Football Season 2023/24

Very pleased with Pompey’s 3 nil win at Northampton this afternoon. I was at Fratton Park last Saturday to witness our collapse against Blackpool. While the officials were awful (eg claiming a player standing in an offside position ‘wasn’t interfering with play’ when the shot for the 2nd goal deflected off of him!), we deserved to lose, and Morrell once again showing ill-discipline in getting sent off. Like many Pompey fans, I wondered whether that defeat was the beginning of a collapse - seen us do that before in L1, after leading the table for the first part of the season - or a blip. Given we won away at Burton on Tuesday 2 nil and now today’s result, I more confident the Blackpool result was a blip. The main worry now is the twisted ankle that Colby Bishop suffered at Burton. He’s a vital player for us and the club have yet to reveal the extent of the injury. :fearful:


The demand for tickets was a couple of seasons ago as Farke produce a very successful, entertaining team.
If you weren’t so keen in supporting our owners you would have seen that at last years AGM the FD reported that they have received several offers for the club which they scrutinised and presented the viable ones to the board for their consideration.
Look again at the interviews at this years AGM and you’ll see an intolerant person blaming her customers for the clubs current predicament.
Unless things change in the near future the ever increasing debt is more likely to end in administration rather than success on the field with a team averaging more than thirty years in age.

I’m indifferent to your owners beyond recognising basic competence when I see it.

Your board rejected so-called viable bids for what struck me as sensible reasons. Nothing more to say there.

Wonder if it’s occurred to you that absent those 30 year olds nothing is between your team and a relegation place?

This is madness John. You’re living in a world where a bang average manager whose upper limit was the Championship is now some kind of lost Messiah. Now neither your owners nor your manager know better than you and you’re alleging they’re saying stuff they patently didn’t. It’s easy to take or find offence on everything when you take against someone but it’s being stretched beyond breaking point here.

Even your point about extra seats didn’t add up. First you could get 10,000 now you couldn’t. First it was viable full stop and your owners lacked ambition. Now it’s not viable because the crowd’s wouldn’t come now but literally earlier today you posted that it wasn’t viable full stop. I strongly recommend reading back your own posts. You’re tying yourself in knots and it’s not because of me poking away.

You are ignoring what I’m saying. The demand for seats has disappeared with Farke and a brand of football that was entertaining.
I have already demonstrated how the stadium expansion would not work using the figures quoted by Norwich Directors. In doing I’ve discredited your increased merchandising argument.
If you know the identity of the several creditable offers to buy that were presented to the board I’d appreciate you disclosing them as nobody apart from the board appear to be aware in Norwich. Indeed we were all surprised they had received viable offers as Delia told us there hadn’t been any.
A company who’s debt is nearly as big as its turnover and who’s product is in decline is not well run.

Nope, you’ve not understood what they said; not understood what I’ve said and not read back your own posts, which are hopelessly contradictory at this point.

Excellent game today Dave, congrats on the win :+1:


Set allegiances aside and try to catch Wes Burns goal for Ipswich v the Cov.

Played out from a tight corner at the back, a volleyed round the corner crossfield ball to the left, run and pass across to Wes on the right, right back makes a run outside taking a defender with him, Burns cuts into the box then bends a shot with outside of his right boot into the far top corner.

Magic. It’s what makes us go week in week out. Almost better was the collective wow when it was replayed on the big screen seconds later!


Ipswich have already scored one of the goals of the season for me back in October as I recall. End to end glorious stuff.

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Poor defending and the usual missed chances made that more difficult than it should have been. Important 3 points though.

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Thought the Hull v Watford game was a cracker.

Oh boy. If we get through today, and that’s a very big if against a Mark Cooper team in fine form, we’ve got the Slops away. Closest we’ll get to a local derby; feisty atmosphere but also a real chance to make the fourth round.

Please explain to me how a self funding model that is at least £68 million (based on recent accounts) in debt is self funding?

Please, Not another day of this. No one cares.
Thanks in advance for your consideration.


It can’t be a serious question, can it? It’s just trolling. When you’re contradicting your own posts and claiming people said stuff that video clearly shows they did not then you’re drifting into parody and worse.

You can be in debt and self-funding just like clubs with the sugar daddy “model” or the consortium “model” have three times the debt of Norwich and more. I agree it should be left there.

Given that Delia is responsible for everything it’s disappointing she’s not been given the credit for todays win.

Self funding was started by Arsenal several years ago and they abandoned it when the stars started leaving because other teams were able to afford better wages.
Your answer is strange as it seems to imply that it is all things to all people.
I know people get fed up discussing how clubs are run but out of the top tier it’s very interesting how different clubs deal with the extremely difficult task of making ends meet in a business that defies logic.

What on earth are Sunderland owners doing, sacking Tony Mowbray?! They’ve done well in the Championship and are only 3 points off the play-offs. Madness.

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My source up here advises me he fell out with Speakman, the Director of Football, some time ago. Mowbray wanted more input into player recruitment apparently. Strange decision though - they’ve had too much manager churn in recent years :black_heart::white_heart:

2 wins in 9 so someone doesn’t like the direction of travel.

They’re off in pursuit of a “…relentless demand for a high performance culture to be implemented throughout the club and the development of a strong playing identity that you, our loyal supporters, can all be proud of.”

So that’s alright then. They just want to be better. The shareholders have spoken.

I like Mowbray. Cracking defender on his day and a nice man committed to lovely attacking football. Of another era in many respects.

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In the meantime I shall amuse myself with the thought that we’re about to build a temporary stand which will hold more people than Chester’s entire stadium.

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Blades could do worse than sign him. Though a nasty mid winter commute.