Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Peder, every forum, audio or otherwise, has a Garyl or two or a dozen, so best to just start ignoring him.

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Aha! so the measurements are useful - get the gear that measures badly and it should sound good.

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Er, if you go over to pfm you will find lots of people who are strident and hunt For opportunities to say that cables make no difference to SQ - esp Ethernet cables.

There are lots people over there who repeatedly say that as long as the digital information is transferred correctly, then the cable has done its job and has no other influence on SQ.

There seem t9 be the ones who actually believe this, perhaps because an engineering or computing lecturer or textbook told them this or because a member they respect told them that.

Then there are the ones who must know it’s nonsense but get a kick out of trolling people and having pointless arguments.

But even your most expensive test cable cost peanuts compared to the ‘high end’ Ethernet cables !

the lot of people you are referring are the same 3 members, you have never heard expensive ethernet cables but always bang their science.
There are more members than them to experiment the complete opposite. The non sense is in the pseudo scientific claims.

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Do you need your cable on the “console” port to connect? Where can you buy it?

RJ 45 to RS232 or RJ45 to usb?

Hi Jim, ok thanks, I guess I was referring to those who participate on the Naim forum.
Of course a true electronics and network design engineer will know the RF coupling effects from twisted pair Ethernet and the potential effects on the noise floor. I have posted a link to an engineering white paper which goes into this in regard to design considerations.

Yes, over here the trolling level is close to zero, and the level of argument is vastly more productive and useful for improving your system, which is one reason why I enjoy the company and culture of this site.

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[quote=“frenchrooster, post:1433, topic:4385”]
The non sense is in the pseudo scientific claims.
Indoctrinated garbage most of it.

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Cognitive Dissonance.

for me the most interesting is to share the experience on how a component can sound in each system. The scientific arguments don’t interest me because there is no absolute truth in audio.
Can you state scientifically that a component that measures well will sound better than bad measuring one? no
Can you state that a power amp will sound better connected to the wall or to the powerblock? no
Can you state that power conditioners are bad sounding with naim? no, some enjoy them here.
The same for ethernet cables, switches and all.

I would also like know which type of cable is needed to read and edit the Cisco router configuration.

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Well, there is a substantial difference on this thread between 2 general Arguments:

SiS and Xanthe and Tiberio et al seem to think that if you try enough cheap Ethernet cables eventually you will find one that sounds as good in your system or better than an AQ Diamond or a Chord Music.

While this might happen in an individual case, I disagree that this is generally the case.

But I have to note my disagreement is based on a theoretical argument stated below plus my reading of thousands of posts on cable threads, which many others here can also claim to have read.

So I agree that any cable, however cheap or expensive, can sound either good or bad in any particular hifi system depending on the kit 8nvolved and crucially also the electrical environment of the building and the street it’s in.

But cheap cables have a much narrower range of construction materials than very expensive Ethernet cables. The exotic construction designs of expensive cables and the exotic materials used as dialectrics and as conductors and connectors mean that the range of possible effects such cables can have on SQ are much greater.

Thus I agree with you and Nick Lee and Peder and Dave that very high end cables should on average sound better than cheap Ethernet cables. The results in any one trial of a cheap vs an expensive cable will be unpredictable, and the cheap cable may win. But over a large sample (eg the hundreds of reports I’ve read of cable tests) the more expensive ones generally sound better and are not sent back.

Attributing this entirely or mostly to confirmation bias seems to ignore the fact that the posh cables have been painstakingly designed to reduce EM noise transfer and shape SQ in ways that are preferred.


It is all about opinion, but the best opinion is based on comparative listening in the relevant system. As such, anyone with an open mind is welcome for a Pimm’s (or two) and an in-home comparison of cables. And they’re welcome to bring their own.

Even to those who seem to take personal umbrage at my findings and subsequent expenditure.

Even to those whose science denies that what I’ve heard is real.

Even to Mr. I, whose thread crapping has clearly been keenly honed at a fishy forum since he was an open-minded young chef here nearly 20 years ago, and who wrote the bible on SBL set-up (and really should be on the FAQ here).


Sounds like a terrific idea. Gary, you’re “local” aren’t you?

Newly East Sussex!

P.s. The listening sofa is good for three (moderate) posteriors

Why ?

There are many models of this console cable, please help for a purchase on eBay at little cost.

It’s called a Console cable, and they are normally light blue. If you have a newer white switch, there is probably a USB Console port, so you would use an RJ45 to USB cable:

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I would certainly admit Nick I have become terribly cynical over the years, the general marketing machine for everything from the ‘supreme’ t-shirts my son lusts after to phones i think I need, to 4k ethernet cables that slightly improve the sound for you. I think we are all in it for something and its all a little bit ikky. I guess there is only a few more generations that can do this before its game over any how, but hey ho.

I don’t consider myself a thread crapper at all. I feel for people coming to this hobby if these threads are purely a love in telling the world you have to put a cable in and out ten times or its no good, or putting 50 quid switches on rubber feet or what ever. Well it might put people off.

Do you agree?

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