For those tired of downsizing threads…


Should this be included in the ‘The Best’ thread in lounge??

Possibly the best HiFi cleaning accessory??:thinking:

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There’s 5 very thin spaces here, all totally covered in dust and a tear-down is the only way to get rid, until now….?


I cannot stand dust, these work well

Great for cleaning the Fraim and all those awkward bits.


Great I need this … been thinking how to get off those dust !!! Thanks

And this too !!! Thanks , shall buy both :laughing:

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I have posted about them a couple or so times, but others have too. Glad you like them, I swear by them.

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The smaller blue one should get in there no problems, if not the yellow. Hope it proves useful to you.

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Far better imho to follow system threads pics - if you are strong willed of course.
Otherwise while your idea is well intentioned, the only system ‘to listen to’ is your own. I’m not caught by it, but weaknesses and dissatisfaction with individual systems, can be easily sown.
Right through Naim’s range, while individual units may have a characteristic, just a little different to the unit below and above, in hierarchy, what Naim does well and consistently, is PRaT across the range.
Individual preferences and indeed rooms make a significant contribution or hindrance, to different Naim sounds.
If of course you have deep pockets, then you can experiment.
A good dealer will always assist in achieving the best out of systems - why, because many of their customers will experiment, so they will have a starting point, of what does or will likely, work.

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Be a great shame, with your nice system if you don your hat and coat!
It will be a chance to use your bus pass, all that time rebuilding saved!
I similarly have four Fraim stacks and lots of green boxes. I rarely dissemble my system, just doing do this month - too much dust!
Long been eligible for a pass though - just very happy to stay on box count! Here’s to happy changes.

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I use a red flat duster - I fear it may be impacting the sound.
I will have to see how the blue and yellow performs!

Oh dear lord no!
NEVER use the red one. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Don’t you have to use red for low frequency dust and blue for the higher?

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Red for 500 systems. Blue for everything else. That’s what I was told by Lakeland. :wink:

The dusters represent a choice between remaining in a state of blissful ignorance (blue) or accepting a painful reality (red). Like I said earlier, NEVER use the red one. As for the yellow one, I believe it is more neutral, and therefore safer to use. It’s certainly my preference. :+1::notes:


Thanks Dan, so I can use red on 5* and I have to find a blue one for the NAP300DRs / SCaps / Superline - well that supports the underlying ethos of this thread, multi dusters are now de rigour for the multi boxes!


Graeme I just looked on big river - the red one I have, now comes in grey - do I need one of those for my Linn Radikal box ps for TT?
Yikes all this multi, this, that….who gets in first with the next item that is needed to support multi boxes? Try this….as a thought.

Any system pics hence forth, with wonderful multi box systems, are required to feature multi coloured socks.
Since I am not at home, I can offer this - fresh - for tomorrow’s dog walk - 11m done today!

Naim stuff, so use the “green” one !

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@Graeme is right. Hence painful red for 500 systems. Accepting that you need a Statement to improve upon what you have.

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Statement use white dusters as you know you have gone to heaven! Or red again if you are not sure you made it!

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