For those tired of downsizing threads…

Sorry i didn’t want to start a new thread so a quick question please :wink:

I have to admit the 272 screen is very small and when sitting on the couch it’s not that easy to read. Is there anything in the set up that you can increase the size of the print or has anyone come up with a solution?

Otherwise I will continue to squint or get a pair of binoculars.

In a word, no. You’re best setting the 272 screen to off, to preserve its life. All the info you need is there on the app anyway.

Absolutely. Even though I’m now down to one box and active speakers, I love seeing the amazing multi-box setups on this thread. There are many roads to musical nirvana and life is much more interesting if different folk take different paths.


Just finished to sort out this Fraim stack with new legs, i will eventually add another level on the right whenever a CDX2 PSU Will come in


Sounds good. Will do.

Just curious. Although it’s brand new it’s better to do so and what are the issues down the road if not?

That’s confused me; you say the 272 is new but it’s been discontinued for quite a while. Anyway, the screen will very likely eventually fade to nothing and turning it off will greatly extend its life.

The screen on my ND5 XS was still going strong (perfect even) after 8 years. I suspect this was due to my having it always set to switch off after a short time.

Maybe the screen is a new one?

@Woody my replacement UQ1 screen is configured to auto off, it will definitely help prolong the life of the screen if you do so, as HH and MrFixit say

[edit for Woody, the screens are OLED based, if you Google “OLED degradation” there’s lots of information out there about what causes it, and screen life estimates. Keeping the screen off should help prolong its life and mean you don’t have to replace it again for some time]

Evidently not, I did speak to them and it seems no real interest. I am thinking of getting 2 18mm oak veneered birch ply and then sandwich felt around the edges (so centre something like OB-1 damped adhere and the centre of the edges 3mm or 6mm felt sand make 3 or 4 shelves from on sheet cut to size. Then I can make fixings for the Hi-Fi racks legs

Long story short. I bought the new 272 in 2018-2019 along with a XPS and 250 on the plan of moving home (Tipperary- long way, 96 miles from Dublin). Covid put a temporary stop to all of that.

Finally, I thought this is crazy 3 brand new unboxed units sitting unused in Ireland. Brought them back this Christmas. Set them up 3 weeks ago with dedicated wiring and temporarily running on a step up transformer until November.

I will do as yourself/2 others suggested and set the screen to off. I had no idea that the display would potentially fade over time- interesting/concerning. It’s not true of any other audio brands I have or hasn’t happened yet. Bored one day I will look into the science of that.

Anything else I should know of the 272 :wink:

Thanks for all the good advice. Appreciate it.


Thanks for that, I remember now you asking about taking them to the US. The screen problem is because of how they are made and it applies to all the original Unitis and the 172 and 272. I have a feeling that the later 272s may have slightly more robust screens, but I wouldn’t risk it without asking Naim. You could always mail them with the serial number to check, as it would be a shame to have the screen off if you don’t need to.

As to 272 tips, turn off unused inputs via the app. It may sound better, but it certainly makes the app sources area a lot neater.

Thanks for that information. I had no idea. Learning something new every day from the site when I post a question.


I will give Naim a call. Their staff are like no other. Always a pleasure to talk too.

Upsized from a Uniti Qute2 to this lot over 10 years :flushed:. Sounds pretty good.


You’ve got a way to go yet Mike until you reach Nirvana :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::joy::joy:

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Good to see another pair of Sonus Faber Pryma headphones - I have a pair in Coffee and Cream (though the box says Carbon Masala😏).

IMO they look great, are comfy and sound good for what was a reasonably sensible price.

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You mentioned a speaker change Graeme?

Don’t worry @stuart.ashen, I still love my sibbles and will never part with them. The problem as you will no doubt know is they hint at, and promise some decent bass but never quite deliver. I’m simply curious about looking at other speakers to find out if they deliver what I think I crave.

However, if I have to sacrifice the wonderful things about sibbles to get what I’m looking for, then it’s a no deal situation. So I’m looking for sibbles that deliver bass, if that’s even possible. I’ve heard more a few times that the Kudos 606’s are the natural successor to sibbles and the isobaric arrangement within delivers bass with only a tiny loss of speed. We’ll see!

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How similar?…
I also have Uniti Serve tucked away too.


It IS! I agree totally!

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My UnitiQute2 was packed away for 2 1/2 years. The screen worked fine when I boxed it up, but now it’s dead.

No real consequence for me, as I dont think there’s anything I need to do that I can’t do from the app. Including updating it, which I did just a couple of days ago.