Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

No, it would be Cisco (need that for the whole house)> opticalModule>opticalRendu. And either sell the spare oM or use it for the office setup.

Regarding the DAC V1, I know, but it’s just not going to happen. For now at least. So may as well have the back end perfected before and when I do an upgrade.

we can have different opinions, no problem…

Ah, but then I’d have to get a much larger SSD in the NUC. But, yeah, I have dB and it may happen someday. All $ in the end.

I’d never compared them before, I’d just assumed that transcoded would be the same. I don’t know why I decided to check, HiFi madness I suppose :grinning:

So I grabbed an Ansuz X-TC PowerSwitch from Next Level HiFi last night. All I can say is WOW :flushed:. This may be replacing my trusty Cisco 2960.


Tried an Ethernet to fiber Media Converter - fiber - Fiber to Ethernet Media Converter. Less musical in my house.

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FMC worked for me. See post 482.

On the other hand, when one is comparing a 2000 Dollar/Pound switch vs a 100 Dollar/Pound switch, I thing the expectation bias works the other way. To justify that big bucks, the expensive unit must really pull its weight. This is the case when auditioning, and one has not made a purchase.


Nope if that was the case apple would never have succeeded along with all other brands selling less for more.

People like the shiny, thats the reality. If the melco switch was 30 quid, no one would give a toss. They would stick with their 50 quid switch as recommended by one bloke on the naim forum. The only way to break that rare spell is to charge tonnes.

melco will do really well out of this, what with their ‘engineers’ and such designing a switch that ‘sounds’ good. Seriously there must be genuine engineers at melco laughing their heads off with this one.

Be assured I am only jealous, I wish I had thought of this,

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Then I don’t know what the cause of that is.
I have a quad core ARM V8 (Synology DS218play), and, unlike my older single core NAS, I now can’t tell the difference between WAVE files and FLAC transcoded to WAVE.
Sorry, I can’t help here.

:small_blue_diamond:Garyi,…I think/know that many here are very experienced listeners.

But I can only talk for myself…I do not understand what you are trying to say,what evidence do you need?
For me,.it is enough with my ears and my senses,what I hear and experience…As Simply As That.

It is well therefore you have a music-system,.to listen with your ears and your senses.
Or do you need measurement-results to confirm what you hear and experience.
Because I don’t understand what evidence you are referring to.?

:small_orange_diamond:PS: You have strong opinions about different products,.but have you listened to them at all before you speak.?
I have a golden rule,.I am not speaking about something I have not listened to.
It will be more credible then.



That’s OK. I also suspected it was because my NAS was single core and so checked, discovering it was actually quad core.
The SQ difference was more than subtle so I was quite excited to convert all tracks to WAV and enjoy better SQ for nil cost. :blush:

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No it really is.

I am just trying to save people from spending 4k for a wood box filled with sand. Do you understand?

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I’m not sure how all of this works, is Asset transcoding the AIFF files from my QNAP?

Not unless you tell it do so so it isn’t.

Okay, I assume this in the configuration settings so I’ll need to check. But you’re saying your files that are ripped originally in WAV format sound better than the files ripped in FLAC? I’m not sure if my QNAP is single or dual core, I’ll have to figure that out too.

the sand box may be your head …:star_struck:

Tiberio, i think everybody understood that Ubiquiti, blue jeans cables and mark grant are all we need. No reason to think of other brands.


:small_blue_diamond:@TiberioMagadino,…I have no opinion on the switches we are talking about here (Melco, Anzus),.reason…I have not listened to them.
Then there is no reason to ironize over them,.as Garyi does.

But I know that both Anzus and Melco produce quality products,.so at some point I will surely have the opportunity to test or listen to them in my system.
Then,.only then,will I have an opinion on them.

But I suspect that @Darkebear,.or @BertBird will listen to them before me,.these two are listening with their ears nothing else…and it’s a characteristic I appreciate.
Incidentally TB,.so I know that HP’s Pro-series is good,but I have not tested them.


There are other parts of the body - but the ears are useful I find. :bear: