Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

:small_blue_diamond:@obsydian,ā€¦Coffee is important :grin::joy::grin:.

No problem,.it just indicates a great commitment.
And that is the most important thing.


Burn them in first, otherwise you will be wasting your time. The BJC burn in quite fast for solid cables - only a few days to a week. Ditto for the CatSnakes (though theyā€™re not solid they actually took longer than the BJC to come on song and sounded awfully dull when new)

Will be very interested to hear how you get on.


My ND555 is now on itā€™s 6th week and staring to sound acceptable but not on CDS3 level yet, even if I havenā€™t switched it back to compareā€¦
Initially I tried my available cables all free or ā€œaffordableā€œ cat 5, 5e, 6 and 6e, mostly due to frustration to the mediocre sound produced. Fortunately it has improve and I hope it will continue to do so. But even then, to my ears, there is differences between these cables.
My question, I have cat 6 in my walls and a switch at each end. So will have three cables in series between the switches. Intuition tell me, use as similar as possible, but that would be based on the assumption that all have drawbacks and better avoid as many different as possible. Anyone who experimented with cables in series?

Indeed, just pointing out the ā€˜legend of legendsā€™ are probably the DP models without the SMPS in builtā€¦ but they all seem to add benefit.

Remind me Tiberio, it is a Linn Klimax DSM Katalyst that you use, isnā€™t it?

:small_blue_diamond:@TiberioMagadino,ā€¦Please,.can you stop repeating this in every single post you make.
This example above is from three different posts.!

I can only talk for myself,.but according to me,you suggest that I am some kind of idiot,ā€¦who does not listen to music,but on cables and rubber-feet.
I interpret it as very rude,.so please can you stop with this.
I (like others here I think),.listening incredibly much to music.

But,.we also have an interest in optimizing our music-systems,it has probably most people here.
It is called upgrading,.and if you can do it without it costing big money,it is definitely an advantage.

Just read some/many of the tips and advice contained in this thread.
:small_orange_diamond:When it comes to my and @Music_Lover advice,.they are performed under controlled forms with experienced listeners.
Then it is up to each one here,to evaluate and try out themselves,.but in all our tests,everyone was agreed on the results.

So please,.stop repeating and imply all the time,that we are not listening to musicā€¦it is rude.!

It is the most important thing for us,.and I believe,for most people tooā€¦Everyone here.!


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:red_circle: Wow,.I posted the post number 2000 :rose::+1:t2:.


Are we any further forward then we were at Post 1!!!




:small_blue_diamond:@Richard,ā€¦Let me first congratulate you on your music system,.I love active Isobarik :+1:t2:.

Thatā€™s a good question,.I scrolled the thread yesterday,and many of my previous posts I could copy in again,ā€¦in response to the now recent posts made.

I tried to change the focus to powercables,and a few other things around a Cisco,.but was just incredibly rude treated.
:small_orange_diamond:But we are also waiting for more reports,.from those who tested the new switches that come fromā€¦
ā€¢ Anzus.
ā€¢ Melco.
ā€¢ Uptone etcā€¦
It will be really interesting.

And,.we are waiting for some interesting results fromā€¦
ā€¢ @BertBird.
ā€¢ @Peter1480.
ā€¢ @CrystalGipsy.
ā€¢ @frenchrooster.
ā€¢ @Beachcomber.
And from some more.


I personally donā€™t stream at the moment,but I do have an interest in this thread,in case I ever decide to go down this route.However unlike any of the other threads,this one seems to show an intolerance of other peopleā€™s views,and becomes very confrontational.This really makes it hard to sort out what is relevant,from what amounts to clashes between certain members,please letā€™s all calm down, and show some decorum.


Listening more this morning and continuing to be blown away by the change the BJC cables have made. Should have done that years ago! I also installed 25ā€™ of their Belkin CATV coax to the modem; nice cable and easy to run. I have a bit off a mullet then from the modem (powered by a spare rail on an LPS) to an Airport Extreme and then back to the Cisco. Currently just cheap Cat 6 to the Airport and back so going to replace with BJC (not a fun chore due to partly running in a wall and through the floor). So it will be all BJC/Belkin from where the house meets the internet to the streamer.

Right now, streaming sounds very close to local - most people wouldnā€™t be able to tell apart unless they knew exactly what they were listening for. Overall, the BJC cables I installed from server to switch, and switch to fiber convertor have made the system sound tighter, more distinct edges to the instruments, fuller and quieter background, easier to pick out and separate sounds. Less fatiguing overall. Soundstage I donā€™t know - Iā€™ll leave that up to my speakers. Crazy to think that this is all from cables far down in the chain from the final output of the speakers.


Bailyhill hereā€“I was actually hoping to learn more about the network switches that are coming down the pike than the cables. I ordered an etherREGEN that will come in Januaryā€“I missed the first two production runs. I may add a thread at that time.


:small_blue_diamond:Iā€™ll take the opportunity to wish everyone a Nice Weekend.

By showing how you make really good Vinyl :grin:.



:small_blue_diamond:@bailyhill,ā€¦I also,.but I think it comes,as I just wrote in a post above.


I hope thatā€™s a Japanese Damascus knife bladeā€¦

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Once again @Richard is not who you think he isā€¦

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:small_blue_diamond:The important thing is how others perceive what you write,.not how you perceive it.

I have put forward how I perceive it,.and that,I related to in my previous post.
I have conveyed my message and desire,.then it is up to you to respect it or not.

All the best to you toā€¦
/Peder :slightly_smiling_face:

I am done with my test of 5 different streaming cables. AQ Forest and Cinnamon, Melco, Chord Epic Tuned Array and the Vertere. And yes for me itā€™s a noticeable difference in engagement and presentation between 4 of the 5. Will try to have my personal feedback back tomorrow afternoon but latest Monday.


:small_blue_diamond:@Richard,ā€¦No,.I know you are not Richard.Dane.
But in your profile it says you have active Briks, that must be rightā€¦Or.?


:small_blue_diamond:@bailyhill,ā€¦May I suggest you put that information here in this thread.

Then everything is gathered in one place aboutā€¦
ā€¢ Switches andā€¦
ā€¢ Ethernet/streaming cables.

Then you know where to search.
I have tried to find a previous post from Darkebear about a streaming-cable,.before this thread started.
But it is impossible to find it,.so it can be advantageous to have everything in the same place if you are looking for information.
