Farad Super3 LPS

I’m still somewhat taken aback as to how much this has lifted my streaming set up. Loads more detail and low noise floor. But, what is really surprising is how much more drive the system has, quite remarkable really.


Yup, absolutely Mike, i can’t quite believe it myself either. :grin:


Mine is the same. Much more detail, particularly, percussion in Jazz.

Also, it appears louder as I don’t need the volume as high as it used to be.



Are you going to replace the iFi iPower Elite also with a LPS?

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The visceral side is really starting to come out now. Blimey, who’d thought my system could sound so good. It’s fantastic!:grinning:


Did you order the upgraded fuse or dc cables?

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Technically that is correct, however, the reason for requiring that protection is to protect the user, other building occupants and property from the consequences of the cable insulation melting etc.

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No, just the standard package, although upgrading the fuse and DC cable has crossed my mind. At the moment things are really good so i think i’ll just stick for now…


I have trouser-flappin bass. So, I’m a happy bunny :sunglasses:


Same here. It’s amazing how just replacing a noisy SMPS with this LPS improves the sound of an EE8 to this degree.


Anyone know of any shops in the uk supplying the Farrad power supplies? Preferably on sale or return. I’d like to try one on my EE8 switch just to see what it brings? I’ve not really had much luck with the previous LPS’s I’ve tried but this one seems to get great reviews.


I don’t think that it is sold in the UK

However, Farad do provide a 20 day trial period.

“# 20 days try-out

### This period offers a mutual benefit

Spending money on something you have never touched or experienced yourself can be intimidating, we fully understand this. We strongly believe in the quality of our products and expect a great sound improvement in your audio system when a Farad power supply or cables are used. But we also know in audio it sometimes just doesn’t work out for whatever reason. Therefore we give you a 20 days try out period for our products bought directly in the webshop of Farad Power Supplies. We think this 20 day try-out period offers a mutual benefit, we get the chance to prove the quality of our products and you get the chance to buy a product that is the answer to your specific needs.”


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Perfect, thanks DG.


The farad people in the Netherlands are very nice. Really good service.
Super 3 is a really good piece.
You will love it - wish you luck for your final ps!


I’m really curious about the silver vs copper for the cable upgrade. I’m so close to ordering a PS

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I had copper - but for HF sparkle I would take the silver one plus purple fuse.


Ah good to know. My system sounds pretty good now with plenty of bass maybe a bit more hf would be nice. I personally really dig soundstage which my proacs do with ease however I don’t want it to sound thin

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I’ve gone and done it. Super3 is on the way! Guess I’ll know with my own ears, system, room etc how well it performs. It’s reassuring they have a return policy that I doubt I’ll need.


Understatement of the year! I’m less than 4 hours in and within the first couple of notes I knew something special is happening. I can’t wait until it’s burned in. Thanks to you @Stephen_Tate @DiggyGun @Mike_S @Blackbird @RvL @drago and others for your comments.


Happy listening :partying_face:

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