First turntable…

Oh yes, massive difference. We have to accept that not everyone else will wish to experience music in the same way as us. The found memories/associations we may have with music over the years will not mean the same to others.

My point was that it is a lot of trouble and money to purchase gear and records that may not be appreciated. The most important thing is to find a suitable way to share music that holds particular fondness.

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But we should (ALL…with the obvious ecceptions) be able to tell the difference between a car stereo and a Naim 300 system, unless there is something desparately wrong (presumably with the Naim system…set up etc).

There’s nothing wrong with the hifi - it’s a matter of human psychology!

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No: yes, but the hearing is the same. An appreciation or valuation of what is heard is individaul, but the original statement said cannot tell the diffeence. These are different things.

I don’t think you get my point so I will try to elaborate. For example, if someone isn’t interested, they won’t actually listen carefully; they might appear to listen but aren’t bothering - ‘it’s just music, so what’! On the other hand, they might disapprove of the amount of money spent on the hifi and think, as a family member, that it could have been spent better on them and will mark their disapproval by saying there is no difference, even if they can discern one.


I can see the validity/rationality in this position. It does depend on translating the observer’s comments though.

Not at all. My point is that they don’t care about the SQ. Music is music to them and SQ doesn’t come into it. There are many people who think the same way.

Trust me, my 300 series sounds superb and in its own way, so does the Harman Kardon in my car. Others just have zero interest in how they sound.


Excellent points. The first one certainly applies. In the second case, no-one has any idea of the cost of the HiFi and the fact that it is in a cupboard they are not aware of it properly.

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This is pretty much what I find. I have at some extra expense upgraded the sound system in each of my cars when I get them. Even people who comment on the sound can’t understand why I bothered. Its only music. :astonished:

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That’s how it has been for me since the 70’s
And look at the vinyl revival.
There’s a reason why so many enjoy the analog medie, you obviously don’t and thats fine how it is.


Sorry @PerF , I must have misread something - I thought that the OP did not have vinyl replay equipment or records and would be purchasing purely to allow someone else to enjoy.

Yes, from the 70s vinyl was the only option for me too. I haven’t used vinyl since the 90s (adopted CD early) and now stream. No interest in vinyl for me but I do appreciate that others love it.

Yes of course.

There’s another design that fits the skeletal decks.

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Buy the best TT you can afford. get a decent power supply, and support; phono stage, and then think in terms of upgrading tonearm, followed by cartridge.
With TTs, the ‘source first’ mantra still holds. Do not stray from the path!


Doesn’t the P8 cover actually fit nearly any turntable without an unusually chunky or curved arm?

It’s almost identical to the Michell unicover which should fit anything bar chunky tonearms - though you could possibly add a spacer on the spindle to raise it up a bit.

It does have a locator for Rega turntables that may have to be removed. A better choice might be the Edwards cover. Not as pretty but only a central spindle locator.

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