F1 - 2024 Season

Even some survival races in the US using VW Beetle are running drones to stream. F1 may be there in 10 years or so :laughing:

The cameras are 4K as far as I know, so this makes little sense. But then it is F1 we are talking about, little if you step back makes much sense.

I would like to see Russell out of F1, but I suspect I stand alone in thinking he is colourless, have never seen him do anything breathtaking on track (one or two of exceptions don’t count, the other ones on your list have those as well), but can vividly recall some very strange actions.


Russell out qualifies Hamilton on a regular basis. Russell also has more points. Maybe Hamilton should also be booted from F1…


i suspect the streaming through the app is deliberately crippled to not complete with the very expensive contracts that they sell to broadcasters. In the UK SKY (and presumably other countries they are present it) have very good 4K live coverage.

As well as lack of 4K through the app, its also not live (well in the UK anyway) so you can only watch race after it has finished in real time.


I do. Watching through Apple Tv on our beamer I had no idea the resolution is low. I do find annoying that we have to go though hoops to get the UK commentary instead of the international english one in the Netherlands.

As much as I am not a fan of his attitude, he has displayed his share of skill, why should wc point standing have anything do with this (besides that LH implied GR gets all the upgrades at the moment)?

All I am saying I can recall Russell doing more strange things than admirable driving… and of course, also that I am aware my opinion is probably not shared on the island.

He did loose control of his Williams, & crash, following the safety car at Imola 3 or 4 years ago.

I thought that was quite breathtaking.


The one with Bottas was quite spectacular!


After 103 wins & 7 championships I suspect that LH’s motivation is currently nil, given that Mercedes are not looking likely winners (whoever is driving) anytime soon.

Give him a car capable of winning & I think he would leave GR trailing in his wake as well as being the driver most likely to threaten MV’s dominance.


Fully agree, I have the same frustration.

Is the F1 TV English commentary not just the UK one? And there I was thinking the UK one had improved. Assuming those are then still the same as a year ago, I’m not sure why one would jump through any hoops to get that.

I partially agree regarding Russel. I don’t think he’s as great a driver as some make it out to be, but certainly good enough to be in F1. Just not no1 driver material for a front running team.

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I’m going to disagree about Russell, he’s no Senna but regularly outperforms Lewis. I think two things do go against him though, 1. He can be too hasty to prove himself resulting in unfortunate events and 2. The guy has no luck at all. Guaranteed if he won a few million on the lottery it would be in the Indonesian Rupiah…

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  1. That’s one of the traits that separates the good from the excellent drivers.
  2. That sounds a bit like an excuse. We have a saying in the Netherlands which can be loosely translated as: Luck is something you enforce.

They change functionality a lot. Usually we are 10 minutes in the race when my wife complains we are not listening to Brundle, but different english speaking commentary. So I fiddle with the app config to correct that. International English vs local UK commentary, probably to adjust for bias. We just like the UK one better, the only downside they sometimes comment on race replays we don’t see in our coverage, might be a Sky thing.

Have you tried Multiviewer? Its a great 3rd party app for watching F1TV. It kicks the crap out of the options available on Sky’s “Race Control” feature.


Gee you’re a brave man making that statement here. :grin:

However I tend to agree, maybe time will tell.

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And Alain Prost lost control of his Ferrari in the wet on the way to the start, Max lost control on the way to the grid in the wet too. Maybe it is a sign of people who have been or are going to be a world champion.


Not always the case imo, Schumi was the same, yet he was in such a good car in comparison with rest of the field he could cover the cracks with dominant performances in other races.

In more recent years, Seb too at both RBR and Ferrari.

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The perfect driver doesn’t exist. But that’s not the same as using an undesirable trait as an excuse.
Especially if it’s a trait one of the all-time greats also suffered from :wink:

Stops under red are OK, but the tyre change should not “count” towards the 2 tyre-types per race. The thing with a red flag is that it will likely be due to a crash. Following drivers may pick up lots of stuff on their tyres, and need to be able to swap them for safety reasons. Similarly someone involved that say, needs a new front wing should be allowed to pit to get it. But it should not translate to a strategic advantage.

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