Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

How the flipping heck does that work?


Ive seen the boxes and they are expensive so i think im g onna star earth all my boxes by phono i/o socket and connect directly to the earth plug socket in the pdu much like the new gutwire but using muliple cables for one plug, by using a hydra similar layout plug. It will be much, much cheaper as well.

I changed from a cheap gigabit switchā€¦zyxelā€¦which was local to my nd555ā€¦I changed to the aqvox seā€¦and things have change quite dramatically for me ā€¦ the bass response is miles betterā€¦I simply cant explain itā€¦this is not a figment ā€¦ or something you think is it. No its vastly better ā€¦ in my system it has been transformational. Maybe if I had changed to a cisco it would have done the sameā€¦but hey as it stands this is the best money I have spentā€¦I am over the moon. I am now waiting for the backlashā€¦but hey itā€™s that good I dont friking care!


I am entirely agree with you. The most curious is that this scientist who bang always the same here have never tried a Chord Music at home. Itā€™s not a real scientific approach to criticise something without having tested it.


I advise not to do this, earthing the RCA phono sockets is doing something the equipment is not designed to do. The phono RCA -ve connections on Naim equipment are not connected to earth, they might carry a ground resister, they might not, but whatever youā€™re adding something that is not Naim approved.

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I remember I was one of the early users of the 272 who discovered the transformational joy the 555ps gaveā€¦ I remember getting criticised for that ā€¦ but hey guess whatā€¦people discovered it for themselves. Now I am saying the same ā€¦ regarding the switchā€¦ it would be great if mr D.Bear could settle this ā€¦ that would be amazing. I will add when I first added the aqvox I thought thatā€™s niceā€¦greatā€¦but then over 2 weeks it has got better and betterā€¦its like I upgraded the speakersā€¦I am stunned.


Iā€™d be intrigued to hear much published music that was never ā€˜commercialā€™. I am sure there is some perhaps from monasteries and the like, and perhaps from some pure hobbyists, but most musicians, writers and composers need to make a livingā€¦ they are not all independently wealthy.

I keep an open mind with musicā€¦ it evolvesā€¦ Norman Cook, aka Fatboy Slim, is on the progression of a fascinating music evolution line, like most areā€¦and his contributions are worthwhile and interesting to meā€¦ they all have their influences and followers ā€¦ music is alive and evolvesā€¦ and allows the expression and sharing of many thoughts and ideas, from the banal to the intricate and evocative, not a just about a static recording in time that happens to twitch your feet or simply want to make you ā€˜danceā€™ like some sort of exercise workout tape (in my opinion)ā€¦ although to my argument itā€™s a valid use of music, albeit to my mind somewhat narrowā€¦


I started the thread as titled MANIA sadly it had achieved that status.

Original intent was try switches and/or cables, report back if they float your boat or not, or donā€™t even bother trying.

I think itā€™s gone a bit all too OCD though.


Talking of OCD as my SPDIF converter settles in better than imagined, I want to eventually try the Audiophilleo virtual cable, dither settings and what have to get the Naim noise shaping profile (Naim DACV1 Audiophilleo), it sounds like such a thing exists ???

I agree, however I think there is a real discussion to be had with networks and switches and influence on reliability and SQ from connected network audio devices and it would be a far cry from what is discussed by most of your threadā€¦
Perhaps Iā€™ll start up once this one has died.


:small_blue_diamond:@obsydian,ā€¦Is there anything I missed here.?

I started this thread,.and this below was the start-post.
And the inspiration for this thread,.came from @BertBird and @Bailyhill.

:small_orange_diamond:Well,.I think the thread is interesting,so far it has shown some important differences.

Those who listen with their ears and minds,.as well as those who refer to science.
ā€¢ This is a rough generalization.

Much is left to discussā€¦
ā€¢ Effect of powercables on a switch.
ā€¢ Different feet on a switch etc,etc.

If you do not think the thread is exciting and interesting,.you do not have to participate.
I donā€™t understand this need from some,.to jump in and write that the thread is ā€œcrazyā€.

I would Never do that in any thread that does not interest me,.it is Rude and only Annoys people involved in the discussions here.

:black_small_square:This below,.we were 15 people who tested yesterday afternoon/evening.
Very interesting,.but Iā€™ll get back to it later.


@Peder sincere apologies, clearly I have not had enough coffee :innocent:

The craziness as in heated argumentation.

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Peder, that is the wrong model, the legendary models are the 2960PD modelsā€¦ these are the lower noise variants of the 2960 with external powersupplues, either via PoE or 48 VDC.

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They are both Cat6 U/UTP

Actually to a great extent itā€™s OCPD rather than OCD.


(This is a subject on which we agree - after doing our own listening testsā€¦
as opposed to the one on which we cannot mention or test, but about which we vehemently disagree! :rofl:).


Today will be my Catfight day, the contenders are in no order

1.5m Blue Jeans Belden Bonded Cat5A - my standard cable
1m DesignaCable Belden Catsnake Cat5a - bought for the challenge
2m IBRA Ethernet Cable, Cat7 - was in my currently unused pile
2m No name CAT 7 - was in my currently unused pile
1m No name Cat6 - was from work
1m Van Damme TourCat 6a - bought for the challenge
1m WireWorld Starlight - bought for the challenge

Will check back later as this will take some time.


Itā€™s odd that everyone accepts that speakers are a personal choice, dependent on budget, other equipment, room and your own ears. Iā€™ve heard speakers many times more expensive than mine and preferred mine. Others think my speakers arenā€™t good at all. I wonder why itā€™s so different with these cables. Nobody would suggest getting 100 people to test the difference between speaker 1 and speaker 2, they simply accept that itā€™s all down to taste, room, partnering equipment. Curious.


:small_blue_diamond:@Simon-in-Suffolk,ā€¦Hiā€¦What I meant was that this pictured,.was the one that you and even Hungryhalibut began to recommend in the ā€œposh-threadā€,.on the old forum summer 2016.

It was this 2960 you recommended then,.and it was the one I bought on your recommendations. I think it was this Cisco,.as well as your recommendations that started this revolution against better soundquality :wink::+1:t2:.


Yes, it was the 8TC-L that was recommended to me all that time ago.

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