Football Season 2023/24


Well, that was unexpected, but nice to finish on a high note.

I think that means we get West Brom.

Birmingham were 6th when Rooney took over. Now relegated.


Yes Mike, definitely the form team…

Will be a miracle if we even turn up on time for the bus to the semi’s.

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Two hard earned draws and a defeat! Leeds are going to be very wary of the form team.:smile::smile:

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I was going to post yesterday that we would loose 1-0 (admittedly to a Birmingham goal in the first 10 minutes) but then thought I would look foolish when we won 5-0.

Why do we invariably disappoint? I know even the top teams occasionally do as well, but our remarkable consistency in the disappointment stakes over the past 45 years (for me), longer for you, must be unmatched by any other team. Must be ingrained in our DNA…

I will forecast Bamford to be man of both matches. Our second worst forward ever, only beaten by one Harry Kane.

The supported in me wants another promotion but, for the first time, I am torn between thinking a further season in the Championship may not be a bad thing, although the financial ramifications may make the Premiership a better bet.

PS - Have just read that Barnes will be fit for the play off final if we make it. I feel much better now…

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Gallows humour is essential for all City fans.
I’ll still be paying out an extra £36 pounds to trot along and watch Bamford play a blinder next Sunday but I think I’ll miss the away leg.

With apologies to Norwich, Leeds & Southampton chums - this is what it feels like after nearly 20 years in the doldrums.


Enjoy it @BlueCanary Two consecutive promotions like that is an incredible achievement :+1::+1:


Once again, well done The Tractor Boys with their two consecutive promotions, some going that.

Meanwhile, the less than mediocre Mighty Whites stumble onwards, achieving absolutely nuffink today, not that it matters, since Ipswich were always unlikely to slip up against 'Uddersfield anyway.

Their complete loss of form does not bode well for the playoffs against The Canaries, the inform team at the mo’, so I’m predicting another season int’ Championship, with four or five of our best players having it away on their heels.

Do not pass Go, do not collect £200, and return back to square one.

Oh well, :man_shrugging:



You fell into our trap :wink:


I feel for the Brummie fans but those idiots who run the club got what they deserved.


Great scenes, it was like that at St Mary’s a decade ago, when Saints also did back to back promotions.

(My son in law sent me a “thank you for keeping Leeds at bay” text. Needless to say, he is a happy bunny tonight)

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Curse you, Moriarty!

……distant sound of maniacal laughter……


@Canaryfan @JohnF - Norwich are definitely the form team on any reasonable measure. Both the Non-League Paper and the Foorball League Paper record form over the previous 6 games as is widely accepted. Doing that prior to today gave us

Norwich - 9 points. 1 defeat.
Southampton - 9 points but having lost 3 in a row.
WBA - 8 points. 3 defeats.
Leeds - 8 points. 3 defeats.

Take that back further if you like. Turn of the year seems a good moment. Norwich already up to 2nd out of the teams who finished in a play off place.

Leeds - 42 points.
Norwich - 38 points.
Southampton - 35 points.
WBA - 33 points.

Norwich became the form team by February and have retained that status for all bar one week since then.

John has maintained a steadfast but counterfactual and, from my perspective, unintentiomally funny insistence that this all falls on the brilliance of Sara and Sarjent and no fact will ever move him from that position.

I note in passing that they have played the last 3 games where John has become increasingly frustrated but the fat, useless non-running and absolutely non-influential Ashley Barnes missed most of those same games. Any relationship between those results, performances and his absence is of course as absolutely coincidental as the uptick in results in the prior 20 games where he did appear :slight_smile:

His likely absence from the semis may end Norwich season but we shall see.

All that said I’m sure we can all unite in congratulating Ipswich American owners whilst sniggering into our sleeves about they who own Birmingham City.

As a Blues fan of 60+ years I know we will be back but to be honest Im not sure if I want that to be back in the Premiership. The whole thing is so money driven and corrupt these days.


Don’t apologise.

I welcome the frison of local rivalry but loath the ridiculous hatred exhibited by fans of both teams. I am well aware that this is not confined to East Anglian supporters.

I witnessed some very unpleasant incidents at both Carrow and Portman Road whilst living in Norwich over forty years ago.

So it’s congratulations from me plus a good dose of jealousy!

Enjoy your evening & summer.


Be grateful you don’t live in south Hampshire!

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Many thanks CF - fine words, I’d expect nothing less. Like you I hate the ludicrous toxic tribalism but would welcome the derby in the prem next year. Good luck in the playoffs.

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But not too much……. LOL

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