Football Season 2023/24

Point taken. At ours they missed so many chances it was ridiculous and looked as though nobody knew how to take them.
I was surprised to see Armstrong had scored so many because he didn’t look the part.

AA plays like a winger. Che Adams is the centre forward, and while I can’t fault his work rate or commitment, he is no Harry or Erling. We need another Rickie Lambert.
But having said that, RL, AA or CA were all unable to “cut it” in the Prem. The gulf between Div.1 & Div.2 is immense.

Anyway, if we don’t get promoted, I renew my ST next season and look forward to playing the Old Enemy! :grin: :grin:

You need another Ron Davies! My boyhood hero.

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But then you’d need the pin-point crosses from Terry Paine from the right, and from John Sydenham on the left, as counterpoint.

LOL, I saw a lot of Ron’s goals at the Dell in ‘67-69……but in later years Le God was more fun to watch!


He’s doing really really well. He’s just scored tonight, though Pompey are behind again.

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I see there’s been a pitch invasion at Fratton Park, by a fox!

Has he paid? A season ticket holder, perhaps? An infiltrator from Leicester?


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Looks a bit scraggy. Obviously need a few visits to Sharif’s on Albert Road to fatten him up.

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Equaliser for Pompey!

An assist from the fox?

Now it’s down to “game management” for Pompey, i.e a draw against the second placed team is fine, just don’t lose and let them gain points. Something Saints failed to do years ago when top of Div.2 (where they had been since week 2) and playing Reading in second place. Something like three or four matches to go, both teams would be expected to win their remaining games - which indeed they did. The Saints-Reading game at SMS was the decider for who won the division. Reading won, took over top spot and won the division.

Game management! Or in layman’s terms “park the bus” :grinning::grinning:

And there you have it. Derby’s threat against 1st place nullified, Pompey five points clear with game in hand.
The Gooners did much the same against Man City at the weekend.

Game management.

Wrexham were undone by a tidy Doncaster side tonight. We looked toothless and Palmer was ineffective. He looked laboured in the warm up before kick off.

We were lacklustre with a few under par performances. Their no. 5 was immense and I believe he only played due to injury to another player.

We could have had an equaliser if Mullin had not tapped in a goal bound effort from an offside position. Summed the night up perfectly.

Well done Donny, all the best for the rest of the season.

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That takes me back :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Fair comment. Our new kop has mysteriously risen to £37m and the men who would never take loans out against our club appear to have done exactly that.

Yeah, I thought several players looked leggy snd Palmer was one. The mistake for me was one of team selection and that the game was played at their pace. O’Connor has been good in the lsst two games but lacks the speed to keep up when the opposition are faster. With Lee not having played competently since September Cannon was isolated and we created nothing in the 1st half.

As regards team selection we need McClean in the middle and McFadz at left wing back until Mendy is fit. If he won’t play McFadz then it needed Young in the middle.

Subbing Bolton was probsbly right but then, ss ever, we didn’t give Barney the ball in the right places so he couldn’t exploit the lads yellow card either. Evans msde zero difference in midfield as you’d expect from a player who can’t tackpe and has zero goals or assists. Like Lee, I am bewildered as to how they get picked. Even Tim of Fearless In Devotion finally conceded that Lee is chasing shadows.

It was our typical away performance this season and for me it’s aleays been when McClean is on the left and there’s no ball winner in midfield. I expect the same outcome against Colchester unless those 2 changes are made. I expect he’ll start Fletcher instead, which will do nothing.

The streaming camera was useless last night but have now seen enough angles to suggest that either the keeper or the lad on the far side played Mullin on. Hard to argue we deserved a draw though.

At the moment it’s difficult to see how clubs outside the elite can grow.
I know at Norwich the fans have been querying why the capacity has not been increased and a couple of years ago we could have gone to say 35,000 and filled a fair part of it by adding an additional tier to the City stand.
Now looking at the latest building indices this would be financial suicide.
This leaves developing young players and this is being seriously challenged by bigger clubs moving in on development players. We’ve recently lost one very promising player to a London club and rumour has it another is on his way.
They pay compensation but these are usually a fraction of what they should be.
I know I criticise our current owner because mistakes have been made and the treatment of the fans but looking at any ordinary football club at the moment it’s difficult to see a way forward.
I’m sure that in the near future we’ll either have a European super league or the premiership will become an American style closed shop hence the current interest from across the Atlantic. Where that leaves the rest of us is anybodies guess.

Absolutely fascinating and slightly bonkers best 50 players in the EFL in this months 442 magazine. As with all lists it will cause controversy and disagreement. It’s also a good way to pick up on players you may not have heard of.

I spotted our own Elliot Lee at 42 and had to laugh. If they think he’s the best player in our team this season then they cannpt have watched us at all and young Max Cleworth is going to come as a shock to them

Bonkers is an understatement.

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I hope Saints management are looking closely at that list…for next season!

It is in part a sobering list of all the players who have scored against us this season.

Rotherham were relegated last night. An end to their dismal season at last.

As Wrexham are still in with a chance of promotion, I’m quite pleased as it is another close away game for me. Still got to do the business yet though.

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I fear for you. Small pitch in a poor state not suited for wing backs or avoiding injuries or red cards. Ball may also stick at inappropriate moments temptimg more inappropriate

For me it’s very simple. If we have a ball winner in midfield (McClean or Young) then we can pick up points. If not then we lose. I’ll be happy to be proven wrong but, assumimg Mendy remains unfit, I can’t see Parky starting McFadz at left wing back and I can’t see him playing McClean and Young so… we lose.