Fascinating Maps and diagrams


1778 survey showing Roman roads and tracks apparently


I should post this under food but it’s a map.

Another cool map thing that came up on my feed…

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Quite a coincidence but our other place in Canada, is more or less exactly where our place is in the UK !



I didn’t know William reached Bedford. I wonder if he had a kebab from one of the take-aways in Tavistock Street.

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Americas Midwest would love to have Mediterranean weather I’m sure.

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Borrowed from another site. “A good piece written by the FB Page “United Kingdom” that has a huge following. - Image and text straight from page. Link at the end of the text:

You may heard of Hadrian’s wall but not so many have heard of Antonine wall. The Antonine Wall is a remarkable historical monument that stretches across central Scotland, from Bo’ness on the Firth of Forth to Old Kilpatrick on the River Clyde. Built by the Romans in the 2nd century AD, it served as a barrier between the Roman Empire and the native Caledonian tribes of Scotland.

The Antonine Wall was constructed in AD 142-144 by soldiers from three Roman legions to serve as a barrier between the Roman Empire and the native Caledonian tribes of Scotland. It was a massive engineering feat that required the movement of thousands of tons of earth and stone, and it marked the northernmost frontier of the Roman Empire. Despite its relatively short lifespan, the 39 mile Antonine Wall remains an impressive engineering and cultural monument that provides a unique insight into the history of the region.”


Indeed! :smile:

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Beautiful city Max. Hopefully it’s not too crowded and expensive yet.

I spent a month there in 1983, at the Academia Chigiana. 39° every given day except for a free day we spent in Firenze, where the temperature was 40°.
I attended various courses as a listener, the only unforgettable were the violin lessons by Franco Gulli.

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My hometown Torino, in 1572 when the huge citadel was terminated:

and today:


One of my favourite maps


The Vinland map purported to show that Vikings had discovered America. It was sold to Yale university, but not generally agreed to be a 20C fake until 2018. A fascinating, if duplicitous document.


That’s nice, brought back pleasant memories of playing at Ewenny Priory (20 miles West of Cardiff) during my childhood. I often attended various functions/fetes at Ewenny Priory House and Gardens with my parents, and was once gifted a peacock’s egg when playing in the grounds which I had no luck at all trying to hatch in the airing cupboard at home. There was possibly a reason it was gifted to me!

I used to cycle to it on my yellow Chopper and was allowed to visit the grounds on occasion many decades ago.


What that shows is that there was too much bloody religion in the land, and that Henry probably got it right!


I’m a sucker for history, castles, churches etc.

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