Football Season 2023/24

Well, on a wet and windy night in Plymouth, The Mighty Whites found their mojo in extra time, and ran out comfortable winners in the end.

Given the weather conditions, they still managed to play some very attractive football, which, for most Whites fans this season, is probably every bit as important as the eventual outcome.

And Wee Willy Gnonto continued his rehabilitation program with another goal.



Wet & windy in Southampton as well. Thankfully my seat is well up under the roof and quite dry. However I got saturated on the walk back to the car.

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Another clean sheet, brought up on Revie clean sheets remain the holy grail for me. Could have scored 6 or 7 but our finishing still lacks a clinical edge but we do score some great goals. And a Panenka penalty to scare the life out of me.

All in all a thoroughly deserved win. Shame about the start of the season and the mess left by Orta/inherited by Farke. Might just be a bit too much to pull back, even for Farke whose Championship stats (with us and Norwich ) are astonishing.


The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing again and expecting a different outcome. Parky picked the same midfield. Ergo, same outcome. Much worse to come.

Admit it Mike, you’re @JohnF in disguise…


A fabulous game at St. Mary’s………for neutrals!

All credit to Huddersfield, who played us off the park for most of the game.

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I’m afraid that Wagner was 100% right with last weeks substitutions and the reverse this week.
Sargent may have been injured but should have been replaced with Sydney.
Barnes is no longer a ninety minute player and should be used as late impact should desperation require it.
You won’t get out of the championship by being timid.
With our back four trying to hold on to a lead is not an option!

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Fabulous backhanded insult to John to be fair. Bravo sir :rofl:

Our fans have very different versions of what’s going wrong. We have yet to blame the owners though.

That said, I was amused to see several of them having a go at Ryan on X for daring to congratulate Bradford. Not the done thing apparently.

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When the debt gets to £98 million it’s difficult to blame the fans!

I think the general agreement was that Norwich finance discussions were banned. You’re only allowed to moan about the performances :slight_smile:

That that seems to be getting harder by the week for you and suddenly easier for me will go down as one of the better ironies of the season.

I saw that too Mike. We are now not allowed to applaud a goal against us or congratulate a team if they beat us. Apparently that will make us ‘losers’ and we are better than that because we have loads of money.

I was appalled to say the least.

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Decades of applauding goals against us that were far better than anything we were capable of so it’s kind of ingrained now. Where were these strange people then?

I’ve always appreciated good football, hopefully from Norwich but in recent times in the premiership it was from the opposition.
The moment I remember most was watching Rooney at the end of his career in a poor United team ping long range passes around with precision and power before anybody else had seen the possibilities. Footballer on a different level to everybody else.

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Great night for lufc. Saints struggle as we wallop Swansea. It’s all getting a bit tasty at the top. To have Saints at ER last game of the season with promotion in our own hands would make for a scintillating end to the season. Long way to go yet but Farke’s experience at this level does seem to be paying off. Really tough games ahead but what a joy it is to be playing for something rather than playing to avoid something (relegation) in the EPL.


Couldn’t make the trip tonight due to an achillies injury but fortunately able to watch on the red button.
Despite going into a two goal lead and looking comfortable it wouldn’t be Norwich if they didn’t contrive to make a game of it.
Some how we managed to come through 4-2 despite giving away a two goal league. Great equaliser from Watford followed by a couple of late goals from City.
Watching on tv always seems harder to me than being in the stadium.
Top six for the moment.:crossed_fingers:

The Mighty Whites cruised to an easy win against The Swans tonight, whilst elsewhere, Brizzle convincingly beat Southampton, leaving us in second place.

Both Saints (1) and The Tractor Boys (2) have games in hand over us, so wouldn’t it be grand if Millwall can get a result at home tomorrow evening against Ipswich.



Pleased with Pompey’s 3-1 home win over Cambridge this evening, save for yet another injury for a key player, Tom Lowery. We’ve had awful luck with injuries this season and our luck shows no sign of changing. :woozy_face: Anyway, we’re still six points clear. Clubs below have games in hand, and if Bolton win all three of theirs they would overtake us but at this stage of the season I’d rather have the points on the board. PUP

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Dunno if anyone’s watching the Champions League, but the Brahim Diaz goal for Real Madrid was a cracker. Otherwise, the results quite predictable.

Right at the beginning of the season @JohnF & I told you to believe in Fake didn’t we?

Seems a really nice guy who also happens to be a pretty good football manager as well. Still can’t believe we have/had people at our club who felt we would be better without him.

I have no love for Leeds, nor anything against them, but would be delighted to see Daniel achieve promotion yet again.

Provided, of course, that it’s not at our expense!

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Results elsewhere anything but predictable tonight. A cracking night in the EFL.