F1 - 2023 Season

I have read a few times that Monza is the circuit that has less driver influence and more car speed influence than any other circuit.

That did seem to be the case when I drove many of the GP circuits in the early 2000s.

That reminds me, I still have that F1 computer game somewhere.


He’s certainly getting the best out of it. I’m still uncertain how he would perform if he wasn’t No 1 driver in a team.

Great battle between the two Ferraris in the later stages of the race for the entertainment of the home crowd. The better driver of the two won imho. :grinning:

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Can’t say Ferrari didn’t give it everything.

So that’s F1 history made. What a team, what a driver.

Awesome driving from Sainz to stay on the podium!


Well done to Max but I do wish he had a teammate who could challenge him more often. Great watching the Red cars in front of the Tifosi putting on a great show. Alex again drove an excellent race. The Merc boys both made silly mistakes and were fortunate that their penalties didn’t cost them a place.


Yeah, saw Hamilton planting this seed in the media this weekend to try and take some shine off the achievement. And Toto doubling down to basically say the 10 win record is unimportant. Add in ruining Piastri’s race and they not exactly being pillars of sportsmanlike behavior at the moment.


… and Perez had a good race today. To me the highlight of the day was the battle between the Ferraris and Perez.


Carlos Sainz rapinato dell’orologio da 500 mila euro a Milano. Lui rincorre i malviventi e lo recupera. (corriere.it)

Carlos Sainz robbed of the 500 thousand euro watch in Milan. He chases the criminals and recovers it.

Just now, this very evening. A day full of emotions…


There are a lot of bast+rds about, sadly.

Aston Martin is back on where they started. So inconsistent! What on earth are they doing?!
Alonso quips ‘P9 is what we deserved today’. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Hope AM will pull through for Singapore. He won it back in 2008 in Renault. Would be great if he could repeat it.

Perhaps this: Albon is challenging Hamilton whereas Bottas it battling the lantern holder at the moment.

Was wondering the same thing yesterday. I can understand them making a mistake in direction but they should still know what worked a few races ago? My non car engineering mind cannot understand why they cannot undo the wrong change and get back to what they had.

Maybe they were one of the teams warned a little while back about their implementation of a ‘flexi wing’?

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Ah yes, that would make sense.

Poor old Oscar Piastri can’t cut a break. Hamilton gets a 5 second penalty for taking him out and he loses at least 4 places. It’s the difference between getting points or not.

Don’t seem fair to me.


Agree – but in Hamilton’s defence, today’s cars are the length of a decently-sized UTE, so the racing lines and overtaking spots can get very crowded…and I often wonder with these things why are 2 cars taking the same piece of tarmac. Shouldn’t one of them have backed-off?..the obvious point here being that overtaking spots and racing lines don’t allow easy overtaking on many of today’s legacy circuits (with the notable exception of Silverstone).

Yes, the size of current F1 cars is completely daft imho. I think I posted similar pix before.


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Yeah they are big but he’s the driver and he’s responsible. He didn’t complain the car was too big when he was winning. Just think it’s a wrong outcome, Hamilton was clearly at fault but Oscar pays the price.


Aussie whinges over Brit impeding Aussie… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: