitiServe provides a digital feed to whatever device you are using to play music.

Thank you, but I already knew that it did really answer either question.

Opposite for me. Cisco replaced gs105 and the difference was immediate!


I can’t answer the second question as I don’t have a US. I assume you mean S/PDIF vs UPnP ? Have you tried both ways?

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  1. It’s all digital. As it’s going via ethernet cables it cannot be otherwise.
  2. People use both options and there is no definitive answer. I’d be inclined to use the ethernet connection, if only so you can use the Naim app to do everything - volume, auto switching to upnp input, music selection etc - with no need to use nServe.

:small_blue_diamond:@Music_Lover,…Hello and welcome to the forum :smiley:.

What you write is interesting,.because you must have been one of the first,who already 2007 started testing and exploring this seriously.

And I share your opinion about debating from a technical point of view…Why.?
It is irrelevant to us users of a product,.connect the product in your music-system under controlled forms and listen,.harder it is not.

:black_small_square:Music_Lover,…you wrote…
“And YES, ethernet cables are different, some more musical than others - and of course they have a direction.”

Interestingly,.do you mean with this statement that you already 2007,started testing ehternet-cables for best soundquality,.and also for the best direction.?

If it was so,.please tell us a little more about this.?

• For my life-partner Elisabeth died in cancer in the spring of 2005,.and then also died my music and hifi-interest.
Only when an old hifi-friend contacted me in the fall of 2010,.and wanted me to help a friend of him to install an active Linn Keltik-system,.so woke up my interest again.
And I could later say,.I’m back again😁.

So during those five years,.when streaming started to hit through is a bit of a black hole for me.

And again…Welcome…

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