For those tired of downsizing threads…

By the way. Your system looks fantastic!!

Or actually the entire room looks fantastic!!


Me, I guess. I’ve been called a prude on here recently, and now sensitive. At least it appears both me and the anti-defamation league are in the same bucket as far as that acronym is concerned.

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Hah. Fair enough.

There’s probably a song out there for both of us to enjoy today. Happy listening.

I was going to post earlier on how amazing your system/room looks.

As for disparaging comments, I came to the realization if a comment comes from someone I don’t know or matters not to me……….

And its great your entire family enjoys your setup!


Never, ever, allow others to determine what or how your system should look or be situated, what should be included or excluded, its your system and you enjoy it, that is all that matters.

For what it’s worth I think it looks great, enjoy the music.


It would be completely wrong for anyone to dictate how someone should set up their system and hopefully that’s never happened, and with people having free will I’m not sure it’s possible anyway.

Over the years people have given well meaning advice on system setup, and it’s something I’ve done myself. People receiving that advice are perfectly free to follow it or ignore it as they wish.

I’d hate to think that some sort of culture war was breaking out on the forum. People use the particularly silly term stacking police and all it achieves is confrontation. I’d like to think that whatever system anyone has, whether it be one box or twenty boxes, it’s equally valid and neither is considered better. Nobody should feel threatened by those who make a different choice, and nobody should try to prevent people from giving advice on how to get the best from our systems. We’ve spent good money, we all (I assume) love music, and it’s got to be a good thing that we all want others to get the best sound at home that they can.


There’s a very easy way round all this.

  1. Don’t offer advice unless it’s asked for. A lot of the threads on here are “Show us your system/purchase/etc.” Let’s not then pick the offerings apart.
  2. Feel free to ask a question about how someone’s system works/sounds. Who knows, we may learn something ourselves!

Couldn’t agree more :+1:


That’s nicely put.

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If any of us post on here then we should expect that others will comment. I see no harm in anyone pointing out that changing the stacking order on a rack(s) may be better or moving speakers away from a corner etc.

As long as it is intended as a constructive comment then what does it matter? We all choose whether we take the advice or not. I don’t think it is worth getting hung up on it at all.

When I look at responses to my own comments or threads I see all sorts of answers, some relevant, some less so, some helpful or informative and everything in between. If I see something I don’t like I just move on to the next comment. Life’s too short!


Although we have downsized, I do like to see pictures of Hi-Fi systems, big or small.

Having run a multiple stack system for many years, if I can answer a query based on my experience, I will try to do so.

Keep the pictures coming.



Is that a Prather Made record console? Lovely people and craftsmanship.

We all look forward to your future posts then :sunglasses:


Snuck behind the sofa in the Cinema room, I can no longer get this style of rack which is a shame I have another XPS-2 to add into the mix and a spare 135 if I ever get to explore the Cremona centre and see if its possible to Bi-amp


Can HIFi Racks UK not do something bespoke?

Since I started this thread I am somewhat surprised at how many forum members have multibox systems.
I suspect that with recent discussions of downsizing of systems, some of us were questioning our complex systems and maybe questioning our reasoning for owning said systems.
There is a comfort in seeing we are not alone in our desire for multiple boxes with power supplies, etc. Sort of a justifcation of our obsession if you will…
I think we can all agree that whether one has a Nova with speakers or a 9 box active system we can all derive the SAME level of musical enjoyment from either extreme. Most of us can also agree that owning Naim Audio components is a great choice whether NC, OC, Olive, CB.
Thanks for all those who contributed to this thread. I have enjoyed reading all the responses.
ps. 2 555 ps on an ND555 really is a great upgrade :wink:


6 boxes and that’s enough. I don’t want a second stack. I think I’m right that I can get another shelf though? Naim recommend a max. of 6?
I’m still not sure where to put the TT. I quite like it on the Mouseman table, you can hear the squeaks :joy:


David, thanks for being the op on an interesting thread.

While I started out long, long ago with the likely aim of active across two stacks of fraim, streaming then wasn’t even an option and I’m not prone to upgrade unless many factors come together.

With the announcement of Ovator speakers being discontinued, I bought a pair and took them active with the NAPs with which they were voiced, taking it onto four stacks of fraim. Around the same time with FM in uk continuing, I added a mint Nat01 - with a ps yet another box (02 replacement).

In parallel with this thread, are the threads about the new NC boxes. A long way off, but I am heartened that when the times comes, to downsize home wise, from limited listening, a single stack of fraim with 3 series will be a nice satisfactory option for the distant future.

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Thanks, S-H
I am glad this thread has been useful for many
I had a 01 for many years - a CB 01 converted to basically a new Olive 01 by Naim over 25 yrs ago.
Loved it but only few FM stations of use, so sold it and now I stream 100% and Naim has so many radio stations that I really do not miss the 01. Still an iconic Naim product.
Do you stream?

Yes that’s in part why it all goes across four stacks.

We are in agreement. Music when dog walking for the day has been undertaken (not a chore of course). S-H in the pic, sadly long gone but the next, while v different is a worthy replacement, I just haven’t changed the pic!
Local stream via US SSD, Qobuz and iRadio, usually radio paradise or sector progressive.
Nat 01 with a good aerial and signal, just, imho, achieves a sound I prefer that is different rather than better than Beeb streamed. National streamed radio has a slight timing delay in the uk, so time signals are off - so avoided.
Recently acquired a Nat02 for my second system, for the same reasons.