Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Did you not read the findings by @anon4489532 ?
Vodka vs BJC ?

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Many people are arguing there case based on theory. I think in any case one should have his own ears decide. And we hopefully all realize how deceptive our own ears are as wellā€¦, to my ears AQ Vodka is significantly better than normal cables. The AQ Diamond is again better than the Vodka in detail resolution etc, but seems to be a bit less involving. The Chord Music seems to beat all in all aspects, as far I can hear so far. Now is the uplift in price good value for moneyā€¦, I guess soā€¦, but most will dissagree on this. Letā€™s see how my end results looks and if I have the guts to take the plunge in uncertain timesā€¦


Not really Gary. The fact that thereā€™s a world of difference between rubber feet (which anyone can try) and my being at the far end of my life and being able to afford a ritzy cable) is neither here nor there if itā€™s based actual experience and relevant to the thread.

Your contributions are nearly always negative and not based on the relevant experience - simply put, you know something isnā€™t true because of a belief system youā€™ve adopted. Come over and listen to the difference between Chord Music and the much vaunted BJC or your big-standard whatever, and then come on here and sneer.


Hah, please donā€™t drag me back into this. The thread has taken a rather nasty turn I feel, and seems to be disappearing up its own backside. They are only cables after all, and a sensible perspective needs to be kept. When people start talking about the torque settings to attach a switch to the wall Iā€™d suggest the plot has been lost.

Iā€™m sitting here listening to Keith Jarrett with my Ā£20 BJC cables, and it sounds lovely. On the other hand if people want to spend Ā£4,000 on a Chord Music thatā€™s entirely up to them. Itā€™s all good.


yes, but itā€™s for now the only opposite example. However i wrote above that i will try them.

No itā€™s not @Michaelb was the same and he tried an awful lot of high end cables and preferred Ā£9 Belden Cat5e. I only tried upto a Cinnamon as thatā€™s all I would ever pay and I preferred my bjc. It might not be as expensive but its 10x the cost so I can judge from that itā€™s not worth going higher. 10x cost of my Atom is an nd555 and I assume thatā€™s a big step up from the Atom .

Noted :blush:

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Also rs 232 is ok for those who have a PC with this serial?

so 2 persons vs dozen and dozenā€¦

Popular doesnā€™t make it good.


I bought my AQ cables based on member experiences here and the assumption they are better than standard ethernet cables. When they were in my system I assumed I was hearing the best sound these cables could provide and could only be bested by investing even more $$ and moving up in the range of AQ cable offerings. Based on the experiences of members here AND the manner in which BJC tests their cables for spec I decided to try their cat 6 cables in place of my AQ. From the first track they sounded immediately better than the AQ and I thought great Iā€™ll see what these lesser expensive yet exceptional build quality cables have to offer. I was not prepared for them to run in the way they did and I didnā€™t realize data cables require run in, but after a week of typical listening intervals I realized they had become significantly better than the AQ in my system. So much so I no longer fault my Ovators as being a weak link in my system. Perhaps the AQ cables arenā€™t bright in other systems or perhaps some listeners prefer a brighter presentation, I donā€™t know, donā€™t care, I can only speak to my personal experience. Iā€™ve noticed other members had similar experiences to my own as well with the higher end of the AQ range compared to BJC. I donā€™t know why some here who are reluctant to accept the anecdotal experiences of other members in spite of never having listened to the BJC in their own systems, I suspect itā€™s a function of post purchase dissonance. If I owned a $5K cable and observed that a $12 cable bested it in my system Iā€™d be quite happy to move the more expensive on and enjoy the music without any fanfare. Conversely Iā€™d be happy to keep the expensive cable in my system if it were significantly better than than the BJC.


adam Zelinsky
Nick Lees
Bert Bird
Daniel H
Stephan Tate
Simon Pepper
Dark Bear
Nigel B

I have identified 14 members who found a substantial improvement using fancy ethernet cables vs generic ones. All are using at minimum audioquest vodka cables and more expensive ones.


no, but doesnā€™t make them bad neitherā€¦

Hey Iā€™ve got a thought. Maybe itā€™s not the cable one uses but an Isolation filter would be even better?
Maybe try one at the end closest to the source ? Hereā€™s some choices:

Now Iā€™m feeling inferior. :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

OK to try one, who knows what might work for your system, but I doubt it, see my previous post ā€¦ Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

drink some vodka instead, to console yourself :grin:

No thanks. Iā€™ll just stick with a spoon of Cinnamon in my cake. :+1:


There are people in your list making claims about BJC who havenā€™t even had one in their system to compare. So Iā€™m not sure what the purpose of your post is. Maybe we can limit the claims to those whoā€™ve actually done the comparison.

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i was not referring to BJC cables but generic ones.