Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

We also share the love of Leica cameras in common (he’s a cinematographer) so that really almost takes precedent when we get the rare hang.

And like I’ve re-iterated, when one’s system from server to speaker is give or take $8k, one doesn’t go mucking about with cables anywhere over $100 no matter how much ‘better’ they are. :slight_smile:

Your wrong in this assumption they have Belden cable in them, that’s an American company, they also make mains cables with Canare cable which is Japanese. So not 100% Chinese. Even if they where though doesn’t make it any less worthy of trying.

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Err… yes precisely… so when you are doing all the veiling and soundstage stuff with your fancy streaming lead which may or may not be compliant to Ethernet specs, best look to see that your network is actually working properly with it… For those, which seems many now,who do have Cisco 2960 you have the tools that can confirm this… and once confirmed you know for your setup your non compliant Ethernet Streaming lead, whilst doing all the stuff with veils and soundstage, is still letting your streamer (and anything else) work optimally underneath the covers… So compliance to Ethernet cable specs becomes largely moot in your setup.

Any CRC or framing errors is likely to indicate bad Ethernet transmission… this is often useful to check fibre connections which can be more prone to initial setup faults.


@frenchrooster so true, I have tried allot of streaming and ethernet cables, I loved the Chord range, but regret the most that I sold my Synergistic Research ethernet cable, as the addition of the Audiophilleo removed the cable requirement as it was a direct BNC to BNC connection.

The Ghent was also good, but all I use now is a Miecord from switch (I added it back) to Innuos servers.

Hopefully if I get my system up and running with the Audiophilleo soon, I will for be trying Synergistic Research Orange fuse.

For me these babies are serious bang (Freudian slip for the BS brigade) per buck, leave any upgrade I have done for dust.

Is there a statement to be made with regard to the sound shaping aspects of ethernet cables made to cat and similar ethernet specs? For example does a cable made to these specs have a positive influence on sound shaping or negative in cases of the converse? Has anyone tested the AQ and similar brand cables for meeting cat and similar ethernet specs?

I said the contrary. They are not expensive because they are chinese. But if built the same in Europe, they would cost much more probably.
So my comment was positive on them.

Yes, probably the most commonly read on www is the ARS Technica test of AQ Vodka.
This Cat-7 cable was tested for ARS by Blue Jeans Cables using their stnd Fluke test method. It achieved a ‘marginal pass’ for Cat-6A spec with only a 0.6dB margin for NEXT (near end cross talk). The whole review makes interesting reading, for the tech spec nerdish, but its mostly concerned with the Vodka cost & its VFM compared to a low cost cable & its performance. It does not say anything much about sound quality differences.

Search www for “340 audiophile cables test “marginal” - Ars Technica”


Let’s get things straight. There is no such thing as “sound shaping”, the term is just a fabrication by one member which was enthusiastically adopted by another. It’s a convenience, a meaningless catch-phrase, nothing else. Let’s move on.



I’m not sure what you’re saying I’m talking about a discernible effect.

The term invented was noise shaping. A big nonsense to say that fancy ethernet cables are introducing noise , more noise that cheap standard ones.

I believe it was Texas Instruments who produced a paper on this, so you are saying it is TI that are a big nonsense.

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I think some folks are emotionally invested in arguments I’m not making. I’m talking about the characteristics ea cable adds to the system in which it is plugged. I’m curious whether or not there are some truths that can be identified around cables in spec and out of spec. More of a technical comment than the claim you’re responding to if you will.

The big nonsense is to say that audiophile ethernet cables are introducing more noise than cheap ethernet cables. And to conclude also that people who prefer audioquest diamond, vodka or chord music are in fact preferring more noise in their system. It the theory behind noise shaping by fancy ethernet cables. Yes, this theory is absurd.
Not of course the original Texas instrument term and theory related.

Relax, you are not behind this theory…

So you are suddenly a leading authority on ethernet & are challenging TI research papers , wow, respect.

Why wouldn’t I be otherwise, I’m not invested in being right about anything here. I do enjoy the technical discussion and I hope it continues.

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Read carefully what I wrote Mike. I am not saying at all that the Texas instrument theory is absurd. How could I say that ?
I am just saying that high quality ethernet cables are more stopping than introducing noise in a system. If they were introducing noise, more than cheap cables, I could not hear better dynamics, more details, better defined bass, more nuances, better extended notes…etc
If you have more noise, you have less details, less dynamics, less open soundstage, less bass…

I’d like to see how my AQ’s test. I may call BJC and see if I can send them one for testing.