Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

I have absolutely no axe to grind on one cable vs. another - although I obviously have my own preferences in my system - but please state which BJC patch cable, since they make several and, notwithstanding their own statements, they all sound different.

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Yes, but you are still seachinhgā€¦Not?

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By analogy with a simpler case:

I say there are more white sheep in the world than black.

You say - look I have here a white sheep and a black sheep. So thereā€™s no way to tell whether any sheep is black or white. And therefore we can never know whether there are more white sheep or black sheep in the world.

No, Iā€™ve stuck with the Apple Time Capsule as the switch for my NDX2 and and a Belkin (?) Cat 6 cable to the NDX2.

You know what I meant, I canā€™ t be bothered to talk twaddleā€¦

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Er, yes, great idea.
But not on an ethernet cable thread.
This is the place to see really daft arguments play out about Ethernet cables for 2000 posts.

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Iā€™m not trying to wind you up just trying to understand what youā€™re asking b/c Iā€™m not following the claim youā€™re trying to make wrt variability of results.

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Sorry, I think I weā€™re at cross purposes, I missed your point?

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So what if you have a first class degree in psychology. I have a basic food hygiene certificate. We can all bandy qualifications around but at the end of the day the sample sizes are so small that no meaningful conclusions can be drawn whatsoever. I have no idea how a group of seemingly sensible adults get so hot under the collar about a few bloody wires. Does it really matter?


Yes I think so. NO worries. We are all searching for that certain euphoria, thinking we already have it. Including myself.

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The fact that Iā€™ve got a degree in psychology is relevant because a few posts above I described an experiment that would establish beyond reasonable doubt whether (e.g.) a Chord Music did make hifi systems sound better than a BJC cable.

That experiment is based on the design of psychology expts in general, which controls for irrelevant factors.

It seems that Marko prefers just picking two cases that support his argument, which is really not going to prove anything at all.

And my argument doesnā€™t rely on a small number of cases. If you add up all the test reports Iā€™ve read in cable threads there are hundreds of data points.

But if you donā€™t like the thread why are you reading it?

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Personally I think the food hygiene industry is under appreciated. Iā€™m very glad to have their pov in this thread. :smiley:

I mustā€™ve missed Jimā€™s experiment post so Iā€™ll go back and read it when I get home later tonight. Iā€™m happy as a lark to have that great Naim sound again so thereā€™s no hostility on my end and I do enjoy the differing perspectives.

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I do fantasise, that is true :sunglasses:, but now is the time to enjoy where I have arrived for a few years I think and see what the future brings. Iā€™ll dabble with interconnects and powerlines I expect.

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Hmm, it sounds like showing off to me, first class degree, peer reviewed papersā€¦ Anyway, if it makes you feel good thatā€™s marvellous.

I have a degree in Civil Engineering. Iā€™m not sure it makes me feel great, but Iā€™ve been able to dedicate a career for the benefit of others and our communities, support a family, and finally get a highish-end system.

Otherwise, a bit more kindness all round isnā€™t a bad thing people.


I wasnā€™t trying to show off.
I was getting a bit tired of people Who have never tested or heard a Chord Music cable making really poor arguments to say why a Chord Music cable doesnā€™t have a better effect on SQ on average than much cheaper cables.



Anyway, yes, just finally got round to putting some music on - GoGo Penguin, v2.0.
It sounds amazing. The instruments are right here in the room.

The Sauvignon .blanc tastes great.

I have the weekend to myself.

All is well wit the world.

And Iā€™ve even managed to arrange my BJC cables so neither of them are touching t(e floor at all!


Thatā€™s the fusion, right there buddy.

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Ah yes Wodka and Wampires!!


I havenā€™t heard Chord Music - Iā€™ve only heard some streaming systems with different Ethernet cables, Iā€™ve never listened to the Ethernet cables themselves (indeed I donā€™t know how Iā€™d do that without in fact listening to the way a particular streamer is influenced by a particular cable (rather than listening to the ā€˜soundā€™ of the cable itself) in the context of other system components and the local electromagnetic environment!).

I have listened to a few systems with a few different Ethernet cables from the switch to the streamer, and Iā€™ve heard my system with a variety of different Ethernet cables and there was no obviously discernible correlation between price and the effect the cable has on the system. So unless it should more appropriately be called ā€˜Chord Magicā€™ (rather than ā€˜Musicā€™) because of some heretofore unknown supernatural effect, then I donā€™t see why Chord Music should be considered to be an exception to the general case and lie outside the accepted principles and practice of electronic engineering.

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