Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

€12,000. Bargain.

This is in USD

Retails are as follows:

XT-C: $2400
A2: $3600
D2: $6000
DTC Supreme: $14,400

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Indeed. I am happy with what I have been listening to all afternoon and was before. I have done my tests no need to pursue it any further.


Interesting, thanks for the detailed review.

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Wow, the Blue Jeans Cat 6 has gelled really well with the UnitiQute (V1) in the office. It’s amazing how good this little machine can sound. It also has an Ice Age Audio power cable, NACA 5, Ls50’s, and a fiber isolation link between two Cisco 2960’s. You can just see the blue cable poking out of the back of the UQ, on the desk, below monitor right.

The Ls50’s never sounded good in the living room but are stunning in near field like this. Firmly bolted to posts, they also have pieces of Herbie’s grungebusters under all points between mount and speaker. Can be hard to get work done sometimes, mouth open, listening to well recorded albums like this one.


And the far out of date UnitiQute is being fed Roon via the microrendu 1.4 Sonicorbiter Bridge software (creates a virtual LMS server link, essentially) that is behind behind the DAC V1 upstairs. Works a treat, and whatever changes I make I can hear (i.e. better power supply for the rendu, cabling along the way etc).

Your welcome. I am sure every ones experience will vary.


Nice looking work area!

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Sorry @TiberioMagadino, you possibly missed my earlier post. Can you confirm which Linn DSM you’re using, please?

brings to mind Steve Hughes stand-up clip on being offended

Why will this do any harm. Ive never heard to actually not do it from any publication or website. And many forums reccommend this type of grounding, ie gutwire and other starhgrounding boxes. Or could i ground the inner circuit/phono socket through the casework of the pdu.

One thing to reconsider perhaps CG.
Some of these cables do change quite a bit over time.
Some less so.
You say yours have all had some play already, but it’s likely I think that if you say leave the BJC in for a fortnight or two they might settle into place and relax and warm up etc and you might attune yourself to wha they do across a range of music, and might enjoy them in a more temporally extended fashion.

At least that’s what happened to me with the ?BJC.

With the catsnake and Meicord I rushed the decision to return them and never really found out what they were capable of.

Oh actually I just read your later posts saying that you’d made up your mind, so ignore this post…!


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I’m away from home at the moment, I will explain why later when I return around midday UK time.
Maybe I misunderstood (misread) what you intended to do, but I read it as connecting your phono (RCA) to earth (ground)
Maybe if you try to explain it again

This grounding required is that there is one and only one signal ground to earth on the NAC preamp inputs (other manufacturer preamps may vary) … whether it be DIN, RCA, or internal.
On most Naim sources there is a slide switch to select signal ground floating or earth. If no source connected to your NAC has an earthed ground, then you need to select the slide switch to earth on one of your sources, otherwise all set to floating.
Traditionally in a Naim system the Naim CD player (which is earth grounded) was the ground earth reference point for the NAC.

I use my CDX2 as my earth ground reference into my 552, all other sources are floating.

That is interesting… and given the scale of your chart on the y axis, your cables and RFI noise shaping effects on the audio frequency of the connected device response are very marked and significant on your system.

How many times did you average over? When I did a similar exercise my results were not as clear, I had too much error in my measurements. Did you electrically or acoustically measure?
I think you might find measuring transients, or impulse responses quite telling too. What is the connected audio equipment…?i might have missed it

As I understand it —— His profile shows he has a Yamaha CDS1000, it does not have an earth connection as the IEC plug/socket is 230v L & N only, no earth (double insulated)
The amp is a Naim-5 & it’s -ve is not connected to earth.

In which case, if no source is ground earthed, he will need to create an earth reference for his Naim amp to sound its best.

You mean that even if Naim is non grounded and no hum is existing Naim will sound better if grounded. Technically, why?

I don’t buy into such a simplistic statement, yes it might be better if a source is earthed, but maybe better via a resistor than direct, and what value resistor.
That said, there are a lot of other equipment brands with double insulated designs that do not earth (ground) anything, and many of these connect with Naim amps.
My question is, what is wrong with the sound of the CDP that says it is bad & needs this attention.
I suspect it’s a copy cat of the snake oil modifications that do nothing except lighten gullible bank accounts.

Yes, I am referring to Naim only ground reference practice where one source is required to be earth grounded on the NAC. That becomes the ground reference in a Naim system, otherwise the ground reference will float and will only be capacitively coupled to ground and so be inherently more noisy, albeit minutely.
Of course for optimum operation only one earthed ground should be used to avoid induced ground loop current, hence why most if not all Naim sources have the earth ground isolation switch.

This is Naim specific and other manufacturers may well use an alternate ground reference system. I guess Naim have chosen this method, as in their designs this ground referencing technique simply must sound better at the expense of some consideration at setup time… again another reason perhaps why Naim recommend dealer installs for many customers.