Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Thanks to the self-appointed moderator for clarifying


More seriously : Chord Dave / Mscaler with Chord Amp ( Etude) and a second system with linn kdsm.

Chord say on their site that:
“Designing and hand building in England since 1985”.
But I don’t know which of their current cables are built by hand or where they are built.

FR unfortunately you have completely misunderstood ‘noise shaping’.

Noise shaping isn’t about the amount of noise (i.e. the total noise energy), it’s about tuning the noise distribution. Instead of a continuous even noise distribution between a lower limit frequency and an upper limit frequency, noise shaping occurs when electro-magnetic resonances in the system (or some other effects) ‘tune’ the noise, shaping the distribution of the noise into peaks and troughs. There isn’t any more noise in the system, but the distribution of the noise vs frequency has a different shape.


Sadly much of that is no more than marketing speak.

For instance, as I pointed out previously. the presence of something like a ‘Noise Dissipation System’ would, if actually functioning, cause electrical damping of the signal, attenuating and rounding off the high frequency edges of the digital signal, thus damaging the digital signal transmission.

Personally, I thought the moon was a little over 375,000k away not actually in England, France, Sweden or even Japan!

(But maybe ‘Despicable Me’ is factual after all!)


It was pulled away some curtains from the musical presentation.

:small_blue_diamond:So,.as per above,the result was when I installed it in the picture above,.in a music-system yesterday afternoon.
In contrast to all this “tech-spec”,.there you have a concrete reported result,and as BertBird writes…

• And as I also wrote earlier…

:small_blue_diamond:But,.back to the Furutech-products above,and,to use HiFi-parameters,.it became…
• Greater/broader soundstage.
• More depth in the musical presentation.
• Cleaner and clearer.
• But still better music flow.
• More air around instruments and voices.
• Easier to discern the tones in the lower (bass) area.
• The artist’s voice-articulation became clearer.

These were some of the parameters that seemed particularly clear.
We were four people listening,.and everyone was fully in agreement on this outcome.

We have held a total of 14 hours,.to install and listen,as well as make a tuning for the new conditions.
Now this will run-in/burn-in for about 200 hours.

This above,.the result,was in one of my friends music-systems.
What you get for results in your music-system,.I can not guarantee.
But this was so good for us,.that I would definitely give the advice to try it.

:black_small_square:PS: And lastly,.I must thank my Cableoholic-friend,who brought us on this track.



“Welcome to Mastermind. Your specialist subject is?”

“Ethernet cables cat 5 to cat 7”

“Next contender please”



Can I phone a friend???


Only via VoIP, using a cat 8 ethernet cable.

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Drat …only got an audioquest! …arghhh

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All on their website. Their overseas factories are exact replicas apparently…

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Yup, I posted an excerpt of AQ’s claims about their “DBS” earlier in the thread as an example. There’s a fine line for what passes as scientific claims and marketing copy in the boutique cable world.

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When you hear more dynamics, better extensions of notes, more details, more separation of instruments, less grainy and edgy sound, for me all that is a consequence of less noise in the streaming process.
Vs cheap cables I could test, the meicord, and to better extent the vodka then diamond gave these improvements cited above.
So I feel that noise dissipation is not only marketing.

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That can just as easily be a different noise shaping characteristic rather than less noise (indeed it’s more likely to be due to a noise shaping characteristic acting with your equipment and your environment that just happens to suit your player, rather than a significant actual noise reduction effect).

You just described why the BJC is better than the AQ they replaced in my system. AQ’s marketing claims have more to do with feelings than science it seems.

Or the contrary…

Yes, indeed it could be noise reduction (and the associated damage to the digital signal as pointed out previously), but it’s still much more likely to be noise shaping.

Remember I do have actual experience of designing audio amplifiers - I do know what I’m talking about!

Cinnamon has no DBS system. However maybe the BJC construction of its cables participate also to noise reduction.
I can’t say that’s impossible to find much cheaper cables than vodka and diamond ( the only expensive I know) that sound better. But for now I tested 5 relatively cheap ( apart the meicord, a bit more expensive) and they all sound much less musical and accurate.

So I will test in a few days the BJ. I ordered one for now, 20 euros / 1 m. I will share after 10 days of running.

Well yes but you could say that about every audio device in the chain, especially speakers and if they sound good, who cares…?