Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

i must confess that you are mostly right here. For me it’s the truth and i am also dogmatic. However i have an open mind and will try the Blue Jeans.

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i will say that we are both dogmatic…

I would agree, the Blue Jeans cables and the Connectix cables (available in the UK at least), are (in the context of a domestic music streaming system) just another cable option that’s worth trying - an option that happens to be a lot cheaper than the cables with more complex constructions, but still well worth trying!

In this context: nothing more than that, nothing less than that.


I’d suggest everyone goes out for a walk. It’s a beautiful day.


Not here it isn’t.

awful day here. 9 C and rainy and dark. I will however go to my sporting walk around the Versailles park.


Like FR, I fully intend to.

Wow, something we have in common! :rofl:


Does the Ghent Audio cable I paid all of $89 for count (I got the right angle option on one connecter)? It sure does look the part and sounds great to me (very neutral). It’s Cat 6a Belden 1303 with the shield unconnected at either end, and is essentially wrapped in a Farady cage (JSSG as it’s been come to be know by it’s inventor John Swenson of Uptone and Sonore fame). Lets just put me in the camp that believes in better cabling, but also doesn’t believe one needs to break the bank to get there.

Part of it is laying on the floor though! Which is solid 3/4 sawn oak over a new 1/2 inch sub floor that cost about as much as a meter and a half of Chord Music to do the whole first floor. Perhaps I should have convinced my wife the splinters from the old floor were fine… the floor does sound great though (if a bit reflective at times but nary a vibration no matter the amount of bass). :wink:

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But I don’t see anywhere on the Cisco Report: “Veil lifted, wider soundstage, deeper bass, sweeter treble, less fatiguing, or my wife hears the difference too.” Just a bunch of numbers (well zero mostly) and babbles, collisions, runts, and dribbles! :wink:

:small_blue_diamond:Not here either,.bad weather.

But perfect for this to be assembled,.see below.

• Furutech FT-SWS® NCF,.wall-sockets.
• Furutech FI-E50® NCF,.plug.

I would have done it yesterday with a friend,.but because of what @anon4489532 written in the thread…
:small_orange_diamond:"MusicWorks Reflex Ultra G3 Distribution Box".

We instead started to test different substrates,.for a fairly simple powerstrip that my friend has in his system.
Everything from the start inspired by my Cableoholic-friend’s Extreme Mania for Powercables etc.

You always learn something new,.we picked out various substrates that we had,and tested it under this powerstrip that lay on a wooden floor. All I can say is,.test this yourselves…

We heard differences in soundquality on the four different dossiers we tested yesterday,.during this powerstrip…Quite unbelievable.

The thread is also called “Cables Mania”,.so then I can write this here.
We got a favorite yesterday evening,.and this afternoon we’ll shall test with a 2cm and a 4cm thick granite slice.
But I’ll shall also mount what’s in the picture,.in my friends home.
Fun to do,.when there is bad weather out there.

But try this with different substrates during your usual simple powerstrip,.you may be surprised by what you hear.
If you don’t hear any difference,.it just cost you a little time.
Now my friend had pretty good different damped stuff at home,.but start by taking what you have.


Output from my Cisco 2960 displaying port 4 stats with a 272 on the other end connected via Ubiquiti ToughCable


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The whole thread is too tensed up now for my taste.

I would appreciate to read more technical details and listening experiences without any arguments about who’s right and who’s wrong.
For me it’s just great to get some technical insides that I would not hear from a dealer nor a hifi company AND user experiences on the other hand.

Sometimes there isn’t just one “truth” - in this case there are technical and musical/emotional aspects.

Even though some tasks are not measurable - may it be that a ‘boutique’ cable has no additional measurable value but it seems to give some users a better listening experience. There again the streaming market is of course very lucrative and therefore it’s good to have some statements why expensive cables might not (always) be better and should be technical tested.

For example: two years ago I bought a new 552DR and the potentiometer wasn’t working probably and had to be changed - what I want to say is, even a very expensive product might not be in perfect working condition - if it is something obvious like a pot, then it is easy to detect but I do appreciate Simons hint (among others) to test the cables with the Cisco switch and of course for introducing the switch in the first place.

I’ve just ordered a console cable to check out what’s going on.

@ChrisBell wrote me a very interesting email beginning of this year saying “Tidal is a different beast when the Chord Music cable is in use. I cannot stress how good it is compared to everything else. I tried out a basic Cat5 cable with the Melco and the Chord Music was in a different universe. It is simply a very musical cable… not bright or harsh sounding at all. I can’t figure out how a 1 meter length of ethernet cable can make such a dramatic difference? I brought my Music cable to a friend’s system last week… he was using some fancy Ansuz ethernet cable…. The Chord blew it away.”

Sounds great to me and therefore I would of course test the Chord Music someday and hear for myself.

In regards of listing to music, I wouldn’t care that the Chord streaming cables did not earn the title “ethernet cable” if it was just the title

but does it mean they are lacking something important?

I’d like to know what exactly is missing that they do not meet standards? They can call them at least after the CAT standard, can’t they?

If someone is having a professional background it is sometimes very hard to get a certain distance - also to simply enjoy things - (for me photography and movies) as you are focusing on different aspects (and if it is only subconsciously). It’s impossible to turn it off completely.

I’m looking forward to read more different views and less reproaches!

good idea :slight_smile:

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The Chord Music cables are I believe made from bundled miniature coax wires, they are not twisted pairs as per the ethernet stnd so they can’t be called ethernet or given a TIA/ISO Cat number.
That’s no reflection on how they sound or perform in doing the job.
I would however be very interested to get one on a Fluke conformance tester to find out what they can or can’t do. But I do suspect the tester will call a fail or not accept the cable & refuse to run because it doesn’t match expectation parameters.

:small_blue_diamond:@D.L:,…That’s why I always use my ears.

I always listen to the right direction on a cable,.this regardless of whether the right direction is labeled with an arrow.

The same thing with the jacks on my Cisco-switch,.I’ve listened with my ears on each socket.
Then I know what socket to use,.now some will probably be ironically over this :wink:.
But I know what I hear and do,.and I am confident that I have an optimal installation.


Reminds me I need to get over and listen to my friend Chris’ system again. What I love about listening to an over the top system like his, as great as it is (and he is) I come home and listen to mine (en total the price of a Chord Music streaming cable and a half) is that it’s not too shabby. All about perspective.

I’ll take over my Ghent and compare it to his Music. Throw in a BJC and anything else we have kicking around. And maybe we can do vice versa with my setup(s). Both very busy so don’t hold your breath but I’ll set it up. Family’s gone over Thanksgiving so have the house to myself for 10 days. Might be the perfect time. Should be fun. @ChrisBell?


His system and room is one of the most impressive here. Full 500 series system, with Chord Music interconnects and ethernet, Kudos titan 808 , and a wonderful view.

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And, no, we won’t be getting out any torque wrenches.

I know. His wife and I have known each other a long time (she’s a photo stylist). Our rooms and level of gear are at complete opposite ends of the Naim Spectrum but like In said, I’m never jealous after hearing his Hifi, or think my setup sounds ‘broken.’ Shows the power of Naim (and imo Sonore) and careful setup.


@obsydian had the Ghent ethernet cable before. He enjoyed it . These cables are 100% chinese, very well built and not expensive for the level of quality.
However Obsydian preferred the Chord Indigo.

But each system, different results…