Football Season 2023/24

Thanks @JohnF. I’m working from home and the only strenuous part of that is using my lungs to talk on the phone periodically. That said I’m increasingly taken aback by the impact and the difficulty in distinguishing symptoms such as night sweats and rib pain. Have finished the antibiotics but that of course doesn’t guarantee it’s bacterial so it seems as though I have to make a judgement at some point as to whether I appear to be slowly recovering or there’s other things wrong.

Typically I missed our best performance of the season.

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Harry is doing a bit of moonlighting tonight

I’ve no right to say this beyond being the person who started the thread as these things go where they go but it would be really nice if we could keep this as far away from banter as possible. Newcastle in Europe etc. will be fascinating but let’s enjoy it and discuss it in the tone we’ve managed so far rather than via provoking other teams with funny images etc. Thanks.

Great goal scoring celebration from the Chelsea youngster (yet another one of yours @Jamiewednesday) - with apologies to Saints fans.


Yes, young Omari, good lad, good player. As is CHO at Forest and Cesare Casadei at Leicester and Harvey Vale at Bristol Rovers and Charlie Webster somewhere in The Netherlands. Even Romelu Bloody Lukaku scores at Roma.

It’s funny how we can’t find a place for all these fellas scoring goals for everyone else after we sell them or send them on loan somewhere…!


We have been impressed - skillful good attitude - so far he’s played Right 10, Left 10, wide right and (briefly) right wing back. The loan system working well - we get a good hungry player, he gets better football under a modern manager known for developing players.

The only good thing about tonight’s game at Carrow Road was the fact I decided to watch it on tv!
The result didn’t surprise as we were fairly awful against Stoke.
Since Sargent’s injury we seem to have lost our threat and movement which has slowed are passing game to a clueless crawl.
Let’s hope the new share proposal leads to a brighter future.

Too much football on TV and Sky/BT do it better with more resources

As a child I used to watch Football Focus. As a man I never have. It never felt to me as though it was anything to do with too much football. For me it’s much more about

  • BBC don’t really have continuous Saturday afternoon sport such as Grandstand. For many people FF was the start of an afternoon of sports based TV. You’re not going to tune in now for 30 minutes and then turn to Sky. You’re just going to go to Sky when you’re ready.

  • Most of the FF content is previewed on the BBC Sport website. Once you’ve read that what is the point of watching?

  • Most of the interesting content can be found in stuff produced by individual clubs or fan forums. That’s expanded to fill a gap FF could never fill unless your team was fulfilling a specific gap that week by playing an important game.

  • The focus on the EPL because that’s what they televise was never sustainable. Interest in it is great but people can get their in depth content from clubs or fans forums. FF’s idea of in depth simply isn’t. Driven by the EPL insistence on entertainment the focus is on the glib and trite. We’ve had major crowd situations and FF has barely acknowledged them. Gambling by players? Doesn’t exist. Dodgy owners? What are they?

Won’t be missed I’m afraid. The BBC have no idea what they’re doing.


26 years of desperate Delia and we’re 4-0 down to Plymouth at half time!

As you know, I recently lost my wife & had no appetite to attend the match.

It’s beginning to look like last season all over again but with the rot setting in earlier.

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And The Mighty Whites go storming up the league to fifth, with a slick win in front of their home crowd.

There was only ever one team in it, and some of the new faces shone today.

Kamara got his first start, and looks to be a confident, skilled midfielder.

Anthony came on after 80 minutes and got his first goal, whilst former pupil Sam Byram is proving to be a steal as a free transfer.

Summerville continues to glide past opponents effortlessly.

Giorginio Rutter?

After a quiet start last season, our most expensive signing finally seems to have relaxed and is now enjoying himself with some outrageous flicks and tricks.

Overall, I think we have some of the most talented players in the division, and now that things seem to be coming together, we are heading in the right direction.



Dave, if I didn’t know any better I would think you were starting to feel optimistic :grinning:

Hasn’t Kamara been linked to us for a few seasons now, even under Marcelo? Glad he looked good with a full game. Another clean sheet, am I really watching Leeds!



Earlier this season, when results weren’t going our way, I wasn’t too concerned, as, looking at the quality of the squad, I felt that it would just be a matter of time before the team gelled, and we began turning things around.

All credit to Herr Farke, both for his vision over incoming transfers, and also for apparently restoring the Leeds “Side Before Self” philosophy.

Kamara had been linked in the past, but I think he made it clear that it was finally time to move on from Glasgow.

Hopefully this doesn’t prove to be a false dawn, but yes, I’ve shifted from “not worried” to “optimistic”.



And next up, Southampton, who have lost four on the trot and seem to gift chances to every team they play (due to Russell Martin’s hopeless tactics, IMV). Leeds high tempo, high press style is ideally suited to exploiting that weakness.


Royally entertained by a ridiculous attack v attack game at Portman Road - the score could literally have been anything.

No need for anyone to get too despondent yet as it seems to be a league where on their day anyone can beat anyone. The Cov who from memory were in PO final last year and have strengthened are down near the bottom. Parachute payments to either retain or buy better will out.

Have to agree tho that the Leeds front 3 are a cut above.

The problem with Football Focus is that it’s become The One Show. An hour of inane blather that offers nothing in the way of either insight or entertainment. It should be put out of its misery as soon as possible. It won’t be missed.


Spot on!

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You can’t go wrong with Daniel Farke. If only our idiot owners had gone rather than Daniel.


Hope DF doesn’t get too settled with you.

I want him back at Carrow Road.

Plenty of disastrous errors made there in the past couple of seasons but making him the scapegoat for the boards shortcomings was the biggest of them all.

Convinced you have a really good manager there if backed properly by the board/owners & a very nice person as well.