Firmware update v. 3.7.0

Yes I did get the same impression …but we all need to see days lately if it’s still sound better.

Wow! From the first second; Verry good sonic update indeed​:+1::muscle: :notes::hugs: Thnx Naim.



Only my 2nd firmware update, can’t be 100% but I agree that it seems to make my system sound even better. Went smoothly and didn’t take long.

I powered off my unit, and roon is still playing after I power off my ndx 2, I will reboot my ndx 2 now, but it never happened before. Strange.

My unit is acting strange, plays roon but it does not play in the Naim app. I took the power cord and I will wait a few minutes and see how it goes.

For a moment I saw my life go back. The unit crashed for the first time.

The remote did not work properly, power off made roon continue playing, strange bug.

Restarted all network devices and routers, hard reset the unit and is working again…

Update to 3.8 on my NDX 2 just done: perfect (as usual indeed)!

I have a NDX2 w/o remate.
The actual configuration is lost ?
Any problem on updating the firmware ?

It’s ok,

The streamer crashed, but after resetting my home network and resetting the NDX2 is all ok.

I was strange anyway, but is working like a champ now

I don´t have the remote, so if some function after the upgrade needs the remote…

It does not - all can be done via App

I update my NDX2 to the new firmware and it works fine. But, the update was finished 10 minutes ago and the Naim app still cannot find the NDX2.

I restarted the NDX2, but the Naim app still can’t find it.

Edit: 5 minutes later it came back. All is OK now.

I’m still on 3.70
My new 552dr/500dr is sounding so sweet , I’m afraid to update streamer.
Staying pat for now…. Unless I hear of a consensus on the forum about sound quality upgrade.

Still on 3.6. Looks like I’m going to be forced to take the update to keep Tidal.

I can’t imagine them changing the sound. They’re not going to mess with the dsp filters at this point. Any code change influencing the sound would be so minute, that it would be inaudible. It shouldn’t anyway if engineered properly. The digital section should be isolated from the analog section.

So why still on 3.60?

Because of all the trouble people were having with 3.7. All sorts of bugs.

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From 3.6 to 3.8 w/o any problems. Only was necessary to log in again in Tidal.
In terms of sound nothing to complain about yet.
I have to test again the NDX2 against the CDX2 to see if it is now on the same level. The (recently repaired at Naim) CDX2 was better.
Titanic Rising (Weyes Blood) is playing and it is a rainy day outside.
Well done, Naim.

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There is never a consensus on anything


Yeah, unfortunately this is not in the public FAQ but it is clearly spelled out for beta users.

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So upgraded to 3.8
No problems except as usual had to reboot the router and restart iPad in order for it to recognize my ndx2.
Always that scary few minutes when I’m thinking “why did I do this my system was sounding great”
Works fine
Hear no difference in sq.

After having my arm twisted behind my back, I finally upgraded to 3.8 last night. It went ok, but had to shut down the NDX2 for the app to find it. Why is this? Why can’t the app find it? Or why can’t the NDX2 come up in the proper state? It’s very annoying. Imagine Apple requiring you to reboot your iPad after every software update.

The only thing I noticed compared to 3.6 was that the NDX2 comes up in the on state. Before, it would start up, and then go straight to standby. I kind of liked that since we lose power a lot. Not too big a deal, as it will go into standby after an hour anyway.

Didn’t hear any difference in sq either.