Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Yes, see my above post… it’s the system signal ground reference. Your dealer should explain this to you at system setup. Alternatively contact Naim.
Ultimately what sounds better is up to you, and it is quite conceivable you may prefer the floating capacitively grounded setup… we are all different, therefore the option exists to set to float or earth to suit taste.
On my 552 system it is quite apparent, the sound becomes subtly more distinct and flowing with the reference appropriately set. It is probably more appropriate on the higher end components to get right with the lower noise floors.

This is nothing to do with ‘hum’, unless you have created an an induced current loop somewhere.

Historically it was for a long time the Naim CDP that was the earth ground reference in a Naim system, and other Naim sources floated. As CDPs have become a lot less common in setups now, an earth ground substitute is usually required, typically a streamer… and there is a ground setting on the streamer to configure it appropriately for your system with default to now act as earth ground reference,… but if you had a Naim CDP, you would need your streamer to be set floating ground so as to prevent a loop, which otherwise would increase the noise floor or if extreme, an audible hum.

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My BJC is 18 months old and been in my setup all that time it never changed from day 1 :slight_smile: The cat7 is about the same age as it was in use for a year in my data cupboard until i swapped with something longer, the one from work god knows how old that is. The catsnake was in use for around a week as was the Van Damme. None changed in this time that was audible to me. I notice when other things are out in my system so would notice if it changed.

But yes I made my mind up, Wireworld will be going back and the rest will stay. Likely the CatSnake will stay in place as I cant be bothered to unplug it again :slight_smile:

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The 555 should be all over the CDS3 with a standard CAT5e. There’s something apart from patch cables that needs looking at.


I could add that in my setup the ND555 was a lot better if it was supplying the signal ground and there was no other box in the system doing the same, it also was best in the first socket of my power block. The only way I can accommodate a DVD5 in the system is to use its digital out to the 555 ad connecting its DIN out to the 552 was detrimental to the sound of the system from all sources and setting the 555 to floating and using the DVD5 as signal earth was a distant second best.

Jubilee 1 Month,.today 3 November

:clinking_glasses:Today we celebrate 1 month for this thread,.it started on October 3.

This thread shall be about both Switches and Cables,.and everything in between.
Now it has mostly become about Cables,.but the other probably pops up more and more.
See as an example,.the latest post from @JNelson2000 about his Anzus-switch.

Just Cable discussions on forums,.have for decades proved to be an infected subject.
But I think we still have done well in this thread.

:small_orange_diamond:As the OP,.I can only wish that the thread rolls on in the same vein forward :smiley:.

Below are the most active participants in the thread,.there are more,but the statistics only go to number 24.
So @anon35279323 with several,.you are not forgotten.

:rose: At unchallenged first place…

  1. @frenchrooster…230 posts. :balloon:
  2. @Peder…143 posts.
  3. @Simon-in-Suffolk…139 posts.
  4. @Stephen_Tate…122 posts.
  5. @JimDog…111 posts
  6. @TiberioMagadino…108 posts.
  7. @Xanthe…105 posts.
  8. @Mike-B…104 posts.

:black_small_square:There are a total of 97 users in the thread, .so many are not listed in these statistics,.but you are just as important.

Now we continue forward with Switches, Feets, Cables,.and everything else around this topic😃.

Ps: You cannot add more than 10 members to each post,.so statistics will continue in the next post.


Whouah, i must hide myself. Didn’t know how this subject obsessed me.
I will not post anymore, until I receive and test the BJ cat 6a.
@Mike-B was right, I am the keyboard warrior here!

Good to laugh from ourselves sometimes…:face_with_hand_over_mouth::grin:



9.@MichaelB…68 post.
10.@ElMarko…66 post.
11.@charlesphoto…65 post.
12.@anon4489532…60 post.
13.@BertBird…52 post.
13.@CrystalGipsy…52 posts.
14.@Mike_S…44 posts.
15.@Dave…31 posts.
15.@raym55…31 posts.
16.@Guinnless…30 post.

Continuation follows…



16.@Darkebear…30 posts.
17.@anon35986639…29 posts.
18.@Nick.Lees…25 posts.
19.@garyi…24 posts.
20.@anon5525519…23 post.
21.@Richieroo…19 post.

:small_orange_diamond:Question to @Richard.Dane,.why is it such a ridiculous limitation that you can only mention 10 members in one post.?
Because of that,.I had to divide the statistics into three posts.


But how will you know that BJC Cat-6A sounds broken compared to BJC Cat-6, unless you listen to a Cat-6?

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I will pass away without knowing…:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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:small_blue_diamond:@frenchrooster,…I think instead that you should be proud of your result :+1:t2:.

It is people who are obsessed over something,.that contributes to change and development.
If you follow the masses,.nothing happens…dare to go your own way.

What do you think had happened,.unless Julian Vereker (Naim),or Ivor Tiefenbrun (Linn) been obsessed.
Then we had,.among other things,definitely not been able to meet on this forum.
I myself was accused of being obsessed by Hungryhalibut,.when I added in some pictures of powercables.

• That’s the best rating I can get.

One of my best friends,.who unfortunately passed away in cancer,described me in three words.
Intensive and engaged…and that is spot on.

So Frenchrooster,.be proud of your results here,.I would be it :wink:.


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I would still be building my own amps for one :wink:!

I keep going on about aqvox I think …however I have not tested the specific switch talked about here I would not be surprised if the Cisco in question goes a long way to matching the performance of the Aqvox. My current system uses a cisco 3970 24 port switch to act as a high performance router… this ultimately feeds my aqvox se. These naim streamers are pretty sensitive and really require a good robust network feed… I am still shocked and delighted at the difference upgrading my switch has made. I am a follower of Hans Beekhuyzen he did a good you tube blog on the Aqvox Se … he is a practical guy with sound engineering experience…so I thought I would try the switch …as they have a returns policy…I think he is right…take a look see what you think…

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:small_blue_diamond:@Xanthe,…Love that comment :wink::+1:t2:.

I am so fortunate,.that three in our group also have this skills,at really,really high level…which you also have.
One of them has built an external powersupply to my Cisco,.I has put in picture of it earlier.

There are a cruel difference in musically results from this Cisco,.with the external powersupply.

With your skills,.you have the opportunity to make small adjustments in place in your home…it must play incredibly good.
I’m a bit envious :wink:.


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Me too.

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I would guess to limit any potential for spamming.


Good point …

:small_blue_diamond:@Richard.Dane,…You don’t have the option to move the stats up to the first post,so it just becomes one post.?


I once accidentally spammed the whole of the NHS and overseas … when trying to sell a car. The guy in the room next door didn’t read the email but bought my car!!! I had the head of NHS network services ring me … after I had spammed 1.5m people…and it was stopped halfway through the alphabet… phew.