Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania


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Possibly. Some things can be customised, others not. I’ll take a look into the deep settings during the week.

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Has anyone tried an Atlas Hyper Streaming Cable?

:small_blue_diamond:@Richard.Dane,…It’s not that very important,.but it looks nicer.
And so it will also be more respectful,.if everyone is in the same post.


So Miecord vs Wireworld Starlight Ethernet, the latter is brighter, but brings allot more definition to the individual music strands.

My main reason for the swap was to eventually make the whole interconnect chain one brand as opposed to a mix match, now if Naim finally do a ethernet, problem solved.

I now have Router to Switch (Miecord), Switch to Server (Wireworld Starlight Ethernet) and then Server to SPDIF Converter (Wireworld Startlight USB).

I still feel the Synergistic Research is the best Ethernet, then Chord, the rest are more subtle, if anything shielded and shielded in some cases or twisted giving either a bright or a warm rolled off sound.

Wishing I kept my SR Atmosphere now :roll_eyes: but then a complete interconnect chain would cost circa £6k with the optional ground block.

Everything adds its signature sound, be it cheap or expensive, I increasingly feel a mix match is the worst situation.

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Coming up to a week with the BJC Cat6a and it’s still changing: smoother and more detailed now with improved layering and greater bass extension. I haven’t messed with any comparisons recently, but I suspect this may be my new favourite… The changes haven’t been lienar, and it’s been giving me more than a few very positive surprises today…

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Is this the full loom Michaelb? I have found with the full loom there is too much bass and not enough grit in the sound, which is why I have re-introduced the Vodka from switch to streamer. This has tightened the bass considerably and provided more macro detail and openness…

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It is of course better to obsess about the right things though. I don’t think the type of feet on a fifty quid router is worth obsessing over.

Or even thinking about.

I found the Starlight bright overall, yes it can bring out a bit more detail as it did on one track in my test but for others it makes it more uncomfortable as I found out later. I decided on a better balance and it’s on its way back. The money will be saved for something more worthy for my headphone set up a nice SoTM SMS 200 Neo.

Can you recommend me a good doctor Gary ?

@Peder that was only two words

And obsessed, is the third word :grin::joy:

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I think Naim operate in a very competitive market and when demo-ing the Statement class of electronics they need to very carefully consider the ethernet infrastucture as this makes a significant difference. It was clear to me at the visit that they simply felt gigabit was the end of it… which is the notion I had … until I proved to myself otherwise. I think all of the contributing team members have proved the distinct effect to be achieved.


I actually wondered how I would write,.but I count “and” as the third word.
But you are absolutely right,.two words are correct.

• It was actually in a TV-programme,.that I and my now passed away friend saw,as they talked about this.
To be able to describe a person with two words.

I said to my friend that it’s impossible,.he looked at me,pondered in 20-30 seconds.
Then he said…Intensive and engaged.

This was about 2002-2003,.but I never forget it,because that’s exactly how I am.

/Peder :slightly_smiling_face:

Sensible chaps. I’d be a bit concerned if Naim started advocating some of the more obscure things mentioned in this thread. Leave it to the customers to tweak and fiddle.

I would not call using an 8 port cisco switch and good cables like the BJ…cables advocated excessive not considering the cost of the product…!!!

:small_blue_diamond:All manufacturers,.and knowledgeable traders know,that this being talked about in the thread makes a difference.

But,.it is nothing you mention for a customer,because then they think that the products are a bit strange,.and sensitive to different…according to the customer normal things.
A wise trader fades this down,.only when you get to know the customer,and the customer himself shows interest.
Well,.then you can start to show some things.

Would you start talking about different things mentioned in this thread for a new customer,.well then the customer would choose a different brand.
Because they will think there is something wrong with the products.

• It’s just looking in this thread,.and the discussions that are here,to understand how widespread it is in the knowledge and experience area.

The advantage here,.is that we are already customers,and can talk and share experience.

Some are hungry and curious,.as well as openminded,and will try from the advice and tips that is given.
Others do not,.they just want to discuss without having tried.
That group I do not understand.

But we are all different,.and have different goals with our music-systems.
I respect those who have lower targets,.but we who have higher targets should also have respect.
To hear recurring,.in posts after post,that I/We just listen to feet during a Cisco,instead of on music,.it gets pretty ridiculous and childish.

In fact,.I do not understand the purpose of such comments,.do they think who say this,really self on what they say.
Oops,.this was longer than I thought,so I’ll stop here.


Hie Peder, how about calling dealers ‘dealers’. The word trader is not used to describe these companies in English. Naim choose to call the official Naim dealers as ‘Retailers’, but the dealer word is more widely used in general conversation.
The word trader in English means a merchant who buys and sells goods, e.g. a stock broker who buys and sells stocks, currency and bonds. It also has a negative meaning

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Peder, just ignore those who criticise without trying.

Yes you are obsessive, but I like that. You and others on here do a lot of the leg work most of us can’t be bothered with, allowing those who still show an interest to try the things that get most recommended.

I am still enjoying those ridiculous Vodkas in my system but am tempted to get me some Blue Jeans for sh*ts and giggles.

This thread has over 2000 posts and 9500 views. That should tell you there is significant interest in this area.

Keep going my friend.


What I am trying to say is a sensible ethernet structure seems to be something that needs to be taken into consideration. Naim are in a highly competitive international market… it was clear to me on visiting that their view was use a gigabit switch/router connect it all up … and away you go … yes that is the case for a muso … but for 200k worth of audio real estate… If I were demo-ing that sort of equipment I would be pretty careful about what it was fed. My own findings followed their doctrine… but the changes brought about by my personal journey … have profoundly changed my view. Many on this forum have had similar journeys.:smiley: