Farad Super3 LPS

So far, so good.

Bit deeper and louder



I think the major lessons i’ve learned from network audio streaming devices over the past three years so far, and that is to eliminate as many SMPS’ out of the system as much as possible. Get rid of them. They are a parasite on decent sound quality. Doesn’t matter how good the router, switch, NAS device arrangement is etc…


Agree. SMPS is evil. They might be pretty quiet on the DC side but many are not on the AC side meaning they pollute everything on the AC side which means every naim component if they are on the same grid.


Yes, any digital or artificial high frequency noise on the signal disappears as each SMPS is put to the sword and taken out from the system. It’s quite remarkable really. LPS all the way.


Do you just eliminate them from the Hifi, or from the room, or from the whole house?

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From the HiFi system. I only have one more to eliminate and that is from my NAS device. Those cheapo stock supplied SMPS are really worth replacing. In my apartment there is only a laptop, TV and two phone chargers, which thankfully are only on part-time.

P.S. even through the cans with the introduction of the Farad Super 3 i can hear a marked improvement in sound quality over the stock EE8 SMPS.


I only have the Cisco and EE8 in my HiFi system that are not Naim boxes.

The HiFi is on two dedicated radials and the switches are on the ring main.

But they will be feeding common mode noise from the ring main into the HiFi via the ethernet cables.

I wonder what percentage of the improvement of adding a good LPSU to a switch comes from removing the noise from the one that was replaced?

And in what other ways could a psu on a switch improve SQ?

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Man, this little device is really good. I can’t answer the technical reasoning behind it all other than to just try one in your own system. No regrets here whatsoever :+1:


Really? i’ve had my same Naim system now for four years! :crazy_face:

The only 180s i’ve been doing, is on my BMX!


He refers to the Vodka sketches multi episodes. Vodka in, vodka out, in, out, in, and shake it all about. A pop corn thread.
Be assured, I am used to doubt too. So understand.


Yes I remember that saga. I think everyone can have their moments when they’re discovering new territory as it were. Digital noise in one’s system can be quite tricky to figure out and nail down. However, with this new PSU things are very much more easy to conclude. Plug-in, sit back and enjoy. By the way, I’m still using those full Vodka Ethernet connections, much better now they have fully settled ‘in’.

As far as system building is concerned i pretty much stick with things as they are for many years to come. The system I have now was all purchased completely blind and I’m so pleased with the outcome, even four years later. No desires to swap anything ’in or out’ just yet :blush:

P.S. i’ve caught wind that my son has just bagged a mint SN2 to go with his Allaes so i think i’m going to have to up the ante with my system pretty damn quick!:flushed:



My system has a dedicated mains to which the Farad is now plugged in to.

Previously, the iFi iPower2 to the EE8 was plugged into the original house mains to keep it separate.

The network system has another three SMPS power supplies plugged into the original house mains;

  • iFi iPower2 to the NetGear GS105 Network Switch
  • iFi iPowerX to the Gigaclear Node
  • iFi iPower 2 to the Gigaclear Optical Network Terminal



Hi DG,
in my my experience i’ve also found the iFi supplies to be very positive, i use an Elite for my router and it’s miles better than the stock one that came with it. The iFi supplies have audio sound quality in mind whereas the cheapo stock ones that come with ‘non-audio’ network kit do not and i find them quite crude and can kill the music stone dead. Cascading my Cisco 2960s with their supplies was a prime example in my system.

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For those contemplating buying an expensive mains cable for their Farad S3 I tried three different types of mains cables and ended up preferring the least expensive a Powerline light with a Furutech IEC. Can’t say the same for my Phoenix Net which just loved a Chord Music :thinking:


Here’s my set piece: away from all the other kit


What is the Ifi powering?
And how is farad / ee8 sounding now?


Are those boxes on a slate tile on the carpet?

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No it’s on chunky piece slate paving which is on a container full of CDs. It’s only a temporary measure whilst i’m doing some decorating. Eventually it will all go into a cupboard & out of sight in another location.

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the iFi is powering my router which is a TP-Link AC2100.

The Farad Super 3 is settling in nicely. I’ve noticed the soundstage has widened with more depth (front & back) as time as gone by. I can hear more music at quieter levels than before as well. All ‘n’ all every part of the presentation has improved in a good way so far. Really pleased.


Just over two weeks in. Excellent stuff indeed. :sunglasses: