Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

I see you have posted 93 different posts in this thread. You were talking about keyboard warriors ?

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Is there a full moon in England, France and Sweden?


The full moon for England is next weekend, it rises in Japan


Ho you wish :joy:


No wishing needed, briaaiā€™d 'boks on toast, yummy



Not an image Iā€™ll want to remember. Better go, Iā€™ll get in trouble for sending this wonderful thread off course. :scream:

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Iā€™ve been to the BJC warehouse. Not far off the mark. :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m interested in this suggestion which youā€™ve made although I admit to not understanding it. How would it help?


100 Mbps (Fast Ethernet) uses physical connectors where only two of the four pairs are active, whilst 1000 Mbps (Gigabit Ethernet) uses all four pairs.
Now although Naim only use Fast Ethernet on their streamers currently, and so a Gigabit switch would negotiate down to using two pairs, it may well be overall there is less potential noise on Fast Ethernet as two of the pairs are simply unconnected.

FR, if this is advertising copy that you have copied and pasted, please qualify it as such and accredit it.

I would prefer that you donā€™t just copy and paste whole swathes of ad copy - rather that you paraphrase in your own words instead.

I have edited your post.


Many thanks. You learn something new every day.

Thanks, Simon, but Iā€™m not contesting ā€œnoiseā€ shaping, what was referred to was ā€œsoundā€ shaping. The two are not synonymous, as appears to be implied.

Having spoken to the person in charge of R&D at one of the companies whose cables have been discussed, the design brief is not to ā€œshapeā€ sound, the aim is to be as transparent as possible using the best of their knowledge to date and available components at a cost point. Given that their products are non-denominational, it would not be sensible to try to shape the sound but they are pretty passionate about removing noise or prevent it from being passed along.

Apologies if you felt I was hostile, that wasnā€™t the intention and Iā€™m sure it wasnā€™t yours to be patronising. :smile:


It is a New Moon


So the thread will get worse!


Is that possible?

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I donā€™t understand these theoretical debates. My ears will decide what is good and bad. This week I will do further testing with a friend and give a report to this forum. Then we have four ears to decideā€¦


Yes. Apparently there are optical Ethernet cablesā€¦

Dave thanks, the point i was trying to illustrate is that shaping the noise can affect resultant audio, though I agree they are not synominous, but rather cause and effect ā€¦ Naim have this to such a fine art with their devices, they can shape the ground noise profile to act like a kind of tone control to the audio.
Now technically we know very high frequencies can interact in non linear ways with components and feedback systems designed for very much lower frequencies, and further interaction between noise frequency elements can produce intermodulation sums and products which can be of much lower frequencies than the fundamentals, again, albeit at incredibly small levels, interact with the audio circuitry, and precision clocksā€¦ in other words it can be a soup of noise, but can be tuned to some extent where there is a set of specific causations.
So yes shaping the frequency elements of the noise can effect in subtle ways the resultant audioā€¦ and those in the Naim beta programme are often aware of this with beta firmware that has not been ā€˜tunedā€™ yet. Typically here, itā€™s the subsystem processing noise from the timings of executing the DSP code and moving data around that affect system noise and resultant audio.
The same goes with coupling interaction effects with Ethernet leads with Physical layer interfacesā€¦ again the TI paper illustrates how, and what to do to reduce including specific Ethernet cable properties, albeit the paper obviously addresses noise to the host, rather than specifically interaction with the Naim elements.

and your system consists of?

Blue jeans dac/ preamp / amp / streamer / speakers of course :joy:

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