First turntable…

Hi all,

I think this year I will buy a turntable. I’m still researching TTs and what I might need to spend to get something comparable to my NDX2/555ps.

However, this got me thinking about sound signature of a TT vs. the Naim sound?

Do most people buy a TT that’s sounds close to the Naim sound (upfront, PRaT, boogie factor etc) or get something that’s very different sounding, perhaps just so you can have a change (perhaps go for a very warm and natural sounding TT?).

Perhaps after some demos my ears will just decide what TTs I like the sound of?


Sound of a TT will be dependant on the your music preference(s) and most importantly the total replay combination…best advice talk to, audition with, a good dealer. Cartridge will have a very significant influence, but important if the TT can satisfactorily accommodate whatever you choose; ymmv.
Best not to overthink, particularly with vinyl, take a very good or extended listen, with some of your favourites.

edit - if you are in Yorks, talk or visit with SOrg in York, massive amount of experience and keen vinyl enthusiasts!

Turntables are obviously always going to sound different to digital sources.
If you are keen to stay within the Naim sound, perhaps listen to one of the many ex demo Solstice Turntables that dealers are trying to move on there are some excellent deals to be had now.
…but in all seriousness, Turntables are marvellous pieces of engineering that can cost as little as a few hundred pounds, up to 10’s of thousands.
You can decide a budget and try and shop within it, or go on the endless quest for the perfect sound.
Many here, me included, are big fans of the Linn LP12. You can spend the rest of your life playing with the spec of an LP12 in search of the perfect sound.
Whatever you choose, enjoy the journey.
I find that I get a great deal of pleasure from playing records on my LP12😊


I have found the biggest change in sound comes from the cartridge and the phono stage working together. I consider the tt and arm to be the engineering to run the cart you eventually decide on. Generally the better the cart then the better the engineering in the tt and arm needed to run the cart.
I’d start by listening to some high end carts and turntables then see what you can afford to get the nearest you can to the sound you like.

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Good afternoon,

When you say comparable to your NDX do you mean “sounds like”? In which case if you don’t have a vinyl collection already why would you want a TT? Because vinyl at any level will never sound like Digital sources. If you do (have some vinyl) then set a budget and get around dealers to have a listen. Depending upon funds in various configurations amongst your options will be Avid, Linn, Rega, Project, Roksan and Vertere, and yes some ex dem Naim Solstice which has the advantage of coming as a complete ready to go package albeit even discounted expensive.

However, if you don’t have any vinyl that doesn’t mean don’t at all costs do it, but I would start out with something modest and plug n play, say a Rega and phono stage, start buying some vinyl and see how you like it. What you’ll very soon notice is that even a modest TT will present the music that even the most expensive digital source cannot replicate, whether it’s equal to or better is a subjective judgement.

Good luck.




The reason for a TT is a bit of a sentimental one. When I was growing up, i used to listen to my dads TT (Garrard 401 and SME 3009) and his favourite music. That’s what got me into music as kid. I would go to school and talk about albums like Fleetwood Max Rumours. All my friends would laugh at me (when I was 12yrs old, back in the early 90s). I few years later, they all loved Fleetwood Mac!

I have a 4 year old, and would love to have a procured record collection of my favourite albums for him to listen to. He would never go though my ripped CDs and streaming is just a non starter (here son, listen to this plays list? It’s just too easy to skip songs and not listen)

I’m used to a certain audio quality, and wouldn’t want to buy a £200 deck and 30 “must listen” albums, because I wouldn’t listen to them (at least I don’t think I would).

As a kid, it was also an honour to use my dads TT, because it was very delicate and I needed to be sensible and careful with it.

I don’t want to build a massive collection, just the best albums I’ve ever listened to, played on a TT that makes me want to get them out of their sleeve!

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To have something that stands up to your streamer you’ll be looking at a Planar 10. Say you buy that and 50 albums, that’s about £7,500. Why would your four year old care what your favourite albums are? You’d be better putting the money in premium bonds in their name. Projecting what we enjoyed when we were young onto our children is a mistake. Great music is still great whether on a streamer, vinyl or the radio.


In the good old days, about 40 years ago, when I was a teenager, the obvious candidate - which I had - would have been a Thorens TD160S (sold without tonearm). I added a Mission tonearm and an Ortofon MC cartridge, but perhaps the more obvious choice would have been an SME 3009. ( I tried to kid myself that an LP12 couldn’t be much better, but I was wrong on that score.)

Now, a starter TT might be a Linn Majik, complete with tonearm, and there’s a huge choice of suitable MM or MC cartridge from Linn, Dynavector, Grado and others.


I’m not sure I agree, but we all raise our kids differently.

My teenage nephews and nieces have no interest music unless it’s played on Radio 1. There parents aren’t interested in music either. I just find this rather sad.

Even at 4 yrs old, my son will tell me if he likes a song or not, likes a beat to a song or not. It’s just the environment he’s around. When he’s a teenager, if he wants to delve into his dads LP collection then great. I can’t wait to take him to a festival and hear some live music. I wish my dad would have taken me to a gig or two.

If I cared about the money, I wouldn’t have any HiFi gear (best sell that 555ps I enjoy so much) and would put it all in premium bonds in his name :joy:

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My son’s first ever ‘live’ music event, when he was aged seven, was Neil Young playing an open-air concert in London’s Finsbury Park. For reasons that I no longer remember, Neil Young’s backing group that day was Booker T and The MGs, rather than Crazy Horse. James initially sat on my shoulders to see above the heads of the crowd, but I then placed him on a huge trestle quite near the front of the stage which housed all the amplifiers and PA system.

Great memories!


Oh no :man_facepalming::joy:

My Dad took me to see Kenny Ball when I was 14. It was at a rather seedy West London jazz club, Mum said they’d never let me in but Dad explained to the bouncer guy that I was heavily into music so unbelievably I was let in sat in front of the stage but only allowed 2 beers, that wouldn’t happen now! Kenny was an amazing horn player but of course I now recognise he was a Louis Armstrong pastiche.

But you inherit so much from your parents, of course I branched out in many different directions but seeds still sow.

We took our daughters to see Jools Holland, The Zutons, Paul Simon, The Who, Ryan Adams and with my eldest daughter a Dad/Daughter night out to see AC/DC. Now grown up when they are back home they often put a CD or record on.

Yeah introduce your son to music by vinyl. The streaming will take care of itself.


I repeat vinyl doesn’t “stand up” to streaming, it’s just very different.


It’s great to see parents taking their kids to live music. I had a memory of the reverse. Before the Filmore East closed in NYC, I took my parents to hear BB King. Memorable performance but a disaster never the less. I was 20.

There was a couple in front of us who were engaged in sexual activity. My mom was unfazed but I thought my dad would pass out from shock. For weeks my dad talked about the performance as being a “blight on the city”.

@Jaybar Geez that sounds like a very awkward night :grimacing:

My wife was ill quite a bit last year and I had tickets for both Pearl Jam and Ryan Adam. My dad came to both shows instead. First time at a gig together. He’s in his 70s. It was nice to hang out. He liked PJ but is not a Ryan Adams fan. We were on the third row as well, it was awesome.

As fait would have it, both bands are playing again in the UK this year, so hopefully the wife will make it this time…

Yes it was awkward to say the least. We are blessed with an abundance of great music in NYC. One of the things I am constantly reminded of, is the gap between even great systems and live music in great venues.

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If they are listening to music AT ALL, that’s great.

I’m quite confident that many here heard their parents complain about the Beatles and Stones sh** they were listening to.


I like Linn for a couple of reasons.

  1. The sound.
  2. My bank account can afford it.
  3. The dust hood.
  4. I can play both 33 1/3 and 45 RPM records.
  5. Source first.

When it came to the purchase, I copied my dealer’s setup as I respected him, and he had put a lot of effort into designing his system. However, I am still on the lookout for a 202 and 200 though sadly no, where to fit them into my current music stand.

In hindsight, I possibly should have kept my money in my pocket and purchased an ND 5 XS2 or an NDX2.

I have a rule when playing vinyl. Do not drink alcohol, as the vinyl is very precious and expensive. If I do have a dram, the LP stays on the turntable till the next morning.

Playing CDs is very easy, and there is no flipping of records. However, I do enjoy my Diana Krall in Paris on 45 rpm, plus others.

What I am trying to say in my case. Find a good dealer you can trust and get on with, one on one.

Mitch in OZ living with dust from grazing paddocks and salt by the sea.


Does Rega have a dust cover?

A major part of the final sound of your TT will be the Phono Stage you choose. Listen to a few different manufacturers products.
I highly recommend Graham Slee Products. The GSP Reflex M is excellent, but they also have a higher model that I believe does both MM or MC, and sounds even better.
Just a thot …