Football Season 2023/24

I couldn’t even find a dodgy link for your game!

I watched it on S4C having forgotten it was also live on iPlayer. Prefer the former anyway as the latter apparently had Malcolm Allen as a co-commentator who is unbearable.

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I watched on the Clic app as I can’t get S4C in Yorkshire. I struggle to follow the commentary in Welsh but when I stopped trying I found I enjoyed the game more anyway.

Some good passing in parts. The defence looked good and strangely they tend to dispossess players rather than go for any crunching tackles. I thought O’Connor had a good game and even Cannon impressed before he went off. That’s the first time I’ve even noticed him in a game!

Well done Sam Dalby, he put in a shift and scored a good goal. Paul Mullen absolutely ran his socks off too.

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Very interesting interview.

Russell Martin: I despised what my dad did to my mum

Time to screw principles and buy Sky :slight_smile:

I think it’s inevitable our defence doesn’t tackle given that it’s two attacking midfielders in it. Both Evans and O’Connor want too long on the ball for me and the latter passing from the back is generally dismal. He was caught in possession half a dozen times yesterday. I know the pitch and weather can excuse that but it’s no different to what he did at Bradford for example. Both look much better against opposition like Mansfield because they play with high full backs so a hoof in the general direction of Dalby or Mullin was often okay. Both also look better coming forward towards their natural positions when allowed. I’ve noticed the range of O’Connors passing from defence is awful but when he drifts upfield it’s as though something clicks and he can unlock defences very effectively.

That’s the closest Cannon has come to two consecutive good performances for me. Dalby is showing us that as much as anything his game depends on partnerships.

I’m afraid if the ownership question persists much longer Norwich will be relegated for sure. Sporting director allowed to serve out his time in post until March despite his successor starting at the end of November.
The ownership take over with Norfolk Holdings limping along for three years and Delia thinking she’ll have a veto at that time if she doesn’t approve despite this weeks accounts indicating a £78 million financial black hole.
In the meantime the players are doing their best to get us relegated with yet another home defeat that was among the worst performances I’ve seen at Carrow Road.

Disappointing performance and result for Pompey in the FA Cup R1 at Chesterfield today. Can have no complaints. Pompey were too often off the pace and Chesterfield worked harder. Chesterfield deserved their win and place in the 2nd round.

Moushino now has some work to do for Saturday’s league game at home to Charlton (one of our bogey sides for several years). Can he lift the side and maintain momentum or will that cup defeat be the start of a drop-off in form? Promotion campaigns can be decided by such moments. This will be a big test in his new managerial career. A positive sign was his post-match interview. He was honest about the performance and what went wrong today. Identifying weaknesses is the first step towards correcting them.

Afraid I’m going to have to ask. Why is it the players and the owners but not the crap manager? Crap manager before you brought him and clearly remains so. Operating well above his level. Sounds familiar.

At 0-3 and after a red card Blackburn were there for the taking. JDT has no idea how to construct tight defence let alone with 10 men. Scoring against 10 men is as simple as keeping the ball; keeping it moving; eventually pushing it between lines and tiring the opposition out. Your team didn’t do any one of those basic things. My mate John was sat next to your dugout today in a rare trip back to where he did his teacher training and he heard zero instructions on changing anything after the red card. That’s managerial incompetence. Basic coaching skills.

Our financial “black hole” has more than tripled in a season; our owners have far less idea what they’re doing than yours and are being led by the nose into a financial abyss of exact Shaun Harvey proportions. Our playing budget for this season has been slashed because we didn’t get levelling up money and our fourth side has been delayed until early 2024. The players added to the squad this season are a level below those already here. The only decent new addition is a keeper on loan to December who we could afford a year ago but likely can’t now. The only difference? The manager.

Wagner’s abilities are well known. Took Schalke on the longest winless streak in their history. Took Young Boys from being champions to being 15 points behind. People were crying out for his services :rofl:

Decent team Chesterfield. Cook has dropped several of the players other teams were drooling over and eventually built a team with the title in their own hands. Nevertheless I thought Pompey might have too much for them.

On the other hand there’s a strong argument that a team with such an awful away kit gets what it deserves :rofl:.

What was that?

Yes, I agree, Mike. That away kit is pretty awful. It’s meant to be part of the club celebrating its 125th anniversary and the colour - salmon pink - was the original colours.

Yikes. The shirts could have been stunning if well matched with shorts and socks but oh dear.

We originally played in white with a blue horizontal stripe but later moved to red and black hoops. The latter re-emerged for our 150th anniversary a few years back. It’s not a kit I wish to revisit.

My fave kit of recent seasons was Ebbsfleets away kit. Bright purple and stunning.

Nobody has less idea than Delia.
Football is a business and when a senior member of staff has made some disastrous decisions and then states he’s giving 90% of his time to the club and will be leaving in March you don’t leave him on the premises.
If your club had received £170 million in transfer fees (thanks to the efforts of a previous employees recruitment) and seven years of premier league and parachute income I’m sure they’d be in a better position than we are.
The three essentials in the top tiers of football are finance, man management and coaching probably in that order.
We lack finance, man management is poor and the coaching is mediocre so I think wholesale change is needed as we are currently rudderless and it affects what happens throughout the club.
Norfolk Holdings may not be the ideal solution but they’ve bought up a significant amount of the debt and are probably the only viable option.

I rest my case. Your dislike of your owner has exceeded rationality. I’ve literally no idea how you can watch a match like that and not conclude that you lost it because you employed a crap manager. Wagner will likely go before your owners and rightly so.

We’re owned by a Hollywood actor and a TV star. Their first act was to employ a comedian and writer as the key liaison between North America/Canada and Wales. This was on the basis that they knew him and he watched Liverpool games on his laptop.

Their second was to employ Shaun Harvey, a man who has overseen two clubs going into administration but actually overseen more administrations than that. He was forced out of his role as EFL chair after signing a TV deal which most clubs in your division thought was detrimental. He secured that role in the first place after an astonishing period at Leeds when Ofcom found him and his club guilty of harassment.

Last season he found himself in the ironic position of arguing that the streaming arrangements for football in our division were hamstrung by an idiotic agreement. That would be the one he put together. We’re paying Championship level wages to, mostly, mid table league one players and talking about having to reach the Championship by spending money we literally do not have in order to become “sustainable”.

You have literally no idea what a bad owner looks like.

Our club is in a complete mess and when that happens you have to blame the person at the top not the staff below.
We are well past the point of replacing the coach. Our debts are increasing exponentially and Delia says she adores the man responsible for those debts, Webber the sports director.
You do not talk about staff in that manner as it may come back to bite you.
Norfolk Holdings need to take over as quickly as possible as they have the expertise to deal with what is essentially a debt crisis.
I’m not happy with Wagner as a coach but removing him will change little if the regime above is not removed.
The club has not been in this bad a financial situation before and for the first time I’m very concerned they’ll go under if we continue in this clueless manner.

… but you have blamed the staff below. You explicitly mentioned the players. Not mentioning your dismal coach and his clear responsibility for what the players didn’t do is bizarre.

Your debts are increasing but certainly not exponentially. You’re certainly a long way from going under. There are at least fifteen other clubs in your division waaay ahead of you on that score. Far from going under it just makes them vulnerable to takeover. The fact you think this is a crisis suggests a certain otherworldliness about how football finance works but whatever.

Important I think to remember that it’s your choice to blame the owner but doing so doesn’t make it any more logical or right.

We’ve discussed it before but there is no way Norfolk Holdings and their owner are the answer to any of the crisis you see. They’re more of the same.

You blame a player because he hasn’t played well. The reason that player is not performing well maybe that he’s poorly coached. The coaching maybe poor because the Sports Director recruited badly and wasn’t up to the job.
We all make mistakes but when a senior manager makes the same mistakes for two or three years then the fault lies with the owner.
The consequences percolate down from the top and therefore change starts at the top.
We’re now on the point of changing the coach for the third time in less than two seasons which to me indicates the problem is higher up than the coach.

I saw a different game apparently, having only watched the last 30 minutes. :wink:
Good to see Glen Kamara earning his transfer fee. An elegant and effective midfielder.

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Anyone else in favour or creating a separate thread to discuss Norwich ownership issues?
Maybe include our favourite recipes from her archives? I do like the pickled beets from the vegetarian cookbook!


As the main culprit I apologise.
When you’ve supported a team for sixty years and see it being run into the ground it’s easy to become fixated.
Any new thread should possibly be under the crazy methods which football clubs are being run as I think Mike and I agreed they are spending way beyond their means which isn’t sustainable.


Absolutely no need. We have different perspectives on why you are where you are but that’s life isn’t it. My take would be that your contributions have done plenty to get this thread going and keep it going. If others want to talk about their non EPL club or the wider game at length I would hope they’d feel able to get into similar depth.

I look at the EPL thread and see the so-called banter once again descend into something else and continue to think that it will remain a good decision to separate the two.