F1 - 2023 Season

I am a simple sole.

GPs were moved from Saturdays to Sundays in the early 80s (in the UK at least) simply because people complained they had to work on Saturday and couldn’t attend.

A gradual relaxation of the Sunday trading laws made this change beneficial for the majority of people.

It was rather inconvenient for me as it meant I had to give up all ambition to become Archbishop of Canterbury in order to continue attending the GPs…


I read a different explanation for the Vegas one.

They supposedly want it to be at night so the famous Vegas neon etc. is visible, but racing on Sunday evening/night would make the race take place Monday morning in Europe, where the biggest fanbase is. So the solution was for the race to take place on Saturday so we can watch it on Sunday.

Money. television priorities and VAR killed football for me. The same has happened with many other sports including F1. I guess the next thing in F1 will be the proliferation of statistics as if they matter or mean anything. Do I care, not really. Does my opinion matter or change anything, no. But I will still watch and be the victor meldrew.

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Nope. Inclusive means they also qualify for work usually handled by men.
New pitcrew:

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Really? Shurely, in the days of Zoom and Teams, Twitter, TikTok and now Threads, a representative of any organised religion in a big hat could just network his sermon into the comfort (or otherwise) of one’s chosen house of God no?

Nothing to stop you setting up your camp chair at Eau Rivage, sipping a mint julip and calling in your thought for the day is there?

Or is it specifically the CofE pushing back against visual tech?

Couldn’t agree more, but you’re forgetting this is the 1980’s, a little before the facilities you mention were available.

As it turned out, I’m sure my career as an insurance broker was both more rewarding & satisfying than being a mere Archbishop would have ever been. Also, my wife said that my bum looked too big in the cassock…

Wouldn’t want her in my pit crew.

Any fool can see her grip is all wrong on that wheel gun…

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The Neon would be visible on Sunday night and the explanation you have seen is a nice veneer to cover up that Liberty and F1 are about making as much cash as possible. I am sure Las Vegas has had to pay extra to move to a Saturday and likely the middle east tracks did as well. F1 is only a sport during track time, the rest of the time it is a cutthroat business and has been since the early 70s. Or maybe I am overly cynical?

Never too late for a change

Agreed. Plus wrong outfit. BTW what kind of tyre is that?

Tho it’s nice to see women in a pit. Hannah Schmitz RB Strategist. You do not get that spot unless you are very good.

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F1 used grooved slicks for about ten years from the late nineties.

That looks like a Lucky Strike sponsored BAR they’re sat on…

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Thanks. Are you going to the race this weekend?

Nope. Last year was enough for me, better on TV!

On holiday instead…:slightly_smiling_face:

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Tyre? What tyre? Was there a tyre? Haven’t noticed that. Must have been looking at something else…:innocent:

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No, I worked in Canterbury in the 70s & they say you should never go back!

Had an idea. 24 races huge airfreight costs. Loads of Surplus Airbus A380’s sitting around with plenty of capacity. Wonder if teams with fia could do a lease deal to save overall costs

Just a thought!

Now let’s hope they read the Naim forum, eh. :wink:

DHL Global Freight have the primary contract for F1’s logistics. IIRC, one of Bernie’s cute business moves when he ran F1 was to run/buy a freight business, which the teams used.

Heading off tomorrow morning - my first time - exciting stuff.


Looking at the prices for the Silverstone GP. Blimey!!. However they sell out.

I went to a few Brands and Silverstone GP in the 80s. The last time we splashed out on Grandstand seats on the start/finish line. If my memory is correct we took a deep breath and forked out £40 each. Mansell overtaking Piquet right at the end to win.

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