F1 - 2023 Season

Hamilton and Perez out in Q2.

Toto Wolf is a total gravy train sucker.

If they want authentic street track racing, just get some cones and put them out with some diversion signs.

Surprisingly it was a good race. The razmataz beloved by the USA citizens I could happily live without. So in the end, it was getting close to 50% sport and 50% show. Hopefully next year the hype will be less and the sport will be above 60% of the weekend.


The weekend was good from a race point of view from an arm chair in theUK. However if you paid to go it was a bit of a disaster Friday being told to leave after only 8 mins of racing.
Max was incredible again, he drove at another level again. We are watching a total master class all year with hardly a mistake.

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Vegas is a great success and the show isnā€™t over since they have been sued for 30kUSD per visitor who missed the first training.

Great show ahead!

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I know they said Lando was released from hospital with a good bill of health but he looks totally mashed hereā€¦

Yes it was a pretty good race but I did not feel any audience excitement in the background. They might be a totally different type of spectators than usual F1 race goers.

Also post-race interview area was a bit of a let down as if they ran out of time/or money. Would have been nice to have the usual cool down area after the race.

I thought they gave everyone 200$ gift certificate towards merch. 30KUSD per visitor? thatā€™s a bit much.

Somehow I like this.

I watched some of it from the comfort of my own home and still feel like Iā€™m owed a refund. Completely soulless and devoid of any emotion.

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I think itā€™s potentially a good race. Itā€™s a circuit where Red Bull cars are not dominant hence the interesting race. Better than Monaco. Letā€™s hope the learn from it and get it better.

Yeah, agreed, sounds like your remoteā€™s off button is broken!

(Sorry could not resist, teeheehee)

itā€™s a bit rich. I doubt they will get what they are asking for.

Yes it was but the race itself was good.

Well tbh I missed most of it and only got to see the last 8 or 9 laps. :grin:

You missed all the fun!!!

But hey, I do agree, despite the exciting race I donā€™t think it merits the huge circus around it all.

It was on at a really odd times, weā€™re use to get up early or in the middle of the night but it caught me by surprise.

It is, but itā€™s not more ridiculous than the $200 gift voucher for their own store. Iā€™m guessing theyā€™re hoping to meet somewhere in the middle. (Which would still be too much)