For those tired of downsizing threads…

Impressive… shame we can’t have a demo online…

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Plenty of green-glowing boxes (and others) in my listening room…I am, however, looking (listening?) very seriously at…downsizing. The closer I get to 60, the less appetite I seem to have for all this ‘stuff’ and the maintenance needed to keep it sounding at its best. And stripping down Fraim twice a year for cleaning etc. has very much lost its appeal. So, as long as I can find the right way to downsize, I expect I will.




I came to the same conclusion.


OK. That’s something I can’t unread…

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Does it really need to be done though? I’ve never stripped mine down, just occasionally check the cables.


Never stripped, never streamed. I occasionally blow the dust off a stylus. whoosh! :grinning:


This feels psychological rather than essential?


I guess my environmental leaning is out the door on that one :wink:

My one follow question on that would be. If one is to keep the Naim units on continuously with the 272 muted while not using the Hifi what does one do with my source equipment (i.e. OPPO, Rega P6 PS)? While I was setting up the stack, I thought I remember the sequencing in the Naim manuals as:
On - Source (OPPO, Rega, XPS which also turns on 272) followed by the 250.
Off - the reverse of above.

I guess, I can leave my amp and xps on continuously if that’s what’s recommended and mute the 272 but I would not want to leave my source equipment on when not in use. So should I assume muting the 272 will allow me to safely turn off the Oppo and Rega without impacting the Naim units?


It’s your decision @Woody. I keep my sources powered up all the time: Linn LP12 with phono stage and Lingo 1 on all time.

If you want them off or all your Naim equipment off it’s up to you. Are you using your system daily?

It’s cheaper to keep your system off when not in use but will take longer before it sounds it’s best.

I don’t know what Rega and Oppo recommend, on or off.

Seven boxes here as well


…And eight here, albeit lower spec.


Lovely setup there Ian. Great photo too :+1:

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Another five here


Only one here for the moment


It’s a learning experience for me Dan so i am here to be educated on the nuances of Hifi.

I guess, another thing to consider is the impact on the Airlink step up transformer that both the XPS DR and 250DR are powered by.

I would say my system gets 3-5 hours a play a day.

I could ask Rega and OPPO their opinions.

The XPS DR, 250 DR and 272 are brand new. Unboxed them last week.

I don’t plan to go much further into purchasing any new pieces for the foreseeable future but if I was to buy one piece what would it be that I would see a vey noticeable improvement?



You have a great set up there. Are they Focal Aria 936s? I have those in my consevatory. Your electronics are all good. Better speakers will make a big difference. I swapped in Focal Sopra 2s and they made a big difference in my system.

A better turntable such as Rega Plana 10 would upgrade your source.

But your system should be really good as it is. Are you happy with it? Upgrading kit often leads to chasing something that can’t be found. Each upgrade yields improvements but where do you stop?

Also if you leave it switched off can you tell the difference between leaving it on all the time and turning it off between listening sessions? Some turn they off amp on and off and leave the rest on.

Naim recommend leaving on. My previous phonostage manufacturer recommended leaving on. But as always teial and error and personal decisions.

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I found SL better in a hifi sense but in my room the top end was too much, and I was relieved to return to HL

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I guess it depends on your tolerance of dust!

Mine is low, and I have yet to find any tool/method that allows a regular, thorough clean under the components, under the glass and at the rear of the shelves. Over time, the dust build-up in those places reaches a point where it bothers me, so I strip it down and clean it. All the cable connections get remade several times to clean them too and I always feel the system sounds better after I’ve done it.



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I’ve been using these for years and not felt the need to strip down the system for the sake of a clean. Available from Amazon and Lakeland, probably other places too. Flatmate long flat duster.


I have these, someone here posted about them, maybe you. They are brilliant.