For those tired of downsizing threads…

It’s the wife compromise :joy:

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Bedroom system. In my defence, I was trying to help my local dealer meet his quota. Did not achieve the desired result :sweat_smile:

Main system. Statement amps in the next room.


Wow nice systems … awesome dCS Vavaldi stacks … and is that a pair of Stella ?

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Which one has more boogie?

Yes they are. Took me years to break them in. Worth it but not to be repeated again.

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Bedroom system powers an ATC SCM19 smallish speakers so main system for the win. Otherwise, I would really be depressed to spend so much more for a less return :joy:


Top left.
Is that a 3in1 printer scanner?


:joy: :joy: :joy:

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The back has partially been removed but nothing seems to get over warm.

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I dream of your “bedroom” system for my main system. LOL. Awesome @joeling


After years of multi box systems, around 8 years ago, I decided that I didn’t want my house to look like a Hi Fi demonstration room anymore. So I switched to a Naim Uniti Nova and Core paired with some Pro-AC speakers. CDs were ripped to the Core and streaming has become the key source of music. The kit has been upgraded but just once. I find I now focus on the music rather than the equipment, perhaps I’ve reached my ‘nirvana’, not the sixties band but my state of mind. :grinning:



It just goes to show that musical enjoyment is the most important factor and you achieved this after the multi box approach. Nice result.

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Good for you Tim

Funny how we hear differently

I also went initially for the Nova and Core but the Nova was just a step too far backwards for me

Now have Core/nDAC/Nait 50 in mini system and it is wonderful

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It would be interesting if we could video record what and how our system sounds like and have a clearer pictures on how different naim sounds in different categories and also how it sounds like pairing w different makes and cabling , but I guess the house rules don’t allow it :sweat_smile:

Anyway ,enjoy !!!

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Nice set ups.

Quick question, what is this item, as I don’t recognise it?

Many thanks.


It’s a CD555.


Are there rules against posting your own recorded non profitable video say from YouTube here with your system playing?


Not very sure of that … don’t see lanyone has done any video posting of their system here … :thinking: should check with Richard …

@Richard.Dane … hi leader , are we allow to post our system playing video here ? Thanks

There have been video posts of people’s systems before, indeed there was once a “show us your video of your system” thread.